NEST breaking changes


This document rudimentally documents the breaking changes from 1.x to 2.x; Our 2.0 refactor comprises 1000+ commits and nearly six months of work, so if we missed anything feel free to give us a shout!

Dependency graph changes


The first thing you might notice is that the dependency graph for the client has changed slightly

 └───`Func<IConnectionSettings, IElasticsearchSerializer>`

a client can still be new'ed with no arguments

var client = new ElasticClient();

Wich will default to a SingleNodeConnectionPool talking to http://localhost:9200

The next most common overload of the constructor is the one taking ConnectionSettings

var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

There are many overloads to the constructor of ConnectionSettings that allow you to inject a custom connection or serializer factory if needed What they all have in common is that you have to specify an IConnectionPool implementation e.g

var pool = new StaticConnectionPool(nodes);
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool);
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

Another big change in Elasticsearch.NET 2.0 is that internally we deal with Node's and not Uri's. However nodes in the above example can be either an IEnumerable<Uri> or IEnumerable<Node>.

For the super advanced use cases a custom ITransport can be injected.

var pool = new StaticConnectionPool(nodes);
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool);
var transport = new Transport(pool);
var client = new ElasticClient(pool);

This is what we call internally if you use the previous ElasticClient constructor. Our implementation of ITransport can be injected with a custom IRequestPipelineFactory, IDateTimeProvider and IMemoryStreamFactory.

Transport is in control of managing our request pipelining, asking connection pools for other nodes to fall over to and marking nodes dead or alive.

Each individual moving part is further explained in the index.html[documentation].

Inferred types


Many places that only took a string now take a more strongly typed object, <<Id,ids-inference>>, Field, Fields, Index, Indices, Type, Types, DocumentPath<T>. It’s good to know that in most cases you can still implicitly convert to them from string, long, Guid where it makes sense.

If you are using C# 6 you can also staticly import using static Nest.Infer. This will allow you to write


any where that takes a Field


anywhere that takes Fields


for Index and so on and so forth.

If you are using the fluent API, using these is not required (but still possible), as the fluent API is already expression based.

Filters are GONE


In Elasticsearch 2.0 queries and filter constructs have merged into one concept called queries, NEST 2.0 reflects this, so if you are looking for the AndFilter it is now called the AndQuery but beware that some of these filters have been obsoleted and chances are high you were using them wrong!.

Isolated descriptors


In NEST 1.x we took pride in being a 1 to 1 mapping with the Elasticsearch API, however in some cases we hid the real depth of parameters.

Example in NEST 1.x you could add sorts on Search() using:


in NEST 2.x you have to stoop down a level first


This encapsulates all of the sort options properly and adheres stricter to the 1-to-1 mapping. NEST 1.x did also contain this full descriptor however the mix and matching of the convenience methods of the parent meant that some fluent methods were additive whilst others overwrote what was previously set. With NEST 2.0, this discrepancy is gone!

This happens in more places e.g index settings and mappings.



If you are using the object initializer syntax *Aggregator is now *Aggregation

Attribute-based mapping


The single ElasticPropertyAttribute has been broken up into individual attributes per property type.

For instance, the following:

[ElasticType(Name = "othername", IdProperty = "MyId")]
public class Foo
  [ElasticProperty(Type = FieldType.String)]
  public Guid MyId { get; set; }

  [ElasticProperty(Type = FieldType.String)]
  public string Name { get; set; }

  [ElasticProperty(Type = FieldType.String, Analyzer = "myanalyzer", TermVector = TermVectorOption.WithOffsets)]
  public string Description { get; set; }

  [ElasticProperty(Type = FieldType.Date, Format = "mmmddyyyy")]
  public DateTime Date { get; set; }

  [ElasticProperty(Type = FieldType.Integer, Coerce = true)]
  public int Number { get; set; }

  [ElasticProperty(Type = FieldType.Nested, IncludeInParent = true)]
  public List<Bar> Bars { get; set; }


[ElasticsearchType(Name = "othername", IdProperty = "MyId")]
public class Foo
  public Guid MyId { get; set; }

  public string Name { get; set; }

  [String(Analyzer = "myanalyzer", TermVector = TermVectorOption.WithOffsets)]
  public string Description { get; set; }

  [Date(Format = "mmddyyyy")]
  public DateTime Date { get; set; }

  [Number(NumberType.Integer, Coerce = true, DocValues = true)]
  public int Number { get; set; }

  [Nested(IncludeInParent = true)]
  public List<Bar> Bars { get; set; }

Aside from a simpler and cleaner API, this allows each attribute to only reflect the options that are available for the particular type instead of exposing options that may not be relevant (as ElasticPropertyAttribute did).

MapFromAttributes() has also been renamed to AutoMap() to better reflect that it doesn’t only depend on properties being marked with attributes. It will also infer the type based on the CLR type if no attribute is present.

TimeSpan automapped as long (ticks)


System.TimeSpan is now automatically mapped as a long representing the number of ticks within the timeSpan, allowing for range in addition to term queries. NEst 1.x automatically mapped TimeSpan as a string and whilst NEST 2.0 is able to deserialize strings into TimeSpan instances as before, it will not automatically serialize TimeSpan into strings when indexing. In order to achieve this, you will need to register a json converter, either by deriving from JsonNetSerializer and overriding ContractConverters or by attributing the property with [JsonConverter(typeof(ConverterTypeName))]. A example of a converter for serializing/deserializing string values for TimeSpan is

public class StringTimeSpanConverter : JsonConverter
	public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
		if (value == null)
			var timeSpan = (TimeSpan)value;

	public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
		if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)
			if (!objectType.IsGenericType || objectType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(Nullable<>))
				throw new JsonSerializationException($"Cannot convert null value to {objectType}.");

			return null;
		if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String)
			return TimeSpan.Parse((string)reader.Value);

		throw new JsonSerializationException($"Cannot convert token of type {reader.TokenType} to {objectType}.");

	public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) => objectType == typeof(TimeSpan) || objectType == typeof(TimeSpan?);

Serialization settings


Serialization settings are now configurable through ConnectionSettings constructor taking a factory function that returns an instance of IElasticsearchSerializer.

var setting = new ConnectionSettings(/** settings */);

setting.AddContractJsonConverters(type => new MyPrettyConverter(), type => new SomeOtherConverter());
setting.SetJsonSerializerSettingsModifier(settings => settings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore);


var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connectionSettings => new MyJsonNetSerializer(connectionSettings))

public class MyJsonNetSerializer : JsonNetSerializer
	public MyJsonNetSerializer(IConnectionSettingsValues settings) : base(settings)

	protected override void ModifyJsonSerializerSettings(JsonSerializerSettings settings)
		settings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;

	protected override IList<Func<Type, JsonConverter>> ContractConverters =>
		new List<Func<Type, JsonConverter>>
			type => new MyPrettyConverter(),
			type => new SomeOtherConverter()

Renamed Types

- class AggregationDescriptor`1
+ class AggregationContainerDescriptor`1

- class AliasRequest
+ class BulkAliasRequest

- class AllFieldMapping
+ class AllField

- class AllocateClusteRerouteCommand
+ class AllocateClusterRerouteCommand

- class AnalysisSettings
+ class Analysis

- class AndFilter
+ class AndQuery

- class AverageAggregator
+ class AverageAggregation

- class AzureRepositoryDescriptor
+ class AzureRepositorySettingsDescriptor

- class BoolFilter
+ class BoolQuery

- class CardinalityAggregator
+ class CardinalityAggregation

- class ChildrenAggregator
+ class ChildrenAggregation

- class DateHistogramAggregator
+ class DateHistogramAggregation

- class DateRangeAggregator
+ class DateRangeAggregation

- enum DynamicMappingOption
+ enum DynamicMapping

- class ExistsFilter
+ class ExistsQuery

- class ExtendedStatsAggregator
+ class ExtendedStatsAggregation

- enum FieldDataLoading
+ enum FielddataLoading

- class FieldDataStats
+ class FielddataStats

- class FileSystemRepositoryDescriptor
+ class FileSystemRepositorySettingsDescriptor

