APM version 8.5

APM version 8.5.3

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Bug fixes
  • OpenTelemetry GRPC Spans from the Javascript API/SDK/Instrumentations are now correctly transformed into transactions with type=request 9308
APM version 8.5.2

This release includes an important APM Server bug fix. Users running APM Server with Tail Sampling enabled in version >=8.3.0 and above should upgrade immediately.

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Bug fixes
  • Fix Tail Sampling OOM issues when storage limit is reached 9583
  • Null APM agent configuration entries are now treated as empty, and will not cause the server to exit with an error 9546
APM version 8.5.1

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Bug fixes
  • Set error.id for OpenTelemetry exception span events 9327
  • Add an apm-server user to /etc/passwd in the Docker images 9496
APM version 8.5.0

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Known issue

Due to a recent change in the Red Hat scan verification process, this version of APM Server is not available in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. This bug will be fixed in the next release. Please use the Elastic docker registry to download the 8.5.0 APM Server image.

Breaking Changes
  • event.action is no longer recorded for OTLP logs, due to breaking OTLP changes 8765
  • Experimental support for ingesting profile data has been removed 8911
  • process.ppid has been renamed to process.parent.pid for alignment with ECS 8783
Bug fixes
  • Set message instead of labels.event for Jaeger span events 8765
  • Reach full support (still technical preview) for Java agent auto attachment on Linux by allowing attachment to a JVM of any user 8803
  • The OTLP/HTTP handlers now support gzip and deflate compression 9067
  • The Fleet integration now applies source maps correctly when they have been uploaded with a relative bundle_filepath 9082
  • Dynamically map all simple numerical metrics as double, to avoid mapping conflicts 8868
  • Fix data stream migration ingest pipeline, upgrading old observer.* and process.ppid fields 9095
  • Fix ordering of processors to ensure host.hostname is set consistently in aggregated metrics 8983
Intake API Changes
  • Add a new async boolean query parameter (intake/v2/events?async=<true|false>). When set to true, the batch will be processed asynchronously if the APM Server can service the incoming request immediately, otherwise a "503 queue is full" error will be returned 8979
  • [preview] This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. Add logs support to v2 intake API 9068
  • Set a default User-Agent field value when making HTTP requests 8758
  • OTLP support updated to opentelemetry-collector v0.56.0 8765
  • Map additional fields from mobile agents 8784
  • Include global labels to the transaction metric dimensions 8839
  • Add an experimental integration of the Profiling collection agent gRPC service 9005
  • Clarify tail-based sampling storage limit reached errors 9085
  • Added support for new OTel JVM metric names, as changed in OTel Java SDK v1.13.0 8777
  • [preview] This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. Added technical preview of aggregated service metrics 8607