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Configuring Centralized Pipeline Management


Configuring Centralized Pipeline Management


To configure centralized pipeline management:

  1. Verify that you are using a license that includes the pipeline management feature.

    For more information, see and License management.

  2. Specify configuration management settings in the logstash.yml file. At a minimum, set:

    • true to enable centralized configuration management.
    • to specify the Elasticsearch instance that will store the Logstash pipeline configurations and metadata.
    • to register the pipelines that you want to centrally manage.
  3. Restart Logstash.
  4. If your Elasticsearch cluster is protected with basic authentication, assign the built-in logstash_admin role as well as the logstash_writer role to any users who will use centralized pipeline management. See Configuring Security for more information.

Centralized management is disabled until you configure and enable security features.

After you’ve configured Logstash to use centralized pipeline management, you can no longer specify local pipeline configurations. This means that the pipelines.yml file and settings like path.config and config.string are inactive when this feature is enabled.

Configuration Management Settings in Logstash


You can set the following settings in logstash.yml to enable centralized pipeline management. For more information about configuring Logstash, see logstash.yml.

The following example shows basic settings that assume Elasticsearch and Kibana are installed on the localhost with basic AUTH enabled, but no SSL. If you’re using SSL, you need to specify additional SSL settings. true "http://localhost:9200/" logstash_admin_user t0p.s3cr3t 5s ["apache", "cloudwatch_logs"]
Set to true to enable X-Pack centralized configuration management for Logstash.
How often the Logstash instance polls for pipeline changes from Elasticsearch. The default is 5s.
Specify a comma-separated list of pipeline IDs to register for centralized pipeline management. After changing this setting, you need to restart Logstash to pick up changes. Pipeline IDs support * as a wildcard for matching multiple IDs
The Elasticsearch instance that will store the Logstash pipeline configurations and metadata. This might be the same Elasticsearch instance specified in the outputs section in your Logstash configuration, or a different one. Defaults to http://localhost:9200. and
If your Elasticsearch cluster is protected with basic authentication, these settings provide the username and password that the Logstash instance uses to authenticate for accessing the configuration data. The username you specify here should have the built-in logstash_admin role and the customized logstash_writer role, which provides access to system indices for managing configurations. Starting with Elasticsearch version 7.10.0, the logstash_admin role inherits the manage_logstash_pipelines cluster privilege for centralized pipeline management. If a user has created their own roles and granted them access to the .logstash index, those roles will continue to work in 7.x but will need to be updated for 8.0.
Optional setting that allows you to specify a proxy URL if Logstash needs to use a proxy to reach your Elasticsearch cluster.
Optional setting that enables you to specify a path to the .pem file for the certificate authority for your Elasticsearch instance.
Optional setting that provides the path to the Java keystore (JKS) to validate the server’s certificate.
Optional setting that provides the password to the truststore.
Optional setting that provides the path to the Java keystore (JKS) to validate the client’s certificate.
Optional setting that provides the password to the keystore.
If you’re using Elasticsearch in Elastic Cloud, you should specify the identifier here. This setting is an alternative to If cloud_id is configured, should not be used. This Elasticsearch instance will store the Logstash pipeline configurations and metadata.
If you’re using Elasticsearch in Elastic Cloud, you can set your auth credentials here. This setting is an alternative to both and If cloud_auth is configured, those settings should not be used. The credentials you specify here should be for a user with the logstash_admin role, which provides access to system indices for managing configurations.
Authenticate using an Elasticsearch API key. Note that this option also requires using SSL. The API key Format is id:api_key where id and api_key are as returned by the Elasticsearch Create API key API.

Wildcard support in pipeline ID


Pipeline IDs must begin with a letter or underscore and contain only letters, underscores, dashes, and numbers. You can use * in to match any number of letters, underscores, dashes, and numbers. ["*logs", "*apache*", "tomcat_log"]

In this example, "*logs" matches all IDs ending in logs. "*apache*" matches any IDs with apache in the name.

Wildcard in pipeline IDs is available starting with Elasticsearch 7.10. Logstash can pick up new pipeline without a restart if the new pipeline ID matches the wildcard pattern.

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