
The executive guide to generative AI

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staticNoPingConnectionPool (default)


staticNoPingConnectionPool (default)


This connection pool maintains a static list of hosts, which are assumed to be alive when the client initializes. If a node fails a request, it is marked as dead for 60 seconds and the next node is tried. After 60 seconds, the node is revived and put back into rotation. Each additional failed request will cause the dead timeout to increase exponentially.

A successful request will reset the "failed ping timeout" counter.

If you wish to explicitly set the StaticNoPingConnectionPool implementation, you may do so with the setConnectionPool() method of the ClientBuilder object:

$client = ClientBuilder::create()
            ->setConnectionPool('\Elasticsearch\ConnectionPool\StaticNoPingConnectionPool', [])

Note that the implementation is specified via a namespace path to the class.

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