- Packetbeat Reference: other versions:
- Overview
- Getting started with Packetbeat
- Setting up and running Packetbeat
- Upgrading Packetbeat
- Configuring Packetbeat
- Set traffic capturing options
- Set up flows to monitor network traffic
- Specify which transaction protocols to monitor
- Specify which processes to monitor
- Specify general settings
- Configure the internal queue
- Configure the output
- Configure index lifecycle management
- Specify SSL settings
- Filter and enhance the exported data
- Define processors
- Add cloud metadata
- Add fields
- Add labels
- Add the local time zone
- Add tags
- Decode JSON fields
- Decode Base64 fields
- Decompress gzip fields
- Community ID Network Flow Hash
- Convert
- Drop events
- Drop fields from events
- Extract array
- Keep fields from events
- Registered Domain
- Rename fields from events
- Add Kubernetes metadata
- Add Docker metadata
- Add Host metadata
- Add Observer metadata
- Dissect strings
- DNS Reverse Lookup
- Add process metadata
- Parse data by using ingest node
- Enrich events with geoIP information
- Configure project paths
- Configure the Kibana endpoint
- Load the Kibana dashboards
- Load the Elasticsearch index template
- Configure logging
- Use environment variables in the configuration
- YAML tips and gotchas
- HTTP Endpoint
- packetbeat.reference.yml
- Exported fields
- AMQP fields
- Beat fields
- Cassandra fields
- Cloud provider metadata fields
- Common fields
- DHCPv4 fields
- DNS fields
- Docker fields
- ECS fields
- Flow Event fields
- Host fields
- HTTP fields
- ICMP fields
- Jolokia Discovery autodiscover provider fields
- Kubernetes fields
- Memcache fields
- MongoDb fields
- MySQL fields
- NFS fields
- PostgreSQL fields
- Process fields
- Raw fields
- Redis fields
- Thrift-RPC fields
- TLS fields
- Transaction Event fields
- Measurements (Transactions) fields
- Monitoring Packetbeat
- Securing Packetbeat
- Visualizing Packetbeat data in Kibana
- Troubleshooting
- Get help
- Debug
- Record a trace
- Common problems
- Dashboard in Kibana is breaking up data fields incorrectly
- Packetbeat doesn’t see any packets when using mirror ports
- Packetbeat can’t capture traffic from Windows loopback interface
- Packetbeat is missing long running transactions
- Packetbeat isn’t capturing MySQL performance data
- Packetbeat uses too much bandwidth
- Error loading config file
- Found unexpected or unknown characters
- Logstash connection doesn’t work
- @metadata is missing in Logstash
- Not sure whether to use Logstash or Beats
- SSL client fails to connect to Logstash
- Monitoring UI shows fewer Beats than expected
- Fields show up as nested JSON in Kibana
- Contributing to Beats
Define processors
editDefine processors
editYou can use processors to filter and enhance data before sending it to the configured output. To define a processor, you specify the processor name, an optional condition, and a set of parameters:
processors: - <processor_name>: when: <condition> <parameters> - <processor_name>: when: <condition> <parameters> ...
specifies a processor that performs some kind of action, such as selecting the fields that are exported or adding metadata to the event. -
specifies an optional condition. If the condition is present, then the action is executed only if the condition is fulfilled. If no condition is passed, then the action is always executed. -
is the list of parameters to pass to the processor.
More complex conditional processing can be accomplished by using the if-then-else processor configuration. This allows multiple processors to be executed based on a single condition.
processors: - if: <condition> then: - <processor_name>: <parameters> - <processor_name>: <parameters> ... else: - <processor_name>: <parameters> - <processor_name>: <parameters> ...
Where are processors valid?
editProcessors are valid:
- At the top-level in the configuration. The processor is applied to all data collected by Packetbeat.
Under a specific protocol. The processor is applied to the data collected for that protocol.
packetbeat.protocols: - type: <protocol_type> processors: - <processor_name>: when: <condition> <parameters>
. The processor is applied to the data in network flows:packetbeat.flows: processors: - <processor_name>: when: <condition> <parameters>
editThe supported processors are:
editEach condition receives a field to compare. You can specify multiple fields
under the same condition by using AND
between the fields (for example,
field1 AND field2
For each field, you can specify a simple field name or a nested map, for example
See Exported fields for a list of all the fields that are exported by Packetbeat.
The supported conditions are:
editWith the equals
condition, you can compare if a field has a certain value.
The condition accepts only an integer or a string value.
For example, the following condition checks if the response code of the HTTP transaction is 200:
equals: http.response.code: 200
editThe contains
condition checks if a value is part of a field. The field can be
a string or an array of strings. The condition accepts only a string value.
For example, the following condition checks if an error is part of the transaction status:
contains: status: "Specific error"
editThe regexp
condition checks the field against a regular expression. The
condition accepts only strings.
For example, the following condition checks if the process name starts with
regexp: system.process.name: "foo.*"
editThe range
condition checks if the field is in a certain range of values. The
condition supports lt
, lte
, gt
and gte
. The condition accepts only
integer or float values.
For example, the following condition checks for failed HTTP transactions by
comparing the http.response.code
field with 400.
range: http.response.code: gte: 400
This can also be written as:
range: http.response.code.gte: 400
The following condition checks if the CPU usage in percentage has a value between 0.5 and 0.8.
range: system.cpu.user.pct.gte: 0.5 system.cpu.user.pct.lt: 0.8
editThe network
condition checks if the field is in a certain IP network range.
Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. The network range may be specified
using CIDR notation, like "" or "2001:db8::/32", or by using one of
these named ranges:
- Matches loopback addresses in the range of127.0.0.0/8
. -
- Matches global unicast addresses defined in RFC 1122, RFC 4632, and RFC 4291 with the exception of the IPv4 broadcast address (
). This includes private address ranges. -
- Matches multicast addresses. -
- Matches IPv6 interface-local multicast addresses. -
- Matches link-local unicast addresses. -
- Matches link-local multicast addresses. -
- Matches private address ranges defined in RFC 1918 (IPv4) and RFC 4193 (IPv6). -
- Matches addresses that are not loopback, unspecified, IPv4 broadcast, link local unicast, link local multicast, interface local multicast, or private. -
- Matches unspecified addresses (either the IPv4 address "" or the IPv6 address "::").
The following condition returns true if the source.ip
value is within the
private address space.
network: source.ip: private
This condition returns true if the destination.ip
value is within the
IPv4 range of
network: destination.ip: ''
And this condition returns true when destination.ip
is within any of the given
network: destination.ip: ['', '', loopback]
editThe has_fields
condition checks if all the given fields exist in the
event. The condition accepts a list of string values denoting the field names.
For example, the following condition checks if the http.response.code
is present in the event.
has_fields: ['http.response.code']
editThe or
operator receives a list of conditions.
or: - <condition1> - <condition2> - <condition3> ...
For example, to configure the condition
http.response.code = 304 OR http.response.code = 404
or: - equals: http.response.code: 304 - equals: http.response.code: 404
editThe and
operator receives a list of conditions.
and: - <condition1> - <condition2> - <condition3> ...
For example, to configure the condition
http.response.code = 200 AND status = OK
and: - equals: http.response.code: 200 - equals: status: OK
To configure a condition like <condition1> OR <condition2> AND <condition3>
or: - <condition1> - and: - <condition2> - <condition3>
editThe not
operator receives the condition to negate.
not: <condition>
For example, to configure the condition NOT status = OK
not: equals: status: OK
On this page