- class FilterAggregator
+ class FilterAggregation

- class FiltersAggregator
+ class FiltersAggregation

- class GeoBoundingBoxFilter
+ class GeoBoundingBoxQuery

- class GeoBoundsAggregator
+ class GeoBoundsAggregation

- class GeoDistanceAggregator
+ class GeoDistanceAggregation

- class GeoDistanceFilter
+ class GeoDistanceQuery

- class GeoDistanceRangeFilter
+ class GeoDistanceRangeQuery

- class GeoHashCellFilter
+ class GeoHashCellQuery

- class GeoIndexedShapeFilter
+ class GeoIndexedShapeQuery

- class GeoPolygonFilter
+ class GeoPolygonQuery

- class GeoShapeCircleFilter
+ class GeoShapeCircleQuery

- class GeoShapeEnvelopeFilter
+ class GeoShapeEnvelopeQuery

- class GeoShapeLineStringFilter
+ class GeoShapeLineStringQuery

- class GeoShapeMultiLineStringFilter
+ class GeoShapeMultiLineStringQuery

- class GeoShapeMultiPointFilter
+ class GeoShapeMultiPointQuery

- class GeoShapeMultiPolygonFilter
+ class GeoShapeMultiPolygonQuery

- class GeoShapePointFilter
+ class GeoShapePointQuery

- class GeoShapePolygonFilter
+ class GeoShapePolygonQuery

- class GlobalAggregator
+ class GlobalAggregation

- class HasChildFilter
+ class HasChildQuery

- class HasParentFilter
+ class HasParentQuery

- class HdfsRepositoryDescriptor
+ class HdfsRepositorySettingsDescriptor

- class HistogramAggregator
+ class HistogramAggregation

- interface IAndFilter
+ interface IAndQuery

- interface IAverageAggregator
+ interface IAverageAggregation

- interface IBoolFilter
+ interface IBoolQuery

- interface IBucketAggregator
+ interface IBucketAggregation

- interface ICardinalityAggregator
+ interface ICardinalityAggregation

- interface IChildrenAggregator
+ interface IChildrenAggregation

- interface IDateHistogramAggregator
+ interface IDateHistogramAggregation

- interface IDateRangeAggregator
+ interface IDateRangeAggregation

- class IdsFilter
+ class IdsQuery

- class IdsFilterDescriptor
+ class IdsQueryDescriptor

- interface IExistsFilter
+ interface IExistsQuery

- interface IExtendedStatsAggregator
+ interface IExtendedStatsAggregation

- interface IFieldNameFilter
+ interface IFieldNameQuery

- interface IFilter
+ interface IQuery

- interface IFilterAggregator
+ interface IFilterAggregation

- interface IFiltersAggregator
+ interface IFiltersAggregation

- interface IGeoBoundingBoxFilter
+ interface IGeoBoundingBoxQuery

- interface IGeoBoundsAggregator
+ interface IGeoBoundsAggregation

- interface IGeoDistanceAggregator
+ interface IGeoDistanceAggregation

- interface IGeoDistanceFilter
+ interface IGeoDistanceQuery

- interface IGeoDistanceRangeFilter
+ interface IGeoDistanceRangeQuery

- interface IGeoHashCellFilter
+ interface IGeoHashCellQuery

- interface IGeoIndexedShapeFilter
+ interface IGeoIndexedShapeQuery

- interface IGeoPolygonFilter
+ interface IGeoPolygonQuery

- interface IGeoShapeCircleFilter
+ interface IGeoShapeCircleQuery

- interface IGeoShapeEnvelopeFilter
+ interface IGeoShapeEnvelopeQuery

- interface IGeoShapeLineStringFilter
+ interface IGeoShapeLineStringQuery

- interface IGeoShapeMultiLineStringFilter
+ interface IGeoShapeMultiLineStringQuery

- interface IGeoShapeMultiPointFilter
+ interface IGeoShapeMultiPointQuery

- interface IGeoShapeMultiPolygonFilter
+ interface IGeoShapeMultiPolygonQuery

- interface IGeoShapePointFilter
+ interface IGeoShapePointQuery

- interface IGeoShapePolygonFilter
+ interface IGeoShapePolygonQuery

- interface IGlobalAggregator
+ interface IGlobalAggregation

- interface IHasChildFilter
+ interface IHasChildQuery

- interface IHasParentFilter
+ interface IHasParentQuery

- interface IHistogramAggregator
+ interface IHistogramAggregation

- interface IIdsFilter
+ interface IIdsQuery

- interface IIndicesFilter
+ interface IIndicesQuery

- interface ILimitFilter
+ interface ILimitQuery

- interface IMatchAllFilter
+ interface IMatchAllQuery

- interface IMaxAggregator
+ interface IMaxAggregation

- interface IMetricAggregator
+ interface IMetricAggregation

- interface IMinAggregator
+ interface IMinAggregation

- interface IMissingAggregator
+ interface IMissingAggregation

- interface IMissingFilter
+ interface IMissingQuery

- class IndicesFilter
+ class IndicesQuery

- interface INestedAggregator
+ interface INestedAggregation

- interface INestedFilter
+ interface INestedQuery

- interface INotFilter
+ interface INotQuery

- interface IOrFilter
+ interface IOrQuery

- interface IPercentilesAggregator
+ interface IPercentilesAggregation

- interface IPrefixFilter
+ interface IPrefixQuery

- interface IRangeAggregator
+ interface IRangeAggregation

- interface IRangeFilter
+ interface IRangeQuery

- interface IRegexpFilter
+ interface IRegexpQuery

- interface IRepository
+ interface ISnapshotRepository

- interface IReverseNestedAggregator
+ interface IReverseNestedAggregation

- interface IScriptedMetricAggregator
+ interface IScriptedMetricAggregation

- interface IScriptFilter
+ interface IScriptQuery

- interface ISignificantTermsAggregator
+ interface ISignificantTermsAggregation

- interface ISumAggregator
+ interface ISumAggregation

- interface ITermFilter
+ interface ITermQuery

- interface ITermsAggregator
+ interface ITermsAggregation

- interface ITermsFilter
+ interface ITermsQuery

- interface ITopHitsAggregator
+ interface ITopHitsAggregation

- interface ITypeFilter
+ interface ITypeQuery

- interface IValueCountAggregator
+ interface IValueCountAggregation

- class LimitFilter
+ class LimitQuery

- class MatchAllFilter
+ class MatchAllQuery

- class MatchAllFilterDescriptor
+ class MatchAllQueryDescriptor

- class MaxAggregator
+ class MaxAggregation

- class MinAggregator
+ class MinAggregation

- class MissingAggregator
+ class MissingAggregation

- class MissingFilter
+ class MissingQuery

- class NestedAggregator
+ class NestedAggregation

- class NestedFilter
+ class NestedQuery

- class NotFilter
+ class NotQuery

- class OrFilter
+ class OrQuery

- class PercentilesAggregator
+ class PercentilesAggregation

- class PrefixFilter
+ class PrefixQuery

- class RangeAggregator
+ class RangeAggregation

- class RawFilter
+ class RawQuery

- class ReadOnlyUrlRepositoryDescriptor
+ class ReadOnlyUrlRepositorySettingsDescriptor

