- PHP Client: other versions:
- Overview
- Quickstart
- Installation
- Configuration
- Inline Host Configuration
- Extended Host Configuration
- Authorization and Encryption
- Set retries
- Enabling the Logger
- Configure the HTTP Handler
- Setting the Connection Pool
- Setting the Connection Selector
- Setting the Serializer
- Setting a custom ConnectionFactory
- Set the Endpoint closure
- Building the client from a configuration hash
- Per-request configuration
- Future Mode
- Dealing with JSON Arrays and Objects in PHP
- Index Management Operations
- Indexing Documents
- Getting Documents
- Updating Documents
- Deleting documents
- Search Operations
- Namespaces
- Security
- Connection Pool
- Selectors
- Serializers
- PHP Version Requirement
- Breaking changes from 5.x
- Community DSLs
- Community Integrations
- Reference - Endpoints
- Elasticsearch\Client
- Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder
- Elasticsearch\Namespaces\CatNamespace
- Elasticsearch\Namespaces\ClusterNamespace
- Elasticsearch\Namespaces\IndicesNamespace
- Elasticsearch\Namespaces\IngestNamespace
- Elasticsearch\Namespaces\NodesNamespace
- Elasticsearch\Namespaces\RemoteNamespace
- Elasticsearch\Namespaces\SnapshotNamespace
- Elasticsearch\Namespaces\TasksNamespace
IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
editClass Client
The class defines the following methods:
/* */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->info($params);
/* */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->ping($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) The document ID (Required) ['index'] = (string) The name of the index (Required) ['type'] = (string) The type of the document (use `_all` to fetch the first document matching the ID across all types) (Required) ['ignore_missing'] = ?? ['fields'] = (list) A comma-separated list of fields to return in the response ['parent'] = (string) The ID of the parent document ['preference'] = (string) Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) ['realtime'] = (boolean) Specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode ['refresh'] = (boolean) Refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['_source'] = (list) True or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return ['_source_exclude'] = (list) A list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field ['_source_include'] = (list) A list of fields to extract and return from the _source field ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->get($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) The document ID (Required) ['index'] = (string) The name of the index (Required) ['type'] = (string) The type of the document (use `_all` to fetch the first document matching the ID across all types) (Required) ['ignore_missing'] = ?? ['parent'] = (string) The ID of the parent document ['preference'] = (string) Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) ['realtime'] = (boolean) Specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode ['refresh'] = (boolean) Refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->getSource($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) The document ID (Required) ['index'] = (string) The name of the index (Required) ['type'] = (string) The type of the document (Required) ['consistency'] = (enum) Specific write consistency setting for the operation ['parent'] = (string) ID of parent document ['refresh'] = (boolean) Refresh the index after performing the operation ['replication'] = (enum) Specific replication type ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['timeout'] = (time) Explicit operation timeout ['version_type'] = (enum) Specific version type ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->delete($params);
/* $params['_source'] = (list) True or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return ['_source_exclude'] = (array) A list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field ['_source_include'] = (array) A list of fields to extract and return from the _source field ['allow_no_indices'] = (bool) Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified) ['analyze_wildcard'] = (bool) Specify whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false) ['analyzer'] = (string) The analyzer to use for the query string ['conflicts'] = (enum) What to do when the delete-by-query hits version conflicts? ['default_operator'] = (enum) The default operator for query string query (AND or OR) ['df'] = (string) The field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string ['expand_wildcards'] = (enum) Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->deleteByQuery($params);
/* $params['index'] = (list) A comma-separated list of indices to restrict the results ['type'] = (list) A comma-separated list of types to restrict the results ['min_score'] = (number) Include only documents with a specific `_score` value in the result ['preference'] = (string) Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['source'] = (string) The URL-encoded query definition (instead of using the request body) ['body'] = (array) A query to restrict the results (optional) ['ignore_unavailable'] = (bool) Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) ['allow_no_indices'] = (bool) Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified) ['expand_wildcards'] = (enum) Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->count($params);
/* $params['index'] = (list) A comma-separated list of indices to restrict the results ['type'] = (list) A comma-separated list of types to restrict the results ['id'] = (string) ID of document ['ignore_unavailable'] = (boolean) Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) ['preference'] = (string) Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['allow_no_indices'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified) ['body'] = (array) A query to restrict the results (optional) ['ignore_unavailable'] = (bool) Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) ['percolate_index'] = (string) The index to count percolate the document into. Defaults to index. ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->countPercolate($params);
/* $params['index'] = (string) The name of the index with a registered percolator query (Required) ['type'] = (string) The document type (Required) ['prefer_local'] = (boolean) With `true`, specify that a local shard should be used if available, with `false`, use a random shard (default: true) ['body'] = (array) The document (`doc`) to percolate against registered queries; optionally also a `query` to limit the percolation to specific registered queries ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->percolate($params);
