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On-demand webinar

Preventing Fraud and Building an End-to-End Data Science Hub at Feedzai with Elastic

Hosted by:

Rodolfo Cristovao

欢迎参加我们的 Elastic 官方活动现场直播,期间不仅有更多类似这样的用户案例,更有深度技术剖析和 ELK Stack 产品路线图讲座等您探索。查看日期 »


Founded and developed by data scientists and aerospace engineers, Feedzai has one mission: to make banking and commerce safe. See how the world’s largest banks and merchants use Feedzai’s fraud prevention products to manage risk. Learn how Feedzai is using Elastic to provide an end-to-end data science hub for customers, from dashboards and reports to real-time queries that train models that fight financial crime.

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