- class RegexpFilter
+ class RegexpQuery

- class ReverseNestedAggregator
+ class ReverseNestedAggregation

- class S3RepositoryDescriptor
+ class S3RepositorySettingsDescriptor

- class ScriptFilter
+ class ScriptQuery

- class SignificantTermsAggregator
+ class SignificantTermsAggregation

- class StatsAggregator
+ class StatsAggregation

- class SuggestOption
+ class Suggest

- class SumAggregator
+ class SumAggregation

- class TermFilter
+ class TermQuery

- class TermsAggregator
+ class TermsAggregation

- class TermsFilter
+ class TermsQuery

- enum TermVectorOption
+ enum TermVector

- class TopHitsAggregator
+ class TopHitsAggregation

- class TypeFilter
+ class TypeQuery

- class TypeFilterDescriptor
+ class TypeQueryDescriptor

- class ValueCountAggregator
+ class ValueCountAggregation

Removed Types

- class AbortBenchmarkDescriptor
- class AbortBenchmarkRequest
- class AcknowledgedResponse
- class AggregationConverter
- class AliasExtensions
- class AllFieldMappingDescriptor
- class AnalysisSettingsConverter
- class AnalyzerCollectionConverter
- class AnalyzerFieldMapping
- class AnalyzerFieldMappingDescriptor`1
- class AndFilterDescriptor
- class AsciiFoldingTokenFilter
- class AttachmentMapping
- class AttachmentMappingDescriptor`1
- class BaseFacetDescriptor`2
- class BasePathDescriptor`2
- class BasePathRequest`1
- class BaseRequest`1
- class BaseResponse
- class BaseSuggestDescriptor`1
- class BinaryMapping
- class BinaryMappingDescriptor`1
- class BoolBaseFilterDescriptor
- class BoolBaseQueryDescriptor
- class BooleanMapping
- class BooleanMappingDescriptor`1
- class BoolFilterDescriptor`1
- class BoostFactorFunction`1
- class BoostFieldMapping
- class BoostFieldMappingDescriptor`1
- class BucketAggregationBaseDescriptor`2
- class BucketAggregator
- class BucketWithDocCount
- class BucketWithDocCount`1
- class BulkOperationDescriptorBase
- class BulkOperationResponseItem
- class BulkOperationResponseItemConverter
- class CategorySuggestDescriptor`1
- class CatFielddataRecordConverter
- class CatThreadPoolRecordConverter
- class CharFilterCollectionConverter
- enum ChildScoreType
- class ClusterCpu
- class ClusterOs
- class ClusterOsMemory
- class ClusterRerouteCommandCollectionConverter
- class ClusterSettingsDescriptor
- class ClusterSettingsRequest
- class CommonGramsTokenFilter
- class CompletionMapping
- class CompletionMappingDescriptor`1
- class CompletionSuggestDescriptor`1
- class CompositeJsonConverter`2
- class CompoundWordTokenFilter
- class ConditionlessFilterDescriptor`1
- class ConnectionSettings`1
- class CoordinatedRequestObserver`1
- class CorePropertiesDescriptor`1
- class CountExtensions
- class CreateAliasDescriptor
- class CreateAliasOperation
- class CreateIndexExtensions
- class CreateWarmerDescriptor
- class CustomBoostFactorQuery
- class CustomBoostFactorQueryDescriptor`1
- class CustomFiltersScoreQueryDescriptor`1
- class CustomJsonConverter
- class CustomScoreQuery
- class CustomScoreQueryDescriptor`1
- class DateEntry
- class DateExpressionRange
- class DateHistogramFacet
- class DateHistogramFacetDescriptor`1
- class DateHistogramFacetRequest
- class DateMapping
- class DateMappingDescriptor`1
- class DateRange
- class DateRangeFacet
- enum DateRounding
- class DeleteAliasDescriptor`1
- class DeleteByQueryIndices
- class DeleteExtensions
- class DeleteIndexExtensions
- class DeleteMappingDescriptor`1
- class DeleteMappingRequest
- class DeleteMappingRequest`1
- class DeleteTemplateDescriptor
- class DeleteTemplateRequest
- class DelimitedPayloadTokenFilter
- class DescriptorForAttribute
- class DictionaryDecompounderTokenFilter
- class DictionaryKeysAreNotPropertyNamesJsonConverter
- class DismaxQuery
- class DismaxQueryJsonConverter
- class DispatchException
- class Document
- class DocumentConverter
- class DocumentOptionalPathBase`1
- class DocumentOptionalPathBase`2
- class DocumentOptionalPathDescriptor`3
- class DocumentPathBase`1
- class DocumentPathBase`2
- class DocumentPathDescriptor`3
- class DslException
- class DynamicMappingOptionConverter
- class DynamicTemplatesConverter
- class DynamicTemplatesDescriptor`1
- class EdgeNGramTokenFilter
- class ElasticAttributes
- class ElasticCoreTypeConverter
- class ElasticInferrer
- class ElasticPropertyAttribute
- class ElasticsearchPathInfo`1
- class ElasticTypeAttribute
- class ElasticTypeConverter
- class ElasticTypesConverter
- class ElisionTokenFilter
- class EmptyResponse
- class ExistsExtensions
- class ExistsFilterDescriptor
- class ExpFunction`1
- class ExplainDescriptor
- class ExplainGet`1
- class ExplainRequest
- class ExpressionVisitor
- class ExternalFieldDeclaration
- class ExternalFieldDeclarationDescriptor`1
- class Facet
- class FacetContainer
- class FacetConverter
- class FacetItem
- class FacetRequest
- class FieldDataFilter
- class FieldDataFilterDescriptor
- class FieldDataFrequencyFilter
- class FieldDataFrequencyFilterDescriptor
- class FieldDataMapping
- enum FieldDataNonStringFormat
- class FieldDataNonStringMapping
- class FieldDataNonStringMappingDescriptor
- class FieldDataRegexFilter
- class FieldDataRegexFilterDescriptor
- enum FieldDataStringFormat
- class FieldDataStringMapping
- class FieldDataStringMappingDescriptor
- enum FieldIndexOption
- class FieldMappingConverter
- class FieldNameFilterConverter`1
- class FieldNameQueryConverter`1
- class FieldNamesFieldMapping
- class FieldNamesFieldMappingDescriptor`1
- class FieldSelection`1
- class FieldValueFactor`1
- class FieldValueFactorDescriptor`1
- class Filter`1
- class FilterAggregatorConverter
- class FilterBase
- class FilterCacheStats
- class FilterContainer
- class FilterDescriptor`1
- class FilterFacet
- class FiltersAggregatorConverter
- class FilterScoreQuery
- class FilterScoreQueryDescriptor`1
- class FixedIndexTypePathBase`1
- class FixedIndexTypePathDescriptor`2
- class FluentFieldList`1
- class ForceStringReader
- class FunctionScoreDecayFieldDescriptor
- class FunctionScoreDecayFunction`1
- class FunctionScoreFunction`1
- class FunctionScoreFunctionsDescriptor`1
- class FuzzinessConverter
- class FuzzyLikeThisQuery
- class FuzzyLikeThisQueryDescriptor`1
- class FuzzyQueryJsonConverter
- class FuzzyStringQuery
- class GaussFunction`1
- class GenericMapping
- class GenericMappingDescriptor`1
- class GeoBoundingBoxFilterDescriptor
- class GeoBoundingFilterConverter
- enum GeoDistance
- class GeoDistanceFacet
- class GeoDistanceFacetDescriptor`1
- class GeoDistanceFacetRequest
- class GeoDistanceFilterConverter
- class GeoDistanceFilterDescriptor
- class GeoDistanceRange
- class GeoDistanceRangeFilterConverter
- class GeoDistanceRangeFilterDescriptor
- class GeoHashAggregationDescriptor`1
- class GeoHashAggregator
- class GeoHashCellFilterConverter
- class GeoHashCellFilterDescriptor
- class GeoIndexedShapeFilterDescriptor
- class GeoLocationSuggestDescriptor`1
- class GeoPointMapping
- class GeoPointMappingDescriptor`1
- class GeoPolygonFilterDescriptor
- class GeoPolygonFilterJsonReader
- class GeoPrecision
- class GeoPrecisionConverter
- enum GeoPrecisionUnit
- class GeoShape
- class GeoShapeCircleFilterDescriptor
- class GeoShapeConverterBase
- class GeoShapeEnvelopeFilterDescriptor
- class GeoShapeFilterJsonReader
- class GeoShapeLineStringFilterDescriptor
- class GeoShapeMapping
- class GeoShapeMappingDescriptor`1
- class GeoShapeMultiLineStringFilterDescriptor
- class GeoShapeMultiPointFilterDescriptor
- class GeoShapeMultiPolygonFilterDescriptor
- class GeoShapePointFilterDescriptor
- class GeoShapePolygonFilterDescriptor
- class GeoShapeQueryJsonReader
- enum GeoUnit
- class GetExtensions
- class GetFieldMappingRequest`1
- class GetFromUpdate
- enum GetIndexFeature
- class GetMappingRequest`1
- class GetRepositoryResponseConverter
- class GetTemplateDescriptor
- class GetTemplateRequest
- class GlobalStatsResponse
- class HasChildFilterDescriptor`1
- class HasParentFilterDescriptor`1
- class HealthResponse
- class HfdsRepository
- class HighlightRequest
- class HistogramFacet
- class HistogramFacetDescriptor`1
- class HistogramFacetItem
- class HistogramFacetRequest
- class HtmlStripCharFilter
- class HunspellTokenFilter
- class HyphenationDecompounderTokenFilter
- interface IAggregationDescriptor
- interface IAliasRequest
- interface IAllFieldMapping
- interface IAnalysisSetting
- interface IAnalyzerFieldMapping
- interface IBoostFieldMapping
- interface IBucketWithCountAggregation
- interface IClusterSettingsRequest
- interface ICreateAliasOperation
- interface ICustomBoostFactorQuery
- interface ICustomFiltersScoreQuery
- interface ICustomJson
- interface ICustomJsonReader`1
- interface ICustomScoreQuery
- interface IDateHistogramFacetRequest
- class IdCacheStats
- interface IDeleteMappingRequest
- interface IDeleteMappingRequest`1
- interface IDeleteTemplateRequest
- class IdFieldMapping
- class IdFieldMappingDescriptor
- interface IDocument
- interface IDocumentOptionalPath`1
- interface IDocumentOptionalPath`2
- class IdsQueryProperDescriptor
- interface IElasticCoreType
- interface IElasticPropertyAttribute
- interface IElasticPropertyVisitor
- interface IElasticsearchPathInfo
- interface IElasticType
- interface IEmptyResponse
- interface IExplainRequest
- interface IExternalFieldDeclaration
- interface IFacet
- interface IFacet`1
- interface IFacetContainer
- interface IFacetDescriptor`1
- interface IFacetRequest
- interface IFieldNamesFieldMapping
- interface IFieldSelection`1
- interface IFilterContainer
- interface IFilterScoreQuery
- interface IFixedIndexTypePath`1
- interface IFunctionScoreFunction
- interface IFuzzyLikeThisQuery
- interface IGeoDistanceFacetRequest
- interface IGeoHashAggregator
- interface IGeoShapeBaseFilter
- interface IGetFieldMappingRequest`1
- interface IGetMappingRequest`1
- interface IGetTemplateRequest
- interface IGlobalStatsResponse
- interface IHealthResponse
- interface IHighlightRequest
- interface IHistogramFacetRequest
- interface IIdFieldMapping
- interface IIndexFieldMapping
- interface IIndexNamePath`1
- interface IIndexOptionalNamePath`1
- interface IIndexOptionalPath`1
- interface IIndexPath`1
- interface IIndexSettingsResponse
- interface IIndexTypePath`1
- interface IIndicesOperationResponse
- interface IIndicesOptionalExplicitAllPath`1
- interface IIndicesOptionalPath`1
- interface IIndicesOptionalTypesNamePath`1
- interface IIndicesOptionalTypesOptionalFieldsPath`1
- interface IIndicesOptionalTypesOptionalFieldsPath`2
- interface IIndicesStatusRequest
- interface IIndicesTypePath`1
- interface IInfoRequest
- interface IIp4RangeAggregator
- interface IMoreLikeThisRequest
- interface IMoreLikeThisRequest`1
- interface IMultiTermVectorDocumentDescriptor
- interface IMultiTermVectorHit
- interface IMultiTermVectorResponse
- interface INamePath`1
- class IndexAliases
- class IndexDocStats
- class IndexedGeoShape
- class IndexFieldMapping
- class IndexFieldMappingDescriptor