/* $params['index'] = (string) Default index for items which don't provide one ['type'] = (string) Default document type for items which don't provide one ['ignore_unavailable'] = (boolean) Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) ['allow_no_indices'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified) ['expand_wildcards'] = (enum) Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->mpercolate($params);
/* $params['index'] = (string) Default index for items which don't provide one ['type'] = (string) Default document type for items which don't provide one ['term_statistics'] = (boolean) Specifies if total term frequency and document frequency should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\"." ['field_statistics'] = (boolean) Specifies if document count, sum of document frequencies and sum of total term frequencies should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\"." ['fields'] = (list) A comma-separated list of fields to return. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\"." ['offsets'] = (boolean) Specifies if term offsets should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\"." ['positions'] = (boolean) Specifies if term positions should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\"." ['payloads'] = (boolean) Specifies if term payloads should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\". ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->termvectors($params);
/* $params['index'] = (string) Default index for items which don't provide one ['type'] = (string) Default document type for items which don't provide one ['ids'] = (list) A comma-separated list of documents ids. You must define ids as parameter or set \"ids\" or \"docs\" in the request body ['term_statistics'] = (boolean) Specifies if total term frequency and document frequency should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\"." ['field_statistics'] = (boolean) Specifies if document count, sum of document frequencies and sum of total term frequencies should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\"." ['fields'] = (list) A comma-separated list of fields to return. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\"." ['offsets'] = (boolean) Specifies if term offsets should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\"." ['positions'] = (boolean) Specifies if term positions should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\"." ['payloads'] = (boolean) Specifies if term payloads should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body \"params\" or \"docs\". ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->mtermvectors($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) The document ID (Required) ['index'] = (string) The name of the index (Required) ['type'] = (string) The type of the document (use `_all` to fetch the first document matching the ID across all types) (Required) ['parent'] = (string) The ID of the parent document ['preference'] = (string) Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) ['realtime'] = (boolean) Specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode ['refresh'] = (boolean) Refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->exists($params);
/* $params['index'] = (string) The name of the index ['type'] = (string) The type of the document ['fields'] = (list) A comma-separated list of fields to return in the response ['parent'] = (string) The ID of the parent document ['preference'] = (string) Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) ['realtime'] = (boolean) Specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode ['refresh'] = (boolean) Refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['body'] = (array) Document identifiers; can be either `docs` (containing full document information) or `ids` (when index and type is provided in the URL. ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->mget($params);
/* $params['index'] = (list) A comma-separated list of index names to use as default ['type'] = (list) A comma-separated list of document types to use as default ['search_type'] = (enum) Search operation type ['body'] = (array|string) The request definitions (metadata-search request definition pairs), separated by newlines ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->msearch($params);
/* $params['index'] = (list) A comma-separated list of index names to use as default ['type'] = (list) A comma-separated list of document types to use as default ['search_type'] = (enum) Search operation type ['body'] = (array|string) The request definitions (metadata-search request definition pairs), separated by newlines ['max_concurrent_searches'] = (number) Controls the maximum number of concurrent searches the multi search api will execute ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->msearchTemplate($params);
/* $params['index'] = (string) The name of the index (Required) ['type'] = (string) The type of the document (Required) ['id'] = (string) Specific document ID (when the POST method is used) ['consistency'] = (enum) Explicit write consistency setting for the operation ['parent'] = (string) ID of the parent document ['refresh'] = (boolean) Refresh the index after performing the operation ['replication'] = (enum) Specific replication type ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['timeout'] = (time) Explicit operation timeout ['timestamp'] = (time) Explicit timestamp for the document ['ttl'] = (duration) Expiration time for the document ['version'] = (number) Explicit version number for concurrency control ['version_type'] = (enum) Specific version type ['body'] = (array) The document ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->create($params);
/* $params['index'] = (string) Default index for items which don't provide one ['type'] = (string) Default document type for items which don't provide one ['consistency'] = (enum) Explicit write consistency setting for the operation ['refresh'] = (boolean) Refresh the index after performing the operation ['replication'] = (enum) Explicitly set the replication type ['fields'] = (list) Default comma-separated list of fields to return in the response for updates ['body'] = (array) The document ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->bulk($params);
/* $params['index'] = (string) The name of the index (Required) ['type'] = (string) The type of the document (Required) ['id'] = (string) Specific document ID (when the POST method is used) ['consistency'] = (enum) Explicit write consistency setting for the operation ['op_type'] = (enum) Explicit operation type ['parent'] = (string) ID of the parent document ['refresh'] = (boolean) Refresh the index after performing the operation ['replication'] = (enum) Specific replication type ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['timeout'] = (time) Explicit operation timeout ['timestamp'] = (time) Explicit timestamp for the document ['ttl'] = (duration) Expiration time for the document ['version'] = (number) Explicit version number for concurrency control ['version_type'] = (enum) Specific version type ['body'] = (array) The document ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->index($params);
