
The executive guide to generative AI

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ES|QL multivalued fields


ES|QL is fine reading from multivalued fields:

response = client.bulk(
  index: 'mv',
  refresh: true,
  body: [
      index: {}
      a: 1,
      b: [
      index: {}
      a: 2,
      b: 3
puts response

response = client.esql.query(
  body: {
    query: 'FROM mv | LIMIT 2'
puts response
POST /mv/_bulk?refresh
{ "index" : {} }
{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 1] }
{ "index" : {} }
{ "a": 2, "b": 3 }

POST /_query
  "query": "FROM mv | LIMIT 2"

Multivalued fields come back as a JSON array:

  "columns": [
    { "name": "a", "type": "long"},
    { "name": "b", "type": "long"}
  "values": [
    [1, [1, 2]],
    [2,      3]

The relative order of values in a multivalued field is undefined. They’ll frequently be in ascending order but don’t rely on that.

Duplicate values


Some field types, like keyword remove duplicate values on write:

response = client.indices.create(
  index: 'mv',
  body: {
    mappings: {
      properties: {
        b: {
          type: 'keyword'
puts response

response = client.bulk(
  index: 'mv',
  refresh: true,
  body: [
      index: {}
      a: 1,
      b: [
      index: {}
      a: 2,
      b: [
puts response

response = client.esql.query(
  body: {
    query: 'FROM mv | LIMIT 2'
puts response
PUT /mv
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "b": {"type": "keyword"}

POST /mv/_bulk?refresh
{ "index" : {} }
{ "a": 1, "b": ["foo", "foo", "bar"] }
{ "index" : {} }
{ "a": 2, "b": ["bar", "bar"] }

POST /_query
  "query": "FROM mv | LIMIT 2"

And ES|QL sees that removal:

  "columns": [
    { "name": "a", "type": "long"},
    { "name": "b", "type": "keyword"}
  "values": [
    [1, ["bar", "foo"]],
    [2,          "bar"]

But other types, like long don’t remove duplicates.

response = client.indices.create(
  index: 'mv',
  body: {
    mappings: {
      properties: {
        b: {
          type: 'long'
puts response

response = client.bulk(
  index: 'mv',
  refresh: true,
  body: [
      index: {}
      a: 1,
      b: [
      index: {}
      a: 2,
      b: [
puts response

response = client.esql.query(
  body: {
    query: 'FROM mv | LIMIT 2'
puts response
PUT /mv
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "b": {"type": "long"}

POST /mv/_bulk?refresh
{ "index" : {} }
{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 2, 1] }
{ "index" : {} }
{ "a": 2, "b": [1, 1] }

POST /_query
  "query": "FROM mv | LIMIT 2"

And ES|QL also sees that:

  "columns": [
    { "name": "a", "type": "long"},
    { "name": "b", "type": "long"}
  "values": [
    [1, [1, 2, 2]],
    [2,    [1, 1]]

This is all at the storage layer. If you store duplicate `long`s and then convert them to strings the duplicates will stay:

response = client.indices.create(
  index: 'mv',
  body: {
    mappings: {
      properties: {
        b: {
          type: 'long'
puts response

response = client.bulk(
  index: 'mv',
  refresh: true,
  body: [
      index: {}
      a: 1,
      b: [
      index: {}
      a: 2,
      b: [
puts response

response = client.esql.query(
  body: {
    query: 'FROM mv | EVAL b=TO_STRING(b) | LIMIT 2'
puts response
PUT /mv
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "b": {"type": "long"}

POST /mv/_bulk?refresh
{ "index" : {} }
{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 2, 1] }
{ "index" : {} }
{ "a": 2, "b": [1, 1] }

POST /_query
  "query": "FROM mv | EVAL b=TO_STRING(b) | LIMIT 2"
  "columns": [
    { "name": "a", "type": "long"},
    { "name": "b", "type": "keyword"}
  "values": [
    [1, ["1", "2", "2"]],
    [2,      ["1", "1"]]



Unless otherwise documented functions will return null when applied to a multivalued field. This behavior may change in a later version.

response = client.bulk(
  index: 'mv',
  refresh: true,
  body: [
      index: {}
      a: 1,
      b: [
      index: {}
      a: 2,
      b: 3
puts response
POST /mv/_bulk?refresh
{ "index" : {} }
{ "a": 1, "b": [2, 1] }
{ "index" : {} }
{ "a": 2, "b": 3 }
response = client.esql.query(
  body: {
    query: 'FROM mv | EVAL b + 2, a + b | LIMIT 4'
puts response
POST /_query
  "query": "FROM mv | EVAL b + 2, a + b | LIMIT 4"
  "columns": [
    { "name": "a",   "type": "long"},
    { "name": "b",   "type": "long"},
    { "name": "b+2", "type": "long"},
    { "name": "a+b", "type": "long"}
  "values": [
    [1, [1, 2], null, null],
    [2,      3,    5,    5]

Work around this limitation by converting the field to single value with one of:

response = client.esql.query(
  body: {
    query: 'FROM mv | EVAL b=MV_MIN(b) | EVAL b + 2, a + b | LIMIT 4'
puts response
POST /_query
  "query": "FROM mv | EVAL b=MV_MIN(b) | EVAL b + 2, a + b | LIMIT 4"
  "columns": [
    { "name": "a",   "type": "long"},
    { "name": "b",   "type": "long"},
    { "name": "b+2", "type": "long"},
    { "name": "a+b", "type": "long"}
  "values": [
    [1, 1, 3, 2],
    [2, 3, 5, 5]
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