- class IndexMetadata
- class IndexNameMarker
- class IndexNameMarkerConverter
- class IndexNameMarkerExtensions
- class IndexNamePathBase`1
- class IndexNamePathBase`2
- class IndexNamePathDescriptor`3
- class IndexOptionalNamePathBase`1
- class IndexOptionalNamePathDescriptor`2
- class IndexOptionalPathBase`1
- class IndexOptionalPathDescriptorBase`2
- class IndexPathBase`1
- class IndexPathDescriptorBase`2
- class IndexSettingsConverter
- class IndexSettingsResponse
- class IndexSettingsResponseConverter
- class IndexSizeStats
- class IndexStatus
- class IndexTypePathBase`1
- class IndexTypePathBase`2
- class IndexTypePathDescriptor`2
- class IndexTypePathDescriptor`3
- class IndicesExistsAliasDescriptor
- class IndicesExistsAliasRequest
- class IndicesExistsTemplateDescriptor
- class IndicesExistsTemplateRequest
- class IndicesExistsTypeDescriptor
- class IndicesExistsTypeRequest
- class IndicesFilterDescriptor`1
- class IndicesOperationResponse
- class IndicesOptionalExplicitAllPathBase`1
- class IndicesOptionalExplicitAllPathDescriptor`2
- class IndicesOptionalPathBase`1
- class IndicesOptionalPathDescriptor`2
- class IndicesOptionalTypesNamePathBase`1
- class IndicesOptionalTypesNamePathDescriptor`2
- class IndicesOptionalTypesOptionalFieldsPathBase`1
- class IndicesOptionalTypesOptionalFieldsPathBase`2
- class IndicesOptionalTypesOptionalFieldsPathDescriptor`3
- class IndicesRecoveryDescriptor
- class IndicesRecoveryRequest
- class IndicesResponse
- class IndicesShardsIndexStats
- class IndicesShardsIndexStatsMetrics
- class IndicesShardsStats
- class IndicesStatusDescriptor
- class IndicesStatusRequest
- class IndicesTypePathBase`1
- class IndicesTypePathBase`2
- class IndicesTypePathDescriptor`3
- interface INestSerializable
- interface INestSerializer
- class InfoDescriptor
- class InfoRequest
- interface INodeIdOptionalPath`1
- interface INodeInfoResponse
- interface INodesShutdownRequest
- interface INodesShutdownResponse
- interface INodeStatsResponse
- class Ip4Range
- class Ip4RangeAggregationDescriptor`1
- class Ip4RangeAggregator
- interface IPathInfo`1
- interface IPercentileRanksAggregaor
- class IPMapping
- class IPMappingDescriptor`1
- interface IPropertyMapping
- interface IPutTemplateRequest
- interface IQueryFilter
- interface IQueryPath`1
- interface IQueryPath`2
- interface IRangeFacetRequest`1
- interface IRegisterPercolateResponse
- interface IRepositoryOptionalPath`1
- interface IRepositoryPath`1
- interface IRepositorySnapshotOptionalPath`1
- interface IRepositorySnapshotPath`1
- interface IRootInfoResponse
- interface IRoutingFieldMapping
- interface ISearchTemplateRequest`1
- interface ISizeFieldMapping
- interface ISourceFieldMapping
- interface ISourceFilter
- interface ISpecialField
- interface IStatisticalFacetRequest
- interface IStatsAggregator
- interface IStatusResponse
- interface IStringFuzzyQuery
- interface ITemplateExistsRequest
- interface ITemplateResponse
- interface ITermFacetRequest
- interface ITermsBaseFilter
- interface ITermsLookupFilter
- interface ITermsStatsFacetRequest
- interface ITermvectorRequest
- interface ITermvectorRequest`1
- interface ITermVectorResponse
- interface ITimestampFieldMapping
- interface ITopChildrenQuery
- interface ITtlFieldMapping
- interface ITypeFieldMapping
- interface IUnregisterPercolateResponse
- interface IUnregisterPercolatorRequest`1
- interface IUpdateResponse
- interface IUpdateSettingsRequest
- interface IWarmerResponse
- class JVM
- class KeepTypesTokenFilter
- class KeepWordsTokenFilter
- class KeyItem
- class KeywordMarkerTokenFilter
- class KeywordRepeatTokenFilter
- class KStemTokenFilter
- class LengthTokenFilter
- class LimitFilterDescriptor
- class LimitTokenCountTokenFilter
- class LinearFunction`1
- class ListBenchmarksDescriptor
- class ListBenchmarksRequest
- class LMJelinekSimilarity
- class LowercaseTokenFilter
- class MappingCharFilter
- class MappingTransformConverter
- class MatchQueryJsonConverter
- class MetricAggregationBaseDescriptor`2
- class MetricAggregator
- class MissingFilterDescriptor
- class MoreLikeThisDescriptor`1
- class MoreLikeThisQueryDocumentsDescriptor`1
- class MoreLikeThisRequest
- class MoreLikeThisRequest`1
- class MpercolateDescriptor
- class MpercolateRequest
- class MultiFieldMapping
- class MultiFieldMappingDescriptor`1
- class MultiFieldMappingPath
- class MultiGetHitConverter
- class MultiHit`1
- class MultiSearchConverter
- class MultiTermVectorDocument
- class MultiTermVectorDocumentDescriptor`1
- class MultiTermVectorHit
- class MultiTermVectorResponse
- class MultiTermVectorsDescriptor`1
- class Murmur3HashMapping
- class MurmurHashMappingDescriptor`1
- class NamePathBase`1
- class NamePathDescriptor`2
- class NestedFilterDescriptor`1
- class NestedObjectMapping
- class NestedObjectMappingDescriptor`2
- enum NestedScore
- class NestSerializer
- class NetworkStats
- class NgramTokenFilter
- class NodeIdOptionalDescriptor`2
- class NodeIdOptionalPathBase`1
- class NodeInfoHTTP
- class NodeInfoJVM
- class NodeInfoOS
- class NodeInfoProcess
- class NodeInfoResponse
- class NodeInfoThreadPoolThreadInfo
- class NodesShutdownDescriptor
- class NodesShutdownRequest
- class NodesShutdownResponse
- class NodeStatsIndexes
- class NodeStatsResponse
- class NoMatchFilterContainer
- class NoMatchFilterConverter
- class NoMatchQueryConverter
- enum NonStringIndexOption
- class NormsMapping
- class NotFilterDescriptor
- class NumberMapping
- class NumberMappingDescriptor`1
- class ObjectMapping
- class ObjectMappingDescriptor`2
- class OpenCloseIndexExtensions
- class OrFilterDescriptor
- class OSStats
- class ParentFieldMapping
- enum ParentScoreType
- class ParentTypeMapping
- enum PathInfoHttpMethod
- class PatternCaptureTokenFilter
- class PatternReplaceCharFilter
- class PatternReplaceTokenFilter
- class PhoneticTokenFilter
- class PhraseSuggestDescriptor`1
- class PlainFilter
- class PlainQuery
- class PorterStemTokenFilter
- class PrefixFilterConverter
- class PrefixFilterDescriptor
- class Property
- class PropertyMapping
- class PropertyNameMarker
- class PropertyNameMarkerConverter
- class PropertyNameMarkerExtensions
- class PropertyNameResolver
- class PropertyPathMarker
- class PropertyPathMarkerConverter
- class PropertyPathMarkerExtensions
- class PutTemplateDescriptor
- class PutTemplateRequest
- class QueryDescriptor`1
- class QueryFacet
- class QueryFilter
- class QueryFilterDescriptor
- class QueryFilterWalker
- class QueryPathBase`1
- class QueryPathBase`2
- class QueryPathDescriptorBase`3
- class RandomScoreFunction`1
- class Range`1
- enum RangeExecution
- class RangeFacet
- class RangeFacetDescriptor`2
- class RangeFacetRequest`1
- class RangeFilter
- class RangeFilterDescriptor`1
- class RangeFilterJsonConverter
- class RangeFilterJsonReader
- class RangeQuery
- class RangeQueryDescriptor`1
- class ReadAsTypeConverter`1
- class RegexpFilterDescriptor`1
- class RegexpFilterJsonReader
- class RegisterPercolateResponse
- class ReindexException
- class ReindexObserver
- class RepositoryOptionalPathBase`1
- class RepositoryOptionalPathDescriptor`2
- class RepositoryPathBase`1
- class RepositoryPathDescriptor`2
- class RepositorySnapshotOptionalPathBase`1
- class RepositorySnapshotOptionalPathDescriptor`2
- class RepositorySnapshotPathBase`1
- class RepositorySnapshotPathDescriptor`2
- class RestoreException
- class ReverseTokenFilter
- class RootInfoResponse
- class RootObjectMapping
- enum RoutingAllocationEnableOption
- class RoutingFieldMapping
- class RoutingFieldMappingDescriptor`1
- class ScriptedMetricsAggregator
- class ScriptFilterDescriptor
- class ScriptScoreFunction`1
- class ScrollExtensions
- class SearchShardsDescriptor
- class SearchSourceDescriptor`1
- class SerializerExtensions
- class ShardsFailureReason
- class ShardsOperationResponse
- class ShardsSegmentConverter
- class ShingleTokenFilter
- class SimilarityBase
- class SimilarityCollectionConverter
- class SimilarityDescriptor
- class SimilaritySettings
- class SimilaritySettingsConverter
- class SizeFieldMapping
- class SizeFieldMappingDescriptor
- class SnapshotException
- class SnapshotGetRepositoryDescriptor
- class SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest
- class SnapshotRepository
- class SnowballTokenFilter
- class Sort
- class SortCollectionConverter
- class SortDescriptorBase`2
- class SourceExtensions
- class SourceFieldMapping
- class SourceFieldMappingDescriptor
- class SourceFilter
- class SpanNotQuery`1
- class SpanQuery`1
- class SpanTermQueryConverter
- class StandardTokenFilter
- class StatisticalFacet
- class StatisticalFacetDescriptor`1
- class StatisticalFacetRequest
- class Stats
- class StatsContainer
- class StatusResponse
- class StemmerOverrideTokenFilter
- class StemmerTokenFilter
- class StopTokenFilter
- class StringMapping
- class StringMappingDescriptor`1
- class Suggester
- class SuggestField
- class SuggestResponseConverter
- class SynonymTokenFilter
- class TemplateExistsDescriptor
- class TemplateExistsRequest
- class TemplateQueryDescriptor
- class TemplateResponse
- class TermFacet
- class TermFacetDescriptor`1
- class TermFacetRequest
- class TermFilterConverter
- class TermFilterDescriptor
- class TermItem
- enum TermsExecution
- class TermsFilterConverter
- class TermsFilterDescriptor
- class TermsIncludeExcludeConverter
- class TermsLookupFilter
- class TermsLookupFilterDescriptor
- class TermsQueryDescriptor`2
- class TermsQueryJsonConverter
- class TermsStatsFacetDescriptor`1
- class TermsStatsFacetRequest
- enum TermsStatsOrder
- class TermStats
- class TermStatsFacet
- class TermSuggestDescriptor`1
- class TermvectorDescriptor`1
- class TermvectorRequest
- class TermvectorRequest`1
- class TermVectorResponse
- class TimestampFieldMapping
- class TimestampFieldMappingDescriptor`1
- class TokenFilterCollectionConverter
- class TokenizerCollectionConverter
- class TopChildrenQuery
- class TopChildrenQueryDescriptor`1
- enum TopChildrenScore
- class TrimTokenFilter
- class TruncateTokenFilter
- class TtlFieldMapping
- class TtlFieldMappingDescriptor
- class TypeFieldMapping
- class TypeFieldMappingDescriptor
- class TypeMappingProperty
- class TypeMappingWriter
- class TypeNameMarker
- class TypeNameMarkerConverter
- class TypeNameMarkerExtensions
- class TypeStats
- class UniqueTokenFilter
- class UnixDateTimeConverter
- class UnregisterPercolateResponse
- class UpdatableSettings
- class UpdateRequest`1
- class UpdateResponse
- class UpdateSettingsDescriptor
- class UpdateSettingsRequest
- class UpgradeStatusResponseConverter
- class UppercaseTokenFilter
- class UptimeStats
- class UriExtensions
- class UriJsonConverter
- class WarmerMapping
- class WarmerMappingConverter
- class WarmerResponse
- class WeightFunction`1
- class WordDelimiterTokenFilter
- class WritePropertiesFromAttributeVisitor
- class YesNoBoolConverter

