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Custom sources indexing API reference


Custom sources indexing API reference


This is a technical API reference. Refer to the Custom API sources for a conceptual walkthrough.

In this API reference


Custom source API endpoints and operations


The Custom Source API supports traditional RESTful operations:

Creating or updating a document:

POST /api/ws/v1/sources/[ID]/documents/bulk_create

Deleting a document:

POST /api/ws/v1/sources/[ID]/documents/bulk_destroy

Authenticating requests with the custom source API


Workplace Search APIs support multiple methods of authentication.

For simplicity, the examples from this page use admin auth tokens.

The auth_token is your private API key. The id is used to identify which Custom Source for which documents will be indexed, updated or deleted.

curl -X POST http://localhost:3002/api/ws/v1/sources/[ID]/documents/bulk_create \
-H "Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '

Create a new Custom Source or navigate to the Details area of an existing Custom Source from the Workplace Search administrative dashboard to locate the access token and content source ID.

The auth_token is shared amongst all custom sources. The id value is a unique identifier for each Custom Source.

Schema management and configuration


Every Custom Source has its own unique schema, allowing you to create document repositories that truly represent the nature of the information you want your team to access via Workplace Search. Read the Custom API sources guide for a walkthrough of the process.

The following guidelines may help you create a maintainable and scalable schema:

  1. A Custom Source schema can be configured with up to 64 fields.
  2. Always index new fields as the same type as existing documents.

    • eg. An existing date field should not receive geolocation data.
  3. Arrays are supported, but nested field objects are not supported.
  4. Fields cannot be deleted once they have been created.
  5. Reserved fields can not be created:

    • external_id
    • source
    • content_source_id
    • updated_at
    • last_updated
    • highlight
    • any, all, none, or, and, not
    • engine_id
    • _allow_permissions and _deny_permissions
  6. A field name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.

Schema data types


Custom Source fields can be one of four different types:

text Fields


Text fields are at the heart of search. They are analyzed fields and are used for full-text matching in information retrieval. Any group of characters or text that you want to search over should be text.

Example: A description of an object, the name of a product, the content of a review.

text is the default type for all new fields.

number Fields


number fields represent a single-precision, floating-point value (32 bits): 3.14 or 42.

Number fields enable fine grained sorting, filtering, faceting, and boosting.

(If you need to represent a larger number, consider a text field as a workaround.)

Example: A price, a review score, the number of visitors, or a size.

date Fields


Dates must be in ISO 8601 format, i.e. "2013-02-27T18:09:19Z" or "2013-02-27T17:09:19+01:00".

Example: A product release or publish date, birth date, an air date.

geolocation Fields


Geolocation fields are latitude-longitude pairs, representing locations.

Examples: A store where a product is located; the location of a venue.

Specify a geolocation using any of the following formats:

"location": "41.12,-71.34" 

"location": "drm3btev3e86" 

"location": [ -71.34, 41.12 ] 

"location" : "POINT (-71.34 41.12)" 

Geo-point expressed as a string with the format: "lat,lon"

Geo-point expressed as a geohash

Geo-point expressed as an array with the format: [ lon, lat]

Geo-point expressed as a well-known text POINT with the format: "POINT(lon lat)"

For more details, see Geo-point field type in the Elasticsearch documentation. However, be aware Enterprise Search supports fewer formats than Elasticsearch. Enterprise Search supports only the formats shown above.

Indexing and updating documents


Index new objects into a Custom Source or update existing documents.

Request limits: Maximum 100 documents per request

POST /api/ws/v1/sources/[ID]/documents/bulk_create



Unique ID for a Custom Source, provided upon creation of a Custom Source.



Must be included in HTTP authorization headers.



ID unique to a document used to identify, modify or delete the record at a later time. If you do not provide an id, a BSON id will be created for you. Learn more about document IDs with the Workplace Search API reference.



Optional for document-level permissions. When a value is set within a document, only users with a matching permission will be able to view it.



Optional for document-level permissions. When a value is set within a document, users with the matching permission will be unable to view it. Read the Document permissions for custom sources to learn more.

curl -X POST http://localhost:3002/api/ws/v1/sources/[ID]/documents/bulk_create \
-H "Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '[
    "_allow_permissions": ["permission1"],
    "_deny_permissions": [],
    "id" : 1234,
    "title" : "The Meaning of Time",
    "body" : "Not much. It is a made up thing.",
    "url" : "",
    "created_at": "2019-06-01T12:00:00+00:00",
    "type": "list"
    "_allow_permissions": [],
    "_deny_permissions": ["permission2"],
    "id" : 1235,
    "title" : "The Meaning of Sleep",
    "body" : "Rest, recharge, and connect to the Ether.",
    "url" : "",
    "created_at": "2019-06-01T12:00:00+00:00",
    "type": "list"
    "_allow_permissions": ["permission1"],
    "_deny_permissions": ["permission2"],
    "id" : 1236,
    "title" : "The Meaning of Life",
    "body" : "Be excellent to each other.",
    "url" : "",
    "created_at": "2019-06-01T12:00:00+00:00",
    "type": "list"
  "results": [
      "id": "1234",
      "errors": []
      "id": "1235",
      "errors": []
      "id": "1236",
      "errors": []

Deleting documents


Deleting documents by ID


Remove documents by ID from a Custom Source.

POST /api/ws/v1/sources/[ID]/documents/bulk_destroy



Unique ID for a Custom source, provided upon creation of a Custom Source.



Must be included in HTTP authorization headers.



An array of IDs associated to documents to delete.

curl -X POST http://localhost:3002/api/ws/v1/sources/[ID]/documents/bulk_destroy \
-H "Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '[
  results: [

Deleting all documents


Remove all documents from a Custom Source.

DELETE /api/ws/v1/sources/[ID]/documents



Unique ID for a Custom source, provided upon creation of a Custom Source.



Must be included in HTTP authorization headers.

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:3002/api/ws/v1/sources/[ID]/documents \
-H "Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]"
  "total" : 234,
  "deleted" : 234,
  "failures" : []

Understanding document IDs


Each document within a content source must have a unique id. If you do not provide an id, a BSON id will be created for you. Two documents in two separate content sources may have the same id.

You can update existing documents by issuing a POST request to an existing id.

If the id does not exist, a new document is created. It is up to you to maintain the integrity of your id for each document within each Custom API Source.

We recommend that you avoid SHAs or any identifier derived from the content of a document. Any modification of the original data will alter the value, making it difficult to identify the document in the search index. This can lead to record duplication.

Synchronizing document-level permissions for custom sources


Custom sources allow you to define at the document-level which user may or may not access the result as part of the search experience. Two reserved fields (_allow_permissions and _deny_permissions) accept array-type values. Using proper user mapping, you can generate sophisticated document access controls.

Deny permissions take precedence.

Read more in the Document permissions for custom sources guide.