/* $params['refresh'] = (boolean) Should the effected indexes be refreshed? ['timeout'] = (time) Time each individual bulk request should wait for shards that are unavailable ['consistency'] = (enum) Explicit write consistency setting for the operation ['wait_for_completion'] = (boolean) Should the request should block until the reindex is complete ['requests_per_second'] = (float) The throttle for this request in sub-requests per second. 0 means set no throttle ['body'] = (array) The search definition using the Query DSL and the prototype for the index request (Required) ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->reindex($params);
/* $params['index'] = (list) A comma-separated list of index names to restrict the operation; use `_all` or empty string to perform the operation on all indices ['ignore_indices'] = (enum) When performed on multiple indices, allows to ignore `missing` ones ['preference'] = (string) Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['source'] = (string) The URL-encoded request definition (instead of using request body) ['body'] = (array) The request definition ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->suggest($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) The document ID (Required) ['index'] = (string) The name of the index (Required) ['type'] = (string) The type of the document (Required) ['analyze_wildcard'] = (boolean) Specify whether wildcards and prefix queries in the query string query should be analyzed (default: false) ['analyzer'] = (string) The analyzer for the query string query ['default_operator'] = (enum) The default operator for query string query (AND or OR) ['df'] = (string) The default field for query string query (default: _all) ['fields'] = (list) A comma-separated list of fields to return in the response ['lenient'] = (boolean) Specify whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored ['lowercase_expanded_terms'] = (boolean) Specify whether query terms should be lowercased ['parent'] = (string) The ID of the parent document ['preference'] = (string) Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) ['q'] = (string) Query in the Lucene query string syntax ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['source'] = (string) The URL-encoded query definition (instead of using the request body) ['_source'] = (list) True or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return ['_source_exclude'] = (list) A list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field ['_source_include'] = (list) A list of fields to extract and return from the _source field ['body'] = (string) The URL-encoded query definition (instead of using the request body) ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->explain($params);
/* $params['index'] = (list) A comma-separated list of index names to search; use `_all` or empty string to perform the operation on all indices ['type'] = (list) A comma-separated list of document types to search; leave empty to perform the operation on all types ['analyzer'] = (string) The analyzer to use for the query string ['analyze_wildcard'] = (boolean) Specify whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false) ['default_operator'] = (enum) The default operator for query string query (AND or OR) ['df'] = (string) The field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string ['explain'] = (boolean) Specify whether to return detailed information about score computation as part of a hit ['fields'] = (list) A comma-separated list of fields to return as part of a hit ['from'] = (number) Starting offset (default: 0) ['ignore_indices'] = (enum) When performed on multiple indices, allows to ignore `missing` ones ['indices_boost'] = (list) Comma-separated list of index boosts ['lenient'] = (boolean) Specify whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored ['lowercase_expanded_terms'] = (boolean) Specify whether query terms should be lowercased ['preference'] = (string) Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) ['q'] = (string) Query in the Lucene query string syntax ['query_cache'] = (boolean) Enable query cache for this request ['request_cache'] = (boolean) Enable request cache for this request ['routing'] = (list) A comma-separated list of specific routing values ['scroll'] = (duration) Specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search ['search_type'] = (enum) Search operation type ['size'] = (number) Number of hits to return (default: 10) ['sort'] = (list) A comma-separated list of <field>:<direction> pairs ['source'] = (string) The URL-encoded request definition using the Query DSL (instead of using request body) ['_source'] = (list) True or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return ['_source_exclude'] = (list) A list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field ['_source_include'] = (list) A list of fields to extract and return from the _source field ['stats'] = (list) Specific 'tag' of the request for logging and statistical purposes ['suggest_field'] = (string) Specify which field to use for suggestions ['suggest_mode'] = (enum) Specify suggest mode ['suggest_size'] = (number) How many suggestions to return in response ['suggest_text'] = (text) The source text for which the suggestions should be returned ['timeout'] = (time) Explicit operation timeout ['terminate_after'] = (number) The maximum number of documents to collect for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early. ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->search($params);
/* $params['index'] = (list) A comma-separated list of index names to search; use `_all` or empty string to perform the operation on all indices ['type'] = (list) A comma-separated list of document types to search; leave empty to perform the operation on all types ['preference'] = (string) Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['local'] = (bool) Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false) ['ignore_unavailable'] = (bool) Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) ['allow_no_indices'] = (bool) Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified) ['expand_wildcards'] = (enum) Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->searchShards($params);
/* $params['index'] = (list) A comma-separated list of index names to search; use `_all` or empty string to perform the operation on all indices ['type'] = (list) A comma-separated list of document types to search; leave empty to perform the operation on all types ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->searchTemplate($params);
