
The executive guide to generative AI

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Nodes Info


The cluster nodes info API allows to retrieve one or more (or all) of the cluster nodes information.

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes'
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes/nodeId1,nodeId2'

The first command retrieves information of all the nodes in the cluster. The second command selectively retrieves nodes information of only nodeId1 and nodeId2. All the nodes selective options are explained here.

By default, it just returns all attributes and core settings for a node. It also allows to get only information on settings, os, process, jvm, thread_pool, transport, http and plugins:

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes/process'
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes/_all/process'
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes/nodeId1,nodeId2/jvm,process'
# same as above
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes/nodeId1,nodeId2/info/jvm,process'

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes/nodeId1,nodeId2/_all

The _all flag can be set to return all the information - or you can simply omit it.

Operating System information


The os flag can be set to retrieve information that concern the operating system:

Refresh interval for the OS statistics
Name of the operating system (ex: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X)
Name of the JVM architecture (ex: amd64, x86)
Version of the operating system
Number of processors available to the Java virtual machine

Process information


The process flag can be set to retrieve information that concern the current running process:

Refresh interval for the process statistics
Process identifier (PID)
Indicates if the process address space has been successfully locked in memory

Plugins information


plugins - if set, the result will contain details about the loaded plugins per node:

  • name: plugin name
  • description: plugin description if any
  • site: true if the plugin is a site plugin
  • jvm: true if the plugin is a plugin running in the JVM
  • url: URL if the plugin is a site plugin

The result will look similar to:

  "cluster_name" : "test-cluster-MacBook-Air-de-David.local",
  "nodes" : {
    "hJLXmY_NTrCytiIMbX4_1g" : {
      "name" : "node4",
      "transport_address" : "inet[/]",
      "hostname" : "MacBook-Air-de-David.local",
      "version" : "0.90.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT",
      "http_address" : "inet[/]",
      "plugins" : [ {
        "name" : "test-plugin",
        "description" : "test-plugin description",
        "site" : true,
        "jvm" : false
      }, {
        "name" : "test-no-version-plugin",
        "description" : "test-no-version-plugin description",
        "site" : true,
        "jvm" : false
      }, {
        "name" : "dummy",
        "description" : "No description found for dummy.",
        "url" : "/_plugin/dummy/",
        "site" : false,
        "jvm" : true
      } ]
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