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Install ECK using the YAML manifests


Install ECK using the YAML manifests


This method is the quickest way to get started with ECK if you have full administrative access to the Kubernetes cluster. The Quickstart document describes how to proceed with this method. When you run the kubectl command listed in Deploy ECK in your Kubernetes cluster, the following components are installed or updated:

  • CustomResourceDefinition objects for all supported resource types (Elasticsearch, Kibana, APM Server, Enterprise Search, Beats, and Elastic Agent).
  • Namespace named elastic-system to hold all operator resources.
  • ServiceAccount, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding to allow the operator to manage resources throughout the cluster.
  • ValidatingWebhookConfiguration to validate Elastic custom resources on admission.
  • StatefulSet, ConfigMap, Secret and Service in elastic-system namespace to run the operator application.
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