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Logstash 7.14.0 Release Notes


Logstash 7.14.0 Release Notes


New features and enhancements


Elastic Agent input plugin


The Logstash Elastic Agent input plugin is now available to coincide with Elastic Agent’s general availability. The new plugin is based on the Beats input plugin, and will seem familiar to users who have been using the Beats input.

Elastic Enterprise Search integration


The new Elastic Workplace Search plugin is available as part of the Elastic Enterprise Search integration and is bundled with Logstash 7.14.0. The output plugins in this integration send events from Logstash to Elastic Enterprise Search.

MaxMind GeoIP database changes


MaxMind, the company that provides the GeoIP databases that Logstash uses, has changed their licensing. Logstash has made changes to the core product and the GeoIP filter plugin to support these changes and to help you manage your geoip databases and updates. See Database License and Database Auto-update for more details.

Geoip database metrics are now available in /node/stats API.

aarch64 (ARM64) support


Aarch64 (ARM64) support for 64-bit ARM architectures is now generally available (GA) with the same set of distributions as x86_64. Check out the Logstash download page to download the latest.

Progress toward Elastic Common Schema (ECS)


In this release, we’ve made more Logstash plugins compatible with the Elastic Common Schema (ECS):

When a pipeline defined in Logstash Central Management in Kibana provides either pipeline.ordered or pipeline.ecs_compatibility, those settings are now propagated to the pipeline #12861

Check out our progress toward ECS compatibility in github issue #11635.

Performance improvements and notable issues fixed

  • GeoIP DatabaseManager has been updated to ensure that only one instance manages the database and one scheduler downloads the database to prevent duplicate download. #12862
  • Geoip database metrics are available in /node/stats API #13004
  • Fix: Windows logstash.bat not setting exit code #12948
  • Fix to log4j configuration issue that prevented the rollover of logstash-plain.log when the log per pipeline (pipeline.separate_logs) is enabled. Fixes #12921. #12964

Updates to dependencies

  • Update bundled JDK to 11.0.11+9 #12881
  • Update JRuby to #12989



Csv Filter - 3.1.1

  • Refactor: unified ECS target + validate field reference #86
  • Add ECS support #85
  • [DOC] Fixed formatting to improve readability #84

Fingerprint Filter - 3.3.2

  • [DOC] Clarify behavior when key is set #65.
  • Force encoding to UTF-8 when concatenating sources to generate fingerprint #64
  • Add ECS compatibility #62

Geoip Filter - 7.2.2

  • [DOC] Add documentation for database auto-update behavior and database metrics #187
  • Republish the gem due to missing jars in 7.2.0 #186

Json Filter - 3.2.0

  • Feat: check target is set in ECS mode #49
  • Refactor: logging improvements to print event details in debug mode

Useragent Filter - 3.3.1

  • Fix: invalid 3.3.0 release which did not package correctly #71
  • Feat: support ECS mode when setting UA fields #68
  • Fix: capture os major version + update UA regexes #69
  • Plugin no longer sets the [build] UA version field which is not implemented and was always "".
  • Fix: target => [field] configuration, which wasn’t working previously

Azure_event_hubs Input - 1.3.0

  • Add EventHub user properties in @metadata object #66

Beats Input - 6.1.6

  • [DOC] Applied more attributes to manage plugin name in doc content, and implemented conditional text processing. #423

File Input - 4.3.1

  • Add extra safety to chown call in atomic_write, avoiding plugin crashes and falling back to a non_atomic_write in the event of failure #295
  • Refactor: unify event updates to happen in one place #297
  • Test: Actually retry tests on RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError and retry instead of relying on timeout #297
  • Add ECS Compatibility Mode #291

Http Input - 3.4.1

  • Changed jar dependencies to reflect newer versions #140
  • Add ECS support, mapping Http header to ECS compatible fields #137

Redis Input - 3.7.0

  • Fix: better (Redis) exception handling #89
  • Test: start running integration specs on CI

S3 Input - 3.7.0

  • Add ECS support. #228
  • Fix missing file in cutoff time change. #224

Tcp Input - 6.2.0

  • Added ECS Compatibility Mode #165
  • When operating in an ECS Compatibility mode, metadata about the connection on which we are receiving data is nested in well-named fields under [@metadata][input][tcp] instead of at the root level.
  • Fix: source address is no longer missing when a proxy is present
  • Changed jar dependencies to reflect newer versions #179
  • Feat: improve SSL error logging/unwrapping #178
  • Fix: the plugin will no longer have a side effect of adding the Bouncy-Castle security provider at runtime

Jdbc Integration - 5.1.4

  • [DOC] Update filter-jdbc_static doc to describe ECS compatibility #79
  • Improve robustness when handling errors from sequel library in jdbc static and streaming filters #78
  • Fix prepared_statement_bind_values in streaming filter to resolve nested event’s fields #76
  • [DOC] Changed docs to indicate that logstash-jdbc-static requires local_table #56. Fixes #55.
  • Added target option to JDBC input, allowing the row columns to target a specific field instead of being expanded at the root of the event. This allows the input to play nicer with the Elastic Common Schema when the input does not follow the schema. #69
  • Added target to JDBC filter static local_lookups to verify it is properly valued when ECS is enabled. #71

Elastic_enterprise_search Integration - 2.1.2

  • New for 7.14.0

Kafka Integration - 10.8.1

  • [DOC] Removed a setting recommendation that is no longer applicable for Kafka 2.0+ #99
  • Added config setting to enable schema registry validation to be skipped when an authentication scheme unsupported by the validator is used #97
  • Fix: Correct the settings to allow basic auth to work properly, either by setting schema_registry_key/secret or embedding username/password in the url #94

Rabbitmq Integration - 7.3.0

  • Refactor: logging improvements #47

    • integrated MarchHare logging to be part of Logstash’s log instead of using std-err
    • normalized logging format on (Ruby) errors

Ecs_compatibility_support Mixin - 1.3.0

  • Feat: introduce a target check helper #6