- .NET Clients: other versions:
- Introduction
- Breaking changes
- API Conventions
- Elasticsearch.Net - Low level client
- NEST - High level client
- Troubleshooting
- Search
- Query DSL
- Full text queries
- Term level queries
- Exists Query Usage
- Fuzzy Date Query Usage
- Fuzzy Numeric Query Usage
- Fuzzy Query Usage
- Ids Query Usage
- Prefix Query Usage
- Date Range Query Usage
- Numeric Range Query Usage
- Term Range Query Usage
- Regexp Query Usage
- Term Query Usage
- Terms List Query Usage
- Terms Lookup Query Usage
- Terms Query Usage
- Type Query Usage
- Wildcard Query Usage
- Compound queries
- Joining queries
- Geo queries
- Geo Bounding Box Query Usage
- Geo Distance Query Usage
- Geo Distance Range Query Usage
- Geo Hash Cell Query Usage
- Geo Polygon Query Usage
- Geo Shape Circle Query Usage
- Geo Shape Envelope Query Usage
- Geo Shape Geometry Collection Query Usage
- Geo Shape Indexed Shape Query Usage
- Geo Shape Line String Query Usage
- Geo Shape Multi Line String Query Usage
- Geo Shape Multi Point Query Usage
- Geo Shape Multi Polygon Query Usage
- Geo Shape Point Query Usage
- Geo Shape Polygon Query Usage
- Specialized queries
- Span queries
- NEST specific queries
- Aggregations
- Metric Aggregations
- Average Aggregation Usage
- Cardinality Aggregation Usage
- Extended Stats Aggregation Usage
- Geo Bounds Aggregation Usage
- Geo Centroid Aggregation Usage
- Max Aggregation Usage
- Min Aggregation Usage
- Percentile Ranks Aggregation Usage
- Percentiles Aggregation Usage
- Scripted Metric Aggregation Usage
- Stats Aggregation Usage
- Sum Aggregation Usage
- Top Hits Aggregation Usage
- Value Count Aggregation Usage
- Bucket Aggregations
- Adjacency Matrix Usage
- Children Aggregation Usage
- Date Histogram Aggregation Usage
- Date Range Aggregation Usage
- Filter Aggregation Usage
- Filters Aggregation Usage
- Geo Distance Aggregation Usage
- Geo Hash Grid Aggregation Usage
- Global Aggregation Usage
- Histogram Aggregation Usage
- Ip Range Aggregation Usage
- Missing Aggregation Usage
- Nested Aggregation Usage
- Range Aggregation Usage
- Reverse Nested Aggregation Usage
- Sampler Aggregation Usage
- Significant Terms Aggregation Usage
- Terms Aggregation Usage
- Pipeline Aggregations
- Average Bucket Aggregation Usage
- Bucket Script Aggregation Usage
- Bucket Selector Aggregation Usage
- Cumulative Sum Aggregation Usage
- Derivative Aggregation Usage
- Extended Stats Bucket Aggregation Usage
- Max Bucket Aggregation Usage
- Min Bucket Aggregation Usage
- Moving Average Ewma Aggregation Usage
- Moving Average Holt Linear Aggregation Usage
- Moving Average Holt Winters Aggregation Usage
- Moving Average Linear Aggregation Usage
- Moving Average Simple Aggregation Usage
- Percentiles Bucket Aggregation Usage
- Serial Differencing Aggregation Usage
- Stats Bucket Aggregation Usage
- Sum Bucket Aggregation Usage
- Matrix Aggregations
- Metric Aggregations
WARNING: Version 5.x has passed its EOL date.
This documentation is no longer being maintained and may be removed. If you are running this version, we strongly advise you to upgrade. For the latest information, see the current release documentation.