/* $params['scroll_id'] = (string) The scroll ID for scrolled search ['scroll'] = (duration) Specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search ['body'] = (string) The scroll ID for scrolled search ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->scroll($params);
/* $params['scroll_id'] = (string) The scroll ID for scrolled search ['scroll'] = (duration) Specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search ['body'] = (string) The scroll ID for scrolled search ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->clearScroll($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) Document ID (Required) ['index'] = (string) The name of the index (Required) ['type'] = (string) The type of the document (Required) ['consistency'] = (enum) Explicit write consistency setting for the operation ['fields'] = (list) A comma-separated list of fields to return in the response ['lang'] = (string) The script language (default: mvel) ['parent'] = (string) ID of the parent document ['refresh'] = (boolean) Refresh the index after performing the operation ['replication'] = (enum) Specific replication type ['retry_on_conflict'] = (number) Specify how many times should the operation be retried when a conflict occurs (default: 0) ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['script'] = () The URL-encoded script definition (instead of using request body) ['timeout'] = (time) Explicit operation timeout ['timestamp'] = (time) Explicit timestamp for the document ['ttl'] = (duration) Expiration time for the document ['version_type'] = (number) Explicit version number for concurrency control ['body'] = (array) The request definition using either `script` or partial `doc` ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->update($params);
/* $params['index'] = (list) A comma-separated list of index names to search; use `_all` or empty string to perform the operation on all indices (Required) ['type'] = (list) A comma-separated list of document types to search; leave empty to perform the operation on all types ['analyzer'] = (string) The analyzer to use for the query string ['analyze_wildcard'] = (boolean) Specify whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false) ['default_operator'] = (enum) The default operator for query string query (AND or OR) (AND,OR) (default: OR) ['df'] = (string) The field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string ['explain'] = (boolean) Specify whether to return detailed information about score computation as part of a hit ['fields'] = (list) A comma-separated list of fields to return as part of a hit ['fielddata_fields'] = (list) A comma-separated list of fields to return as the field data representation of a field for each hit ['from'] = (number) Starting offset (default: 0) ['ignore_unavailable'] = (boolean) Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) ['allow_no_indices'] = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified) ['conflicts'] = (enum) What to do when the reindex hits version conflicts? (abort,proceed) (default: abort) ['expand_wildcards'] = (enum) Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. (open,closed,none,all) (default: open) ['lenient'] = (boolean) Specify whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored ['lowercase_expanded_terms'] = (boolean) Specify whether query terms should be lowercased ['preference'] = (string) Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) ['q'] = (string) Query in the Lucene query string syntax ['routing'] = (list) A comma-separated list of specific routing values ['scroll'] = (duration) Specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search ['search_type'] = (enum) Search operation type (query_then_fetch,dfs_query_then_fetch) ['search_timeout'] = (time) Explicit timeout for each search request. Defaults to no timeout. ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->updateByQuery($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) The script ID (Required) ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->getScript($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) The script ID (Required) ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->deleteScript($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) The script ID (Required) ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->putScript($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) The search template ID (Required) ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->getTemplate($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) The search template ID (Required) ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->deleteTemplate($params);
/* $params['index'] = (list) A comma-separated list of indices to restrict the results ['fields'] = (list) A comma-separated list of fields for to get field statistics for (min value, max value, and more) ['level'] = (enum) Defines if field stats should be returned on a per index level or on a cluster wide level ['ignore_unavailable'] = (bool) Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) ['allow_no_indices'] = (bool) Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified) ['expand_wildcards'] = (enum) Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->fieldStats($params);
/* $params['index'] = (list) A comma-separated list of indices to restrict the results ['ignore_unavailable'] = (bool) Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) ['allow_no_indices'] = (bool) Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified) ['expand_wildcards'] = (enum) Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->fieldCaps($params);
/* $params['id'] = (string) ID of the template to render ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->renderSearchTemplate($params);
/* Operate on the Indices Namespace of commands ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->indices();
/* Operate on the Cluster namespace of commands ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->cluster();
/* Operate on the Nodes namespace of commands ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->nodes();
/* Operate on the Snapshot namespace of commands ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->snapshot();
/* Operate on the Cat namespace of commands ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->cat();
/* Operate on the Ingest namespace of commands ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->ingest();
/* Operate on the Tasks namespace of commands ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->tasks();
/* Operate on the Remote namespace of commands ['body'] = (array) Request body */ $params = [ // ... ]; $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build(); $response = $client->remote();
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