Member Changes

class AggregationsHelper
-     method: PercentilesRank
-     method: TopHitsMetric
class AliasAddOperation
-     prop: FilterDescriptor
class AliasDescriptor
-     method: Add
-     method: FilterPath
-     method: MasterTimeout
-     method: Remove
-     method: Source
-     method: Timeout
class AliasExistsRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Name
- class AllFieldMapping
+ class AllField
-     prop: IndexAnalyzer
class AnalyzeDescriptor
-     method: IndexQueryString
class AnalyzeRequest
-     prop: IndexQueryString
-     prop: Indices
class AnalyzeResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
- class AndFilter
+ class AndQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
- class AverageAggregator
+ class AverageAggregation
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
- class AzureRepositoryDescriptor
+ class AzureRepositorySettingsDescriptor
-     method: ConcurrentStreams
class BM25Similarity
-     prop: Normalization
-     prop: NormalizationH1C
-     prop: NormalizationH2C
-     prop: NormalizationH3C
-     prop: NormalizationZZ
- class BoolFilter
+ class BoolQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
class BulkCreateOperation`1
-     prop: ClrType
-     prop: Operation
-     method: GetBody
-     method: GetIdForOperation
class BulkDeleteOperation`1
-     prop: ClrType
-     prop: Operation
-     method: GetBody
-     method: GetIdForOperation
class BulkDescriptor
-     method: Replication
-     method: TypeQueryString
class BulkIndexDescriptor`1
-     method: Percolate
class BulkIndexOperation`1
-     prop: ClrType
-     prop: Operation
-     method: GetBody
-     method: GetIdForOperation
class BulkOperationBase
-     prop: ClrType
-     prop: Operation
-     method: GetBody
-     method: GetIdForOperation
class BulkRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Replication
-     prop: Type
-     prop: TypeQueryString
class BulkResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class BulkUpdateOperation`2
-     prop: ClrType
-     prop: Operation
-     method: GetBody
-     method: GetIdForOperation
- class CardinalityAggregator
+ class CardinalityAggregation
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
class CatFielddataRequest
-     prop: Fields
class CatResponse`1
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class ClearCacheDescriptor
-     method: Filter
-     method: FilterCache
-     method: FilterKeys
-     method: Id
-     method: IdCache
-     method: IndexQueryString
-     method: QueryCache
class ClearCacheRequest
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: FilterCache
-     prop: FilterKeys
-     prop: Id
-     prop: IdCache
-     prop: IndexQueryString
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: QueryCache
class ClearScrollRequest
-     prop: ScrollId
class CloseIndexRequest
-     prop: Index
class ClusterFileSystem
-     prop: DiskIoOps
-     prop: DiskQueue
-     prop: DiskReads
-     prop: DiskReadSize
-     prop: DiskReadSizeInBytes
-     prop: DiskWrites
-     prop: DiskWriteSize
-     prop: DiskWriteSizeInBytes
class ClusterGetSettingsResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class ClusterHealthRequest
-     prop: Indices
class ClusterNodesStats
-     prop: Os
class ClusterPendingTasksResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class ClusterPutSettingsResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class ClusterRerouteDescriptor
-     method: Commands
class ClusterRerouteResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class ClusterStateDescriptor
-     method: Metrics
class ClusterStateRequest
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Metrics
class ClusterStateResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class ClusterStatsResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class CommonTermsQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
class ConstantScoreQuery
-     prop: IsConditionless
-     prop: Query
class ConstantScoreQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: Query
class CountDescriptor`1
-     method: Q
class CountRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Q
-     prop: Types
class CountRequest`1
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Q
-     prop: Types
class CountResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class CreateIndexDescriptor
-     method: AddAlias
-     method: AddMapping
-     method: AddWarmer
-     method: Analysis
-     method: DeleteWarmer
-     method: NumberOfReplicas
-     method: NumberOfShards
-     method: RemoveMapping
class CreateIndexRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: IndexSettings
class CreateRepositoryRequest
-     prop: RepositoryName
class CustomAnalyzer
-     prop: Alias
class DateHistogramAggregationDescriptor`1
-     method: Params
-     method: PostOffset
-     method: PostZone
-     method: PreOffset
-     method: PreZone
-     method: PreZoneAdjustLargeInterval
- class DateHistogramAggregator
+ class DateHistogramAggregation
-     prop: PostOffset
-     prop: PostZone
-     prop: PreOffset
-     prop: PreZone
-     prop: PreZoneAdjustLargeInterval
class DefaultSimilarity
-     prop: Normalization
-     prop: NormalizationH1C
-     prop: NormalizationH2C
-     prop: NormalizationH3C
-     prop: NormalizationZZ
class DeleteAliasRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Name
class DeleteAliasResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class DeleteByQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: Consistency
-     method: Q
-     method: Replication
class DeleteByQueryRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Consistency
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Q
-     prop: Replication
-     prop: Types
class DeleteByQueryRequest`1
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Consistency
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Q
-     prop: Replication
-     prop: Types
class DeleteDescriptor`1
-     method: Replication
class DeleteIndexRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: Indices
class DeleteRepositoryRequest
-     prop: RepositoryName
class DeleteRequest
-     prop: Id
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Replication
-     prop: Type
class DeleteRequest`1
-     prop: Id
-     prop: IdFrom
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Replication
-     prop: Type
class DeleteResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Infer
class DeleteScriptDescriptor
-     method: Id
-     method: Lang
class DeleteScriptRequest
-     prop: Id
-     prop: Lang
class DeleteScriptResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class DeleteSearchTemplateRequest
-     prop: Name
class DeleteSearchTemplateResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class DeleteSnapshotRequest
-     prop: Repository
-     prop: Snapshot
class DeleteWarmerRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Name
-     prop: Types
class DirectGeneratorDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
class DocumentExistsRequest
-     prop: Id
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class DocumentExistsRequest`1
-     prop: Id
-     prop: IdFrom
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class DynamicTemplateDescriptor`1
-     method: Name
class EdgeNGramTokenizer
-     prop: Side
class ElasticClient
-     prop: Connection
-     method: ClusterSettings
+     method: ClusterPutSettings
-     method: ClusterSettingsAsync
+     method: ClusterPutSettingsAsync
-     method: DeleteMapping
-     method: DeleteMappingAsync
-     method: DeleteTemplate
+     method: DeleteSearchTemplate
-     method: DeleteTemplateAsync
+     method: DeleteSearchTemplateAsync
-     method: DeleteTemplateAync
-     method: DoRequest
-     method: DoRequestAsync
-     method: GetTemplate
+     method: GetSearchTemplate
-     method: GetTemplateAsync
+     method: GetSearchTemplateAsync
-     method: MoreLikeThis
-     method: MoreLikeThisAsync
-     method: NodesShutdown
-     method: NodesShutdownAsync
-     method: PutTemplate
+     method: PutSearchTemplate
-     method: PutTemplateAsync
+     method: PutSearchTemplateAsync
-     method: Status
-     method: StatusAsync
-     method: TemplateExists
-     method: TemplateExistsAsync
-     method: TermVector
-     method: TermVectorAsync
-     method: UpdateSettings
+     method: UpdateIndexSettings
-     method: UpdateSettingsAsync
+     method: UpdateIndexSettingsAsync
- class ExistsFilter
+ class ExistsQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
class ExistsResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class ExplainDescriptor`1
-     method: EnableSource
-     method: Q
class ExplainRequest`1
-     prop: EnableSource
-     prop: Id
-     prop: IdFrom
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Q
-     prop: Type
class ExplainResponse`1
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Fields
-     prop: Infer
-     prop: Source
- class ExtendedStatsAggregator
+ class ExtendedStatsAggregation
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
class FieldStatsRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: Indices
class FieldStatsResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
- class FileSystemRepositoryDescriptor
+ class FileSystemRepositorySettingsDescriptor
-     method: SnapshortBytesPerSecondMaximum
class FiltersAggregationDescriptor`1
-     method: Filters
class FlushDescriptor
-     method: Full
class FlushRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: Indices
class FunctionScoreQuery
-     prop: Filter
+     prop: Query
-     prop: RandomScore
-     prop: ScriptScore
-     prop: Weight
-     prop: WeightAsDouble
class FunctionScoreQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: Filter
-     method: RandomScore
-     method: ScriptScore
-     method: Weight
class FuzzyDateQuery
-     prop: UnicodeAware
class FuzzyDateQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
-     method: UnicodeAware
class FuzzyNumericQuery
-     prop: UnicodeAware
class FuzzyNumericQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
-     method: UnicodeAware
class FuzzyQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
-     method: UnicodeAware
- class GeoBoundingBoxFilter
+ class GeoBoundingBoxQuery
-     prop: BottomRight
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: GeoExecution
-     prop: TopLeft
- class GeoBoundsAggregator
+ class GeoBoundsAggregation
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
- class GeoDistanceFilter
+ class GeoDistanceQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Unit
- class GeoDistanceRangeFilter
+ class GeoDistanceRangeQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: From
