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Troubleshooting errors during content source sync


Troubleshooting errors during content source sync


It is possible to download diagnostics data about the content source and its recently completed sync jobs. There is a button to do that on content source’s Settings page:

Downloading diagnostics data.
Figure 139. Downloading diagnostics data

The data is available in JSON format. It contains some general diagnostics information, and then more detailed information for the 3 most recent sync jobs of every type. For every job, this may include:

  1. Date and time of creation
  2. Date and time of completion
  3. Duration
  4. Status
  5. Fatal exception
  6. Error reason
  7. Number of total document errors that happened during sync
  8. Detailed information on 20 last document errors


  "general": {
    "version": {
      "number": "7.13.0",
      "build_hash": "abc",
      "build_date": null
    "elasticsearchVersion": "7.11.0"
  "source": {
    "id": "xyz",
    "serviceType": "confluence_server",
    "name": "Confluence (Server)",
    "context": "organization",
    "dlpEnabled": false,
    "recentJobs": {
      "full": [
          "createdAt": "2021-03-05T19:14:59Z",
          "status": "complete",
          "fatalException": {
	      "friendly_message": "Exceeded maximum consecutive errors",
	      "stack_trace": "/path/to/code/class_x.rb:5\nfrom /path/to/code/class_y.rb:10\nfrom /path/to/code/class_z.rb:15",
	      "id": "ade324cdfef",
	      "message": "Exceeded maximum consecutive errors - saw 11 errors in a row. Tripped by - RuntimeError: Oh snap, Document id:aeTpgRLAIiAAAAAAAAAAfQ is bad news",
	      "class": "Connectors::MaxSuccessiveErrorsExceededError"
          "errorReason": null,
          "completedAt": "2021-03-05T19:15:09Z",
          "durationSeconds": 10,
          "documentErrorCount": 0,
          "documentErrors": []
      "incremental": [
          "createdAt": "2021-03-05T19:14:52Z",
          "status": "error",
          "fatalException": null,
          "errorReason": null,
          "completedAt": "2021-03-05T19:14:56Z",
          "durationSeconds": 4,
          "documentErrorCount": 1,
          "documentErrors": [
              "error_id": "6077220e4993c817",
	            "error_class": "ExampleError",
              "error_message": "Could not extract document",
              "stack_trace": "/path/to/code/class_x.rb:5\nfrom /path/to/code/class_y.rb:10\nfrom /path/to/code/class_z.rb:15"
      "delete": [
          "createdAt": "2021-03-05T19:20:36Z",
          "status": "complete",
          "fatalException": null,
          "errorReason": null,
          "completedAt": "2021-03-05T19:20:42Z",
          "durationSeconds": 6,
          "documentErrorCount": 0,
          "documentErrors": []
    "oauthTokenAgeSeconds": 50000,
    "oauthScopes": null
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