
The executive guide to generative AI

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The index analysis module acts as a configurable registry of Analyzers that can be used in order to both break indexed (analyzed) fields when a document is indexed and process query strings. It maps to the Lucene Analyzer.

Analyzers are composed of a single Tokenizer and zero or more TokenFilters. The tokenizer may be preceded by one or more CharFilters. The analysis module allows one to register TokenFilters, Tokenizers and Analyzers under logical names that can then be referenced either in mapping definitions or in certain APIs. The Analysis module automatically registers (if not explicitly defined) built in analyzers, token filters, and tokenizers.

Here is a sample configuration:

index :
    analysis :
        analyzer :
            standard :
                type : standard
                stopwords : [stop1, stop2]
            myAnalyzer1 :
                type : standard
                stopwords : [stop1, stop2, stop3]
                max_token_length : 500
            # configure a custom analyzer which is
            # exactly like the default standard analyzer
            myAnalyzer2 :
                tokenizer : standard
                filter : [standard, lowercase, stop]
        tokenizer :
            myTokenizer1 :
                type : standard
                max_token_length : 900
            myTokenizer2 :
                type : keyword
                buffer_size : 512
        filter :
            myTokenFilter1 :
                type : stop
                stopwords : [stop1, stop2, stop3, stop4]
            myTokenFilter2 :
                type : length
                min : 0
                max : 2000

Backwards compatibility


All analyzers, tokenizers, and token filters can be configured with a version parameter to control which Lucene version behavior they should use. Possible values are: 3.0 - 3.6, 4.0 - 4.3 (the highest version number is the default option).

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