-     prop: IncludeLower
-     prop: IncludeUpper
-     prop: To
-     prop: Unit
class GeoDistanceSort
-     prop: PinLocation
+     prop: Points
- class GeoHashCellFilter
+ class GeoHashCellQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Unit
- class GeoIndexedShapeFilter
+ class GeoIndexedShapeQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Relation
class GeoLocation
-     prop: Longtitude
- class GeoPolygonFilter
+ class GeoPolygonQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
- class GeoShapeCircleFilter
+ class GeoShapeCircleQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Relation
class GeoShapeCircleQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
- class GeoShapeEnvelopeFilter
+ class GeoShapeEnvelopeQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Relation
class GeoShapeEnvelopeQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
- class GeoShapeLineStringFilter
+ class GeoShapeLineStringQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Relation
class GeoShapeLineStringQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
- class GeoShapeMultiLineStringFilter
+ class GeoShapeMultiLineStringQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Relation
class GeoShapeMultiLineStringQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
- class GeoShapeMultiPointFilter
+ class GeoShapeMultiPointQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Relation
class GeoShapeMultiPointQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
- class GeoShapeMultiPolygonFilter
+ class GeoShapeMultiPolygonQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Relation
class GeoShapeMultiPolygonQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
- class GeoShapePointFilter
+ class GeoShapePointQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Relation
class GeoShapePointQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
- class GeoShapePolygonFilter
+ class GeoShapePolygonQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Relation
class GeoShapePolygonQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
class GetAliasesRequest
-     prop: Indices
class GetAliasesResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class GetAliasRequest
-     prop: Indices
class GetDescriptor`1
-     method: EnableSource
class GetFieldMappingRequest
-     prop: Fields
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Types
class GetFieldMappingResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class GetIndexDescriptor
-     method: Features
class GetIndexRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: Features
-     prop: Indices
class GetIndexResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class GetIndexSettingsRequest
-     prop: Index
class GetMappingRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class GetMappingResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class GetRepositoryRequest
-     prop: RepositoryName
class GetRepositoryResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class GetRequest
-     prop: EnableSource
-     prop: Id
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class GetRequest`1
-     prop: EnableSource
-     prop: Id
-     prop: IdFrom
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class GetResponse`1
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
-     method: FieldValue
class GetScriptDescriptor
-     method: Id
-     method: Lang
class GetScriptRequest
-     prop: Id
-     prop: Lang
class GetScriptResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class GetSearchTemplateRequest
-     prop: Name
class GetSearchTemplateResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class GetSnapshotRequest
-     prop: Repository
-     prop: Snapshot
class GetSnapshotResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class GetWarmerRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Name
-     prop: Types
- class HasChildFilter
+ class HasChildQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: FilterName
class HasChildQuery
-     prop: ScoreType
+     prop: ScoreMode
class HasChildQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: Score
- class HasParentFilter
+ class HasParentQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: FilterName
class HasParentQuery
-     prop: ScoreType
+     prop: ScoreMode
class HasParentQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: Score
class Highlight
-     prop: DocumentId
-     prop: Field
-     prop: Highlights
class HighlightDescriptor`1
-     method: OnFields
+     method: Fields
class HighlightField
-     prop: HighlightQuery
class HighlightFieldDescriptor`1
-     method: HighlightQuery
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
class HistogramAggregationDescriptor`1
-     method: Params
- class HistogramAggregator
+ class HistogramAggregation
-     prop: Params
class HistogramItem
-     prop: Date
class HotThreadInformation
-     prop: Node
interface IBoolQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface IClearScrollRequest
-     prop: ScrollId
interface IClusterStateRequest
-     prop: Metrics
interface ICommonTermsQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Field
interface IConnectionSettingsValues
-     prop: ContractConverters
-     prop: DefaultPropertyNameInferrer
-     prop: ModifyJsonSerializerSettings
interface IConstantScoreQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Query
interface ICreateIndexRequest
-     prop: IndexSettings
- interface IDateHistogramAggregator
+ interface IDateHistogramAggregation
-     prop: PostOffset
-     prop: PostZone
-     prop: PreOffset
-     prop: PreZone
-     prop: PreZoneAdjustLargeInterval
interface IDeleteResponse
-     prop: Indices
interface IDisMaxQuery
-     prop: Boost
class IdResolver
-     method: GetIdFor
- class IdsFilter
+ class IdsQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Type
class IdsQuery
-     prop: Type
class IdsQueryDescriptor
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Name
-     prop: Type
-     prop: Values
interface IElasticClient
-     prop: Connection
-     method: ClusterSettings
+     method: ClusterPutSettings
-     method: ClusterSettingsAsync
+     method: ClusterPutSettingsAsync
-     method: DeleteMapping
-     method: DeleteMappingAsync
-     method: DeleteTemplate
+     method: DeleteSearchTemplate
-     method: DeleteTemplateAsync
+     method: DeleteSearchTemplateAsync
-     method: DeleteTemplateAync
-     method: DoRequest
-     method: DoRequestAsync
-     method: GetTemplate
+     method: GetSearchTemplate
-     method: GetTemplateAsync
+     method: GetSearchTemplateAsync
-     method: MoreLikeThis
-     method: MoreLikeThisAsync
-     method: NodesShutdown
-     method: NodesShutdownAsync
-     method: PutTemplate
+     method: PutSearchTemplate
-     method: PutTemplateAsync
+     method: PutSearchTemplateAsync
-     method: Status
-     method: StatusAsync
-     method: TemplateExists
-     method: TemplateExistsAsync
-     method: TermVector
-     method: TermVectorAsync
-     method: UpdateSettings
+     method: UpdateIndexSettings
-     method: UpdateSettingsAsync
+     method: UpdateIndexSettingsAsync
interface IExplainResponse`1
-     prop: Fields
-     prop: Source
interface IFieldNameQuery
-     method: GetFieldName
-     method: SetFieldName
interface IFieldSort
-     prop: Field
- interface IFilter
+ interface IQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: IsConditionless
-     prop: IsStrict
-     prop: IsVerbatim
interface IFilteredQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface IFunctionScoreQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: RandomScore
-     prop: ScriptScore
-     prop: Weight
-     prop: WeightAsDouble
interface IFuzzyDateQuery
-     prop: Value
interface IFuzzyNumericQuery
-     prop: Value
interface IFuzzyQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Field
-     prop: Fuzziness
-     prop: UnicodeAware
- interface IGeoBoundingBoxFilter
+ interface IGeoBoundingBoxQuery
-     prop: BottomRight
-     prop: Field
-     prop: GeoExecution
-     prop: TopLeft
- interface IGeoDistanceFilter
+ interface IGeoDistanceQuery
-     prop: Field
-     prop: Unit
- interface IGeoDistanceRangeFilter
+ interface IGeoDistanceRangeQuery
-     prop: Field
-     prop: From
-     prop: IncludeLower
-     prop: IncludeUpper
-     prop: To
-     prop: Unit
interface IGeoDistanceSort
-     prop: PinLocation
+     prop: Points
- interface IGeoHashCellFilter
+ interface IGeoHashCellQuery
-     prop: Field
-     prop: Unit
interface IGeoShapeCircleQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface IGeoShapeEnvelopeQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface IGeoShapeLineStringQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface IGeoShapeMultiLineStringQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface IGeoShapeMultiPointQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface IGeoShapeMultiPolygonQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface IGeoShapePointQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface IGeoShapePolygonQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface IGeoShapeQuery
-     prop: Field
interface IGetIndexRequest
-     prop: Features
- interface IHasChildFilter
+ interface IHasChildQuery
-     prop: Filter
interface IHasChildQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: ScoreType
- interface IHasParentFilter
+ interface IHasParentQuery
-     prop: Filter
interface IHasParentQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: ScoreType
interface IHighlightField
-     prop: HighlightQuery
- interface IHistogramAggregator
+ interface IHistogramAggregation
-     prop: Params
- interface IIdsFilter
+ interface IIdsQuery
-     prop: Type
interface IIdsQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Type
- interface IIndicesFilter
+ interface IIndicesQuery
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: Index
-     prop: NoMatchFilter
interface IIndicesQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Score
interface IIndicesStatsRequest
-     prop: Metrics
- interface ILimitFilter
+ interface ILimitQuery
-     prop: Value
interface IMatchAllQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface IMatchQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Field
-     prop: Rewrite
- interface IMetricAggregator
+ interface IMetricAggregation
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
interface IMoreLikeThisQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Documents
-     prop: Ids
-     prop: LikeText
-     prop: TermMatchPercentage
interface IMultiGetOperation
-     prop: Document
-     prop: PerFieldAnalyzer
interface IMultiGetRequest
