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Create snapshot API


Takes a snapshot of a cluster or specified data streams and indices.

PUT /_snapshot/my_repository/my_snapshot



PUT /_snapshot/<repository>/<snapshot>

POST /_snapshot/<repository>/<snapshot>


  • If the Elasticsearch security features are enabled, you must have the create_snapshot or manage cluster privilege to use this API.



You can use the create snapshot API to create a snapshot, which is a backup taken from a running Elasticsearch cluster.

By default, a snapshot includes all data streams and open indices in the cluster, as well as the cluster state. You can change this behavior by specifying a list of data streams and indices to back up in the body of the snapshot request.

You must register a snapshot repository before performing snapshot and restore operations. Use the create or update snapshot repository API to register new repositories and update existing ones.

The snapshot process is incremental. When creating a snapshot, Elasticsearch analyzes the list of files that are already stored in the repository and copies only files that were created or changed since the last snapshot. This process allows multiple snapshots to be preserved in the repository in a compact form.

The snapshot process is executed in non-blocking fashion, so all indexing and searching operations can run concurrently against the data stream or index that Elasticsearch is snapshotting.

A snapshot represents a point-in-time view of the moment when the snapshot was created. No records that were added to a data stream or index after the snapshot process started will be present in the snapshot.

For primary shards that have not been started and are not currently relocating, the snapshot process starts immediately. If shards are in the process of starting or relocating, Elasticsearch waits for these processes to complete before taking a snapshot.

While a snapshot of a particular shard is being created, this shard cannot be moved to another node. Relocating a shard during the snapshot process can interfere with rebalancing and allocation filtering. Elasticsearch can move a shard to another node (according to the current allocation filtering settings and rebalancing algorithm) only after the snapshot process completes.

Besides creating a copy of each data stream and index, the snapshot process can also store global cluster metadata, including persistent cluster settings and templates. The transient settings and registered snapshot repositories are not stored as part of the snapshot.

Path parameters

(Required, string) Name of the repository to create a snapshot in.
(Required, string) Name of the snapshot to create. This name must be unique in the snapshot repository.

Query parameters

(Optional, time units) Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to 30s.
(Optional, Boolean) If true, the request returns a response when the snapshot is complete. If false, the request returns a response when the snapshot initializes. Defaults to false.

Request body

(Optional, Boolean) If false, the snapshot fails if any data stream or index in indices is missing or closed. If true, the snapshot ignores missing or closed data streams and indices. Defaults to false.

(Optional, string) A comma-separated list of data streams and indices to include in the snapshot. Multi-index syntax is supported.

By default, a snapshot includes all data streams and indices in the cluster. If this argument is provided, the snapshot only includes the specified data streams and clusters.


(Optional, Boolean) If true, the current global state is included in the snapshot. Defaults to true.

The global state includes:

  • Persistent cluster settings
  • Index templates
  • Legacy index templates
  • Ingest pipelines
  • ILM lifecycle policies
  • Data stored in system indices, such as Watches and task records (configurable via feature_states)

(Optional, array of strings) A list of feature states to be included in this snapshot. A list of features available for inclusion in the snapshot and their descriptions be can be retrieved using the get features API. Each feature state includes one or more system indices containing data necessary for the function of that feature. Providing an empty array will include no feature states in the snapshot, regardless of the value of include_global_state.

By default, all available feature states will be included in the snapshot if include_global_state is true, or no feature states if include_global_state is false.

(Optional, object) Attaches arbitrary metadata to the snapshot, such as a record of who took the snapshot, why it was taken, or any other useful data. Metadata must be less than 1024 bytes.

(Optional, Boolean) If false, the entire snapshot will fail if one or more indices included in the snapshot do not have all primary shards available. Defaults to false.

If true, allows taking a partial snapshot of indices with unavailable shards.



The following request takes a snapshot of index_1 and index_2.

PUT /_snapshot/my_repository/snapshot_2?wait_for_completion=true
  "indices": "index_1,index_2",
  "ignore_unavailable": true,
  "include_global_state": false,
  "metadata": {
    "taken_by": "user123",
    "taken_because": "backup before upgrading"

The API returns the following response:

  "snapshot": {
    "snapshot": "snapshot_2",
    "uuid": "vdRctLCxSketdKb54xw67g",
    "version_id": <version_id>,
    "version": <version>,
    "indices": [],
    "data_streams": [],
    "feature_states": [],
    "include_global_state": false,
    "metadata": {
      "taken_by": "user123",
      "taken_because": "backup before upgrading"
    "state": "SUCCESS",
    "start_time": "2020-06-25T14:00:28.850Z",
    "start_time_in_millis": 1593093628850,
    "end_time": "2020-06-25T14:00:28.850Z",
    "end_time_in_millis": 1593094752018,
    "duration_in_millis": 0,
    "failures": [],
    "shards": {
      "total": 0,
      "failed": 0,
      "successful": 0
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