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Introducing Elastic APM on Elasticsearch Service

Today we are proud to announce the general availability of Elastic Application Performance Monitoring (APM) Server on top of the Elasticsearch Service. Elastic APM provides rich insights into application performance and visibility for distributed workloads, while the Elasticsearch Service simplifies provision and management. Elastic APM on Elasticsearch Service supports a number of languages including Java, Go, Ruby, Python, and Javascript.

These new Elastic APM 6.6 abilities pair with the other powerful features already available on the Elasticsearch service including:

  • Automated anomaly detection for APM data with machine learning
  • Faster troubleshooting with alerting on top of APM data
  • Cost-effective hot-warm architecture with built-in index curation
  • Centralizing logs, metrics, and APM data

Existing Elasticsearch Service users can add APM Servers to any existing or new deployment with version 6.3 and above.

Add APM Server to your deployment... for free

As an easy way to try Elastic APM on Elasticsearch Service, we are also including a 512 MB APM Server instance with all new 6.6+ deployments and as part of the free allowance announced last year. This new addition to the free allowance joins the existing 1 GB machine learning node and 1 GB Kibana instance. With this instance of APM Server, you can start instrumenting your applications and send hundreds of events per second before needing to scale up.

If you are a current user of the Elasticsearch Service, upgrade your deployment and start up your own APM server to take it for a spin. If you aren't a current user, sign up for a 14-day free trial of Elasticsearch Service and give the whole stack a whirl.