-     prop: GetOperations
interface IMultiMatchQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Rewrite
class IndexDescriptor`1
-     method: Replication
class IndexExistsRequest
-     prop: Index
class IndexNameResolver
-     method: GetIndexForType
class IndexRequest`1
-     prop: Id
-     prop: IdFrom
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Replication
-     prop: Type
class IndexResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class IndexSettings
-     prop: Aliases
-     prop: AsExpando
-     prop: Mappings
-     prop: Settings
-     prop: Similarity
-     prop: Warmers
- class IndicesFilter
+ class IndicesQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Index
-     prop: NoMatchFilter
-     prop: Score
class IndicesQuery
-     prop: Score
class IndicesStats
-     prop: Completion
-     prop: Count
-     prop: Docs
-     prop: FieldData
-     prop: FilterCache
-     prop: IdCache
-     prop: Percolate
-     prop: Segments
-     prop: Shards
-     prop: Store
class IndicesStatsDescriptor
-     method: Metrics
class IndicesStatsRequest
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Metrics
- interface INestedFilter
+ interface INestedQuery
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: Join
-     prop: Score
interface INestedQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: Score
interface INodesInfoRequest
-     prop: Metrics
interface INodesStatsRequest
-     prop: IndexMetrics
-     prop: Metrics
- interface INotFilter
+ interface INotQuery
-     prop: Filter
- interface IPercentilesAggregator
+ interface IPercentilesAggregation
-     prop: Compression
-     prop: Field
-     prop: Params
-     prop: Percentages
-     prop: Script
interface IPercolateOperation
-     prop: Facets
-     prop: Id
interface IPhraseSuggestCollate
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: Params
-     prop: Preference
- interface IPrefixFilter
+ interface IPrefixQuery
-     prop: Prefix
interface IPutAliasRequest
-     prop: IndexRouting
-     prop: SearchRouting
interface IPutMappingRequest
-     prop: Mapping
interface IPutWarmerRequest
-     prop: SearchDescriptor
+     prop: Search
interface IQuery
-     prop: IsConditionless
interface IQueryContainer
-     prop: CustomBoostFactor
-     prop: CustomFiltersScore
-     prop: CustomScore
-     prop: FuzzyLikeThis
-     prop: MatchAllQuery
+     prop: MatchAll
-     prop: TopChildren
interface IQueryStringQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: FuzzyMinimumSimilarity
-     prop: MinimumShouldMatchPercentage
- interface IRangeAggregator
+ interface IRangeAggregation
-     prop: Params
- interface IRangeFilter
+ interface IRangeQuery
-     prop: Execution
-     prop: Format
-     prop: GreaterThan
-     prop: GreaterThanOrEqualTo
-     prop: LowerThan
-     prop: LowerThanOrEqualTo
-     prop: TimeZone
interface IRangeQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: Field
-     prop: Format
-     prop: GreaterThan
-     prop: GreaterThanOrEqualTo
-     prop: LowerThan
-     prop: LowerThanOrEqualTo
-     prop: TimeZone
interface IRegexpQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Field
interface IRegisterPercolatorRequest
-     prop: MetaData
+     prop: Metadata
- interface IRepository
+ interface ISnapshotRepository
-     prop: Settings
interface IRequest
-     prop: RequestConfiguration
interface IResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
- interface IScriptedMetricAggregator
+ interface IScriptedMetricAggregation
-     prop: CombineScriptFile
-     prop: CombineScriptId
-     prop: InitScriptFile
-     prop: InitScriptId
-     prop: MapScriptFile
-     prop: MapScriptId
-     prop: ReduceParams
-     prop: ReduceScriptFile
-     prop: ReduceScriptId
- interface IScriptFilter
+ interface IScriptQuery
-     prop: Script
-     prop: ScriptFile
-     prop: ScriptId
interface IScriptSort
-     prop: File
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
interface IScrollRequest
-     prop: TypeSelector
interface ISearchRequest
-     prop: ClrType
-     prop: Facets
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: QueryString
-     prop: TypeSelector
interface ISearchResponse`1
-     prop: ElapsedMilliseconds
+     prop: Took
-     prop: Facets
-     prop: FieldSelections
-     method: Facet
-     method: FacetItems
interface ISearchTemplateRequest
-     prop: ClrType
-     prop: TypeSelector
interface ISimpleQueryStringQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: DefaultField
interface ISpanFirstQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface ISpanMultiTermQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface ISpanNearQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface ISpanNotQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface ISpanOrQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface ISpanQuery
-     prop: SpanTermQueryDescriptor
+     prop: SpanTerm
interface ITemplateQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Query
- interface ITermFilter
+ interface ITermQuery
-     prop: Boost
interface ITermQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: Field
- interface ITermsAggregator
+ interface ITermsAggregation
-     prop: Params
interface ITermsQuery
-     prop: Boost
-     prop: ExternalField
+     prop: TermsLookup
-     prop: Field
- interface ITopHitsAggregator
+ interface ITopHitsAggregation
-     prop: FieldDataFields
+     prop: FielddataFields
interface IUpdateRequest`2
-     prop: DetectNoop
- class LimitFilter
+ class LimitQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Value
class LMDirichletSimilarity
-     prop: Normalization
-     prop: NormalizationH1C
-     prop: NormalizationH2C
-     prop: NormalizationH3C
-     prop: NormalizationZZ
- class MatchAllFilter
+ class MatchAllQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
class MatchQuery
-     prop: Rewrite
-     prop: Type
class MatchQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
-     method: Rewrite
- class MaxAggregator
+ class MaxAggregation
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
- class MinAggregator
+ class MinAggregation
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
- class MissingFilter
+ class MissingQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
class MoreLikeThisQuery
-     prop: Documents
+     prop: Like
-     prop: Ids
+     prop: Like
-     prop: LikeText
+     prop: Like
class MoreLikeThisQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: Documents
-     method: DocumentsExplicit
-     method: Ids
-     method: LikeText
-     method: OnFields
+     method: Fields
-     method: TermMatchPercentage
class MultiGetDescriptor
-     method: EnableSource
class MultiGetHit`1
-     prop: FieldSelection
class MultiGetOperation`1
-     prop: PerFieldAnalyzer
class MultiGetOperationDescriptor`1
-     method: Document
-     method: PerFieldAnalyzer
class MultiGetRequest
-     prop: EnableSource
-     prop: GetOperations
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class MultiGetResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class MultiMatchQuery
-     prop: Rewrite
class MultiMatchQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnFields
+     method: Fields
-     method: OnFieldsWithBoost
-     method: Rewrite
-     method: UseDisMax
class MultiPercolateRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class MultiPercolateResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class MultiSearchRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class MultiSearchResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class MultiTermVectorsRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
- class NestedFilter
+ class NestedQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Join
-     prop: Score
class NestedQuery
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: Score
class NestedQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: Filter
-     method: Score
class NodeInfo
-     prop: HTTP
+     prop: Http
-     prop: JVM
+     prop: Jvm
-     prop: OS
+     prop: OperatingSystem
class NodesHotThreadsDescriptor
-     prop: NodeId
class NodesHotThreadsRequest
-     prop: NodeId
class NodesHotThreadsResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class NodesInfoDescriptor
-     method: Metrics
class NodesInfoRequest
-     prop: Metrics
-     prop: NodeId
class NodesStatsDescriptor
-     method: IndexMetrics
-     method: Metrics
class NodesStatsRequest
-     prop: IndexMetrics
-     prop: Metrics
-     prop: NodeId
class NodeStats
-     prop: Hostname
-     prop: HTTP
+     prop: Http
-     prop: JVM
+     prop: Jvm
-     prop: Network
-     prop: OS
+     prop: OperatingSystem
class NoMatchQueryContainer
-     prop: IsConditionless
-     prop: IsStrict
-     prop: IsVerbatim
- class NotFilter
+ class NotQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: FilterName
class NumericRangeQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: Greater
+     method: GreaterThan
-     method: GreaterOrEquals
+     method: GreaterThanOrEquals
-     method: Lower
+     method: LessThan
-     method: LowerOrEquals
+     method: LessThanOrEquals
class OpenIndexRequest
-     prop: Index
class OptimizeDescriptor
-     method: Force
class OptimizeRequest
-     prop: Force
-     prop: Indices
- class OrFilter
+ class OrQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
class PercentileRanksAggregation
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
class PercentilesAggregationDescriptor`1
-     method: Compression
-     method: Params
-     method: Percentages
- class PercentilesAggregator
+ class PercentilesAggregation
-     prop: Compression
-     prop: Params
-     prop: Percentages
class PercolateCountDescriptor`1
-     method: Object
-     method: QueryString
-     method: SortAscending
-     method: SortDescending
-     method: SortGeoDistance
-     method: SortScript
class PercolateCountRequest`1
-     prop: Facets
-     prop: Id
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class PercolateCountResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class PercolateDescriptor`1
-     method: QueryString
-     method: SortAscending
-     method: SortDescending
-     method: SortGeoDistance
-     method: SortScript
class PercolateRequest`1
-     prop: Facets
-     prop: Id
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class PercolateResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class PhraseSuggestCollate
-     prop: Filter
-     prop: Params
-     prop: Preference
class PhraseSuggestCollateDescriptor`1
-     method: Filter
-     method: Params
-     method: Preference
class PingResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class PluginStats
-     prop: Url
