Alexander WertMiguel Luna

Introducing Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector

We are thrilled to announce the technical preview of the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector. This new offering underscores Elastic dedication to this important framework and highlights our ongoing contributions to make OpenTelemetry the best vendor agnostic data collection framework.

Introducing Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector

OpenTelemetry is an open-source framework that ensures vendor-agnostic data collection, providing a standardized approach for the collection, processing, and ingestion of observability data. Elastic is fully committed to this principle, aiming to make observability truly vendor-agnostic and eliminating the need for users to reinstrument their observability when switching platforms.

Over the past year, Elastic has made several notable contributions to the OpenTelemetry ecosystem. We donated our Elastic Common Schema (ECS) to OpenTelemetry, successfully integrated the eBPF-based profiling agent, and have consistently been one of the top contributing companies across the OpenTelemetry project. Additionally, Elastic has significantly improved upstream logging capabilities within OpenTelemetry with enhancements to key areas such as container logging, further enhancing the framework’s robustness. 

These efforts demonstrate our strategic focus on enhancing and expanding the capabilities of OpenTelemetry for the broader observability community and reinforce the vendor-agnostic benefits of using OpenTelemetry.

Today, we are thrilled to announce the technical preview of the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector. This new offering underscores Elastic’s dedication to this important framework and highlights our ongoing contributions to make OpenTelemetry the best vendor agnostic data collection framework.

Elastic Agent as an OpenTelemetry Collector

Technically, the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector represents an evolution of the Elastic Agent. In its latest version, the Elastic Agent can operate in an OpenTelemetry mode. This mode invokes a module within the Elastic Agent which is essentially a distribution of the OpenTelemetry collector. It is crafted using a selection of upstream components from the contrib distribution.

The Elastic OpenTelemetry Collector also includes configuration for this set of upstream OpenTelemetry Collector components, providing out-of-the-box functionality with Elastic Observability. This integration allows users to seamlessly utilize Elastic’s advanced observability features with minimal setup.

The technical preview version of the Elastic OpenTelemetry Collector has been tailored with out-of-the-box configurations for the below use cases, we will keep working to add more as we progress: :

  • Collect and ship logs: Use the Elastic OpenTelemetry Collector to gather log data from various sources and ship it directly to Elastic where it can be analyzed in Kibana Discover, and Elastic Observability’s Explorer (also in Tech Preview in 8.15).

  • Assess host health: Leverage the OpenTelemetry host metrics and Kubernetes receivers to monitor to evaluate the performance of hosts and pods. This data can then be visualized and analyzed in Elastic’s Infrastructure Observability UIs, providing deep insights into host performance and health. Details of how this is configured in the OTel collector is outlined in this blog.

  • Kubernetes container logs: Additionally, users of the Elastic OpenTelemetry Collector benefit from out-of-the-box Kubernetes container and application logs enriched with Kubernetes metadata by leveraging the powerful container log parser Elastic recently contributed to OTel. This OpenTelemetry-based enrichment enhances the context and value of the collected logs, providing deeper insights and more effective troubleshooting capabilities.

While the Elastic OpenTelemetry Collector comes pre-built and preconfigured for the sake of easier onboarding and getting started experience, Elastic is committed to the vision of vendor-neutral collection of data. Thus, we strive to contribute any Elastic specific features back to the upstream OpenTelemetry components, to advance and help grow the OpenTelemetry landscape and capabilities.

Stay tuned for upcoming announcements sharing our plans to combine the best of Elastic Agent and OpenTelemetry Collector.

Get started the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector

To get started with a guided onboarding flow for the Elastic Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector for Kubernetes, Linux, and Mac environments, visit the guided onboarding documentation.

For more advanced manual configuration, follow the manual configuration instructions.

Once the Elastic Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector is set up and running, you’ll be able to analyze your systems within various features of the Elastic Observability solution.

Analyze the performance and health of your infrastructure, through corresponding metrics and logs collected through OpenTelemetry Collector receivers, such as the host metrics receiver and different Kubernetes receivers.

With Elastic OpenTelemetry Collector, container and application logs are enriched with Kubernetes metadata out-of-the-box making filtering, grouping and logs analysis easier and more efficient.

The Elastic Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector allows for tracing just like any other collector distribution made of upstream components. Explore and analyze the performance and runtime behavior of your applications and services through RED metric, service maps and distributed traces collected from OpenTelemetry SDKs.

The above capabilities and features packed with the Elastic OpenTelemetry Collector can be achieved in a similar way with a custom build of the upstream OpenTelemetry Collector packing the right set of upstream components. To do just that follow our guidance here.


The launch of the technical preview of the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry Collector is another step on Elastic’s journey towards OpenTelemetry based observability. On that journey we are committed to a vendor-agnostic approach to data collection and therefore prioritize upstream contribution to OpenTelemetry over Elastic-specific data collection features. 

Stay tuned to see more of Elastic’s contributions to OpenTelemetry and observe Elastic’s journey towards fully OpenTelemetry-based observability. 

Additional resources for OpenTelemetry with Elastic:

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