
The executive guide to generative AI

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Skipping dead nodes


When selecting nodes, the connection pool will try and skip all nodes that are marked as dead.



CreateView is implemented in a lock free thread safe fashion, meaning each callee gets returned its own cursor to advance over the internal list of nodes. This to guarantee each request that needs to fall over tries all the nodes without suffering from noisy neighbours advancing a global cursor.

var seeds = Enumerable.Range(9200, NumberOfNodes).Select(p => new Node(new Uri("http://localhost:" + p))).ToList();
var pool = new StaticConnectionPool(seeds, randomize: false);
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    var node = pool.CreateView().First();
    node = pool.CreateView().First();
    node = pool.CreateView().First();

var seeds = Enumerable.Range(9200, NumberOfNodes).Select(p => new Node(new Uri("http://localhost:" + p))).ToList();
var pool = new StaticConnectionPool(seeds, randomize: false);
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    var node = pool.CreateView().First();
    node = pool.CreateView().First();

After we marked the first node alive again, we expect it to be hit again

for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    var node = pool.CreateView().First();
    node = pool.CreateView().First();
    node = pool.CreateView().First();

var dateTimeProvider = new TestableDateTimeProvider();
var seeds = Enumerable.Range(9200, NumberOfNodes).Select(p => new Node(new Uri("http://localhost:" + p))).ToList();
var pool = new StaticConnectionPool(seeds, randomize: false, dateTimeProvider: dateTimeProvider);
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    var node = pool.CreateView().First();
    node = pool.CreateView().First();

If we roll the clock forward two days, the node that was marked dead until tomorrow (or yesterday!) should be resurrected

dateTimeProvider.ChangeTime(d => d.AddDays(2));
var n = pool.CreateView().First();
n = pool.CreateView().First();
n = pool.CreateView().First();

A cluster with 2 nodes where the second node fails on ping

var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
    .ClientCalls(p => p.Succeeds(Always))
    .ClientCalls(p => p.OnPort(9201).FailAlways())
    .ClientCalls(p => p.OnPort(9203).FailAlways())

await audit.TraceCalls(
    new ClientCall {
        { HealthyResponse, 9200}, 
        { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(0) }
    new ClientCall {
        { BadResponse, 9201}, 
        { HealthyResponse, 9202},
        /** Finally we assert that the connectionpool has one node that is marked as dead */
        { pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(1) }
    new ClientCall {
        { BadResponse, 9203}, 
        { HealthyResponse, 9200},
        { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) }
    new ClientCall {
        { HealthyResponse, 9202},
        { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) }
    new ClientCall {
        { HealthyResponse, 9200},
        { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) }
    new ClientCall {
        { HealthyResponse, 9202},
        { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) }
    new ClientCall {
        { HealthyResponse, 9200},
        { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(2) }

The first call goes to 9200 which succeeds

The 2nd call does a ping on 9201 because its used for the first time. It fails so we wrap over to node 9202

The next call goes to 9203 which fails so we should wrap over

A cluster with 2 nodes where the second node fails on ping

var audit = new Auditor(() => Framework.Cluster
    .ClientCalls(p => p.Fails(Always))

await audit.TraceCalls(
    new ClientCall {
        { BadResponse, 9200}, 
        { BadResponse, 9201},
        { BadResponse, 9202},
        { BadResponse, 9203},
        { MaxRetriesReached },
        { FailedOverAllNodes },
        { pool => pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) }
    new ClientCall {
        { AllNodesDead }, 
        { Resurrection, 9201},
        { BadResponse, 9201},
        { pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) }
    new ClientCall {
        { AllNodesDead },
        { Resurrection, 9202},
        { BadResponse, 9202},
        { pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) }
    new ClientCall {
        { AllNodesDead },
        { Resurrection, 9203},
        { BadResponse, 9203},
        { pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) }
    new ClientCall {
        { AllNodesDead },
        { Resurrection, 9200},
        { BadResponse, 9200},
        { pool =>  pool.Nodes.Where(n=>!n.IsAlive).Should().HaveCount(4) }

All the calls fail

After all our registered nodes are marked dead we want to sample a single dead node each time to quickly see if the cluster is back up. We do not want to retry all 4 nodes

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