- class PrefixFilter
+ class PrefixQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Prefix
class PropertiesDescriptor`1
-     prop: Properties
-     method: Generic
-     method: IP
-     method: MultiField
-     method: NestedObject
-     method: Remove
class PutAliasDescriptor
-     method: IndexRouting
-     method: SearchRouting
class PutAliasRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: IndexRouting
-     prop: Name
-     prop: SearchRouting
class PutAliasResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class PutMappingDescriptor`1
-     method: AnalyzerField
-     method: BoostField
-     method: Enabled
-     method: IdField
-     method: IgnoreConflicts
-     method: IncludeInAll
-     method: IndexAnalyzer
-     method: InitializeUsing
-     method: MapFromAttributes
-     method: Path
-     method: SetParent
-     method: TypeField
class PutMappingRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: IgnoreConflicts
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Mapping
-     prop: Type
class PutMappingRequest`1
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: IgnoreConflicts
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Mapping
-     prop: Type
class PutScriptDescriptor
-     method: Id
-     method: Lang
class PutScriptRequest
-     prop: Id
-     prop: Lang
class PutScriptResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class PutSearchTemplateRequest
-     prop: Name
class PutSearchTemplateResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class PutWarmerRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Name
-     prop: SearchDescriptor
+     prop: Search
-     prop: Types
class QueryContainer
-     prop: IsConditionless
-     prop: IsStrict
-     prop: IsVerbatim
-     method: GetCustomJson
class QueryStringQuery
-     prop: FuzzyMinimumSimilarity
-     prop: MinimumShouldMatchPercentage
class QueryStringQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: FuzzyMinimumSimilarity
-     method: MinimumShouldMatchPercentage
-     method: OnFields
+     method: Fields
-     method: OnFieldsWithBoost
class Range
-     prop: Count
-     prop: Max
-     prop: Mean
-     prop: Min
-     prop: Total
-     prop: TotalCount
class RangeAggregationDescriptor`1
-     method: Params
- class RangeAggregator
+ class RangeAggregation
-     prop: Params
class RecoveryStatusRequest
-     prop: Indices
class RecoveryStatusResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class RefreshRequest
-     prop: Indices
- class RegexpFilter
+ class RegexpQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
class RegexpQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
class RegisterPercolatorDescriptor`1
-     method: AddMetadata
-     method: GetCustomJson
class RegisterPercolatorRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: MetaData
+     prop: Metadata
-     prop: Name
-     method: GetCustomJson
class ReindexDescriptor`1
-     method: FromIndex
-     method: NewIndexName
-     method: ToIndex
class RescoreQueryDescriptor`1
-     prop: Self
class RestoreRequest
-     prop: Repository
-     prop: Snapshot
class RestoreResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class ScriptedHeuristic
-     prop: Lang
-     prop: Params
class ScriptedHeuristicDescriptor
-     method: Lang
-     method: Params
class ScriptedMetricAggregationDescriptor`1
-     method: CombineScriptFile
-     method: CombineScriptId
-     method: InitScriptFile
-     method: InitScriptId
-     method: MapScriptFile
-     method: MapScriptId
-     method: ReduceParams
-     method: ReduceScriptFile
-     method: ReduceScriptId
- class ScriptFilter
+ class ScriptQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
-     prop: Script
-     prop: ScriptFile
-     prop: ScriptId
class ScriptSort
-     prop: File
-     prop: Params
class SearchDescriptor`1
-     method: FacetDateHistogram
-     method: FacetFilter
-     method: FacetGeoDistance
-     method: FacetHistogram
-     method: FacetQuery
-     method: FacetRange
-     method: FacetStatistical
-     method: FacetTerm
-     method: FacetTermsStats
-     method: Filter
-     method: FilterRaw
-     method: QueryCache
-     method: QueryRaw
-     method: QueryString
-     method: SortAscending
-     method: SortDescending
-     method: SortGeoDistance
-     method: SortMulti
-     method: SortScript
-     method: Strict
-     method: SuggestCompletion
-     method: SuggestPhrase
-     method: SuggestTerm
class SearchExistsDescriptor`1
-     method: Q
class SearchExistsRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Q
-     prop: Types
class SearchExistsRequest`1
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Q
-     prop: Types
class SearchRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Facets
-     prop: Filter
+     prop: PostFilter
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: QueryCache
-     prop: QueryString
-     prop: Types
class SearchRequest`1
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: ClrType
-     prop: Facets
-     prop: Filter
+     prop: PostFilter
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: QueryCache
-     prop: QueryString
-     prop: Types
class SearchResponse`1
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: ElapsedMilliseconds
+     prop: Took
-     prop: Facets
-     prop: FieldSelections
-     prop: Infer
-     method: Facet
-     method: FacetItems
class SearchShardsRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Types
class SearchShardsRequest`1
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Types
class SearchShardsResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class SearchTemplateRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Types
class SearchTemplateRequest`1
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: ClrType
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Types
class SegmentsRequest
-     prop: Indices
class SegmentsResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class SignificantTermsAggregationDescriptor`1
-     method: Exclude
-     method: ExecutionHint
-     method: Include
class SimpleQueryStringQuery
-     prop: DefaultField
class SimpleQueryStringQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: DefaultField
-     method: OnFields
+     method: Fields
-     method: OnFieldsWithBoost
class SingleMappingDescriptor`1
-     method: Generic
-     method: IP
-     method: MultiField
-     method: NestedObject
class Snapshot
-     prop: Version
-     prop: VersionId
class SnapshotRequest
-     prop: Repository
-     prop: Snapshot
class SnapshotResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class SnapshotStatusRequest
-     prop: Repository
-     prop: Snapshot
class SnapshotStatusResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class SortDescriptor`1
-     method: Sort
-     method: SortAscending
-     method: SortDescending
-     method: SortGeoDistance
-     method: SortScript
class SortFieldDescriptor`1
-     method: NestedAvg
-     method: NestedMax
-     method: NestedMin
-     method: NestedSum
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
class SortGeoDistanceDescriptor`1
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
class SortScriptDescriptor`1
-     prop: Self
-     method: File
-     method: Language
-     method: Params
class SourceDescriptor`1
-     method: EnableSource
class SourceRequest
-     prop: EnableSource
-     prop: Id
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class SourceRequest`1
-     prop: EnableSource
-     prop: Id
-     prop: IdFrom
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
class SpanFirstQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: MatchTerm
class SpanMultiTermQuery
-     prop: IsConditionless
class SpanQuery
-     prop: Name
-     prop: SpanTermQueryDescriptor
+     prop: SpanTerm
class StandardTokenizer
-     prop: MaximumTokenLength
+     prop: MaxTokenLength
- class StatsAggregator
+ class StatsAggregation
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
- class SuggestOption
+ class Suggest
-     prop: Frequency
-     prop: Payload
-     prop: Score
class SuggestRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: Indices
class SuggestResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
- class SumAggregator
+ class SumAggregation
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
class SyncedFlushRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: Indices
class TemplateQuery
-     prop: IsConditionless
-     prop: Query
- class TermFilter
+ class TermQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
class TermQueryDescriptorBase`2
-     method: GetFieldName
-     method: OnField
+     method: Field
-     method: SetFieldName
class TermsAggregationDescriptor`1
-     method: Params
- class TermsAggregator
+ class TermsAggregation
-     prop: Params
- class TermsFilter
+ class TermsQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: Execution
-     prop: FilterName
class TermsQuery
-     prop: ExternalField
+     prop: TermsLookup
class TopHitsAggregationDescriptor`1
-     method: FieldDataFields
- class TopHitsAggregator
+ class TopHitsAggregation
-     prop: FieldDataFields
+     prop: FielddataFields
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
class TypeExistsRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Type
- class TypeFilter
+ class TypeQuery
-     prop: Cache
-     prop: CacheKey
-     prop: FilterName
class TypeMapping
-     prop: Mapping
-     prop: TypeName
class TypeNameResolver
-     method: GetTypeNameFor
class UaxEmailUrlTokenizer
-     prop: MaximumTokenLength
+     prop: MaxTokenLength
class UnregisterPercolatorRequest
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Name
class UpdateDescriptor`2
-     method: Id
-     method: Replication
class UpdateRequest`2
-     prop: Id
-     prop: IdFrom
-     prop: Index
-     prop: Replication
-     prop: Type
class UpgradeRequest
-     prop: Indices
class UpgradeResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class UpgradeStatusRequest
-     prop: Indices
class UpgradeStatusResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
class ValidateQueryDescriptor`1
-     method: Q
class ValidateQueryRequest
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Q
-     prop: Types
class ValidateQueryRequest`1
-     prop: AllIndices
-     prop: AllTypes
-     prop: Indices
-     prop: Q
-     prop: Types
class ValidateResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer
- class ValueCountAggregator
+ class ValueCountAggregation
-     prop: Language
-     prop: Params
class VerifyRepositoryRequest
-     prop: RepositoryName
class VerifyRepositoryResponse
-     prop: ConnectionStatus
+     prop: ApiCall
-     prop: Infer