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Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the beat v1beta1 API group

Resource Types



Beat is the Schema for the Beats API.

Field Description

apiVersion string

kind string


metadata ObjectMeta

Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.

spec BeatSpec



BeatSpec defines the desired state of a Beat.

Field Description

type string

Type is the type of the Beat to deploy (filebeat, metricbeat, heartbeat, auditbeat, journalbeat, packetbeat, etc.). Any string can be used, but well-known types will have the image field defaulted and have the appropriate Elasticsearch roles created automatically. It also allows for dashboard setup when combined with a KibanaRef.

version string

Version of the Beat.

elasticsearchRef ObjectSelector

ElasticsearchRef is a reference to an Elasticsearch cluster running in the same Kubernetes cluster.

kibanaRef ObjectSelector

KibanaRef is a reference to a Kibana instance running in the same Kubernetes cluster. It allows automatic setup of dashboards and visualizations.

image string

Image is the Beat Docker image to deploy. Version and Type have to match the Beat in the image.

config Config

Config holds the Beat configuration. At most one of [Config, ConfigRef] can be specified.

configRef ConfigSource

ConfigRef contains a reference to an existing Kubernetes Secret holding the Beat configuration. Beat settings must be specified as yaml, under a single "beat.yml" entry. At most one of [Config, ConfigRef] can be specified.

secureSettings SecretSource

SecureSettings is a list of references to Kubernetes Secrets containing sensitive configuration options for the Beat. Secrets data can be then referenced in the Beat config using the Secret’s keys or as specified in Entries field of each SecureSetting.

serviceAccountName string

ServiceAccountName is used to check access from the current resource to Elasticsearch resource in a different namespace. Can only be used if ECK is enforcing RBAC on references.

daemonSet DaemonSetSpec

DaemonSet specifies the Beat should be deployed as a DaemonSet, and allows providing its spec. Cannot be used along with deployment. If both are absent a default for the Type is used.

deployment DeploymentSpec

Deployment specifies the Beat should be deployed as a Deployment, and allows providing its spec. Cannot be used along with daemonSet. If both are absent a default for the Type is used.


Field Description

podTemplate PodTemplateSpec

updateStrategy DaemonSetUpdateStrategy


Field Description

podTemplate PodTemplateSpec

replicas integer

strategy DeploymentStrategy

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