Skipping dead nodes
editSkipping dead nodes
editWhen selecting nodes, the connection pool will try and skip all nodes that are marked as dead.
editCreateView is implemented in a lock free thread safe fashion, meaning each callee gets returned its own cursor to advance over the internal list of nodes. This to guarantee each request that needs to fall over tries all the nodes without suffering from noisy neighbours advancing a global cursor.
var seeds = Enumerable.Range(9200, NumberOfNodes).Select(p => new Node(new Uri("http://localhost:" + p))).ToList(); var pool = new StaticConnectionPool(seeds, randomize: false); for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { var node = pool.CreateView().First(); node.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9200); node = pool.CreateView().First(); node.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9201); node = pool.CreateView().First(); node.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9202); } var seeds = Enumerable.Range(9200, NumberOfNodes).Select(p => new Node(new Uri("http://localhost:" + p))).ToList(); seeds.First().MarkDead(DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)); var pool = new StaticConnectionPool(seeds, randomize: false); for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { var node = pool.CreateView().First(); node.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9201); node = pool.CreateView().First(); node.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9202); }
After we marked the first node alive again, we expect it to be hit again
seeds.First().MarkAlive(); for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { var node = pool.CreateView().First(); node.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9201); node = pool.CreateView().First(); node.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9202); node = pool.CreateView().First(); node.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9200); } var dateTimeProvider = new TestableDateTimeProvider(); var seeds = Enumerable.Range(9200, NumberOfNodes).Select(p => new Node(new Uri("http://localhost:" + p))).ToList(); seeds.First().MarkDead(dateTimeProvider.Now().AddDays(1)); var pool = new StaticConnectionPool(seeds, randomize: false, dateTimeProvider: dateTimeProvider); for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { var node = pool.CreateView().First(); node.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9201); node = pool.CreateView().First(); node.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9202); }
If we roll the clock forward two days, the node that was marked dead until tomorrow (or yesterday!) should be resurrected
dateTimeProvider.ChangeTime(d => d.AddDays(2)); var n = pool.CreateView().First(); n.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9201); n = pool.CreateView().First(); n.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9202); n = pool.CreateView().First(); n.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9200); n.IsResurrected.Should().BeTrue();
A cluster with 2 nodes where the second node fails on ping
var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster .Nodes(4) .ClientCalls(p => p.Succeeds(Always)) .ClientCalls(p => p.OnPort(9201).FailAlways()) .ClientCalls(p => p.OnPort(9203).FailAlways()) .StaticConnectionPool() .Settings(p=>p.DisablePing()) ); await audit.TraceCalls( new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9200}, { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(0) } }, new ClientCall { { BadResponse, 9201}, { HealthyResponse, 9202}, /** Finally we assert that the connectionpool has one node that is marked as dead */ { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(1) } }, new ClientCall { { BadResponse, 9203}, { HealthyResponse, 9200}, { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) } }, new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9202}, { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) } }, new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9200}, { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) } }, new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9202}, { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) } }, new ClientCall { { HealthyResponse, 9200}, { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) } } );
The first call goes to 9200 which succeeds |
The 2nd call does a ping on 9201 because its used for the first time. It fails so we wrap over to node 9202 |
The next call goes to 9203 which fails so we should wrap over |
A cluster with 2 nodes where the second node fails on ping
var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster .Nodes(4) .ClientCalls(p => p.Fails(Always)) .StaticConnectionPool() .Settings(p=>p.DisablePing()) ); await audit.TraceCalls( new ClientCall { { BadResponse, 9200}, { BadResponse, 9201}, { BadResponse, 9202}, { BadResponse, 9203}, { MaxRetriesReached }, { FailedOverAllNodes }, { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) } }, new ClientCall { { AllNodesDead }, { Resurrection, 9201}, { BadResponse, 9201}, { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) } }, new ClientCall { { AllNodesDead }, { Resurrection, 9202}, { BadResponse, 9202}, { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) } }, new ClientCall { { AllNodesDead }, { Resurrection, 9203}, { BadResponse, 9203}, { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) } }, new ClientCall { { AllNodesDead }, { Resurrection, 9200}, { BadResponse, 9200}, { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) } } );
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