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Query API key information API


Query API key information API


Retrieves information for API keys with Query DSL in a paginated fashion.



GET /_security/_query/api_key

POST /_security/_query/api_key


  • To use this API, you must have at least the manage_own_api_key or the read_security cluster privileges.
  • If you have only the manage_own_api_key privilege, this API returns only the API keys that you own. If you have the read_security, manage_api_key or greater privileges (including manage_security), this API returns all API keys regardless of ownership.



Use this API to retrieve the API keys created with the create API key API in a paginated manner. You can optionally filter the results with a query.

Path parameters

(Optional, Boolean) A boolean flag to return the snapshot of the owner user’s role descriptors associated with the API key. An API key’s actual permission is the intersection of its assigned role descriptors and the owner user’s role descriptors (effectively limited by it). An API key cannot retrieve any API key’s limited-by role descriptors (including itself) unless it has manage_api_key or higher privileges.

Request body


You can specify the following parameters in the request body:


(Optional, string) A query to filter which API keys to return. The query supports a subset of query types, including match_all, bool, term, terms, ids, prefix, wildcard, exists, and range.

You can query the following public values associated with an API key.

Valid values for query
ID of the API key. Note id must be queried with the ids query.
Name of the API key.
Creation time of the API key in milliseconds.
Expiration time of the API key in milliseconds.
Indicates whether the API key is invalidated. If true, the key is invalidated. Defaults to false.
Invalidation time of the API key in milliseconds. This field is only set for invalidated API keys.
Username of the API key owner.
Realm name of the API key owner.
Metadata field associated with the API key, such as metadata.my_field. Because metadata is stored as a flattened field type, all fields act like keyword fields when querying and sorting.

You cannot query the role descriptors of an API key.


(Optional, integer) Starting document offset. Needs to be non-negative and defaults to 0.

By default, you cannot page through more than 10,000 hits using the from and size parameters. To page through more hits, use the search_after parameter.


(Optional, integer) The number of hits to return. Must not be negative and defaults to 10.

By default, you cannot page through more than 10,000 hits using the from and size parameters. To page through more hits, use the search_after parameter.

(Optional, object) Sort definition. Other than id, all public fields of an API key are eligible for sorting. In addition, sort can also be applied to the _doc field to sort by index order.
(Optional, array) Search after definition.

Response body


This API returns the following top level fields:

The total number of API keys found.
The number of API keys returned in the response.
A list of API key information.



The following request lists all API keys, assuming you have the manage_api_key privilege:

GET /_security/_query/api_key

A successful call returns a JSON structure that contains the information retrieved from one or more API keys:

  "total": 3,
  "count": 3,
  "api_keys": [ 
      "id": "nkvrGXsB8w290t56q3Rg",
      "name": "my-api-key-1",
      "creation": 1628227480421,
      "expiration": 1629091480421,
      "invalidated": false,
      "username": "elastic",
      "realm": "reserved",
      "metadata": {
        "letter": "a"
      "role_descriptors": { 
        "role-a": {
          "cluster": [
          "indices": [
              "names": [
              "privileges": [
              "allow_restricted_indices": false
          "applications": [ ],
          "run_as": [ ],
          "metadata": { },
          "transient_metadata": {
            "enabled": true
      "id": "oEvrGXsB8w290t5683TI",
      "name": "my-api-key-2",
      "creation": 1628227498953,
      "expiration": 1628313898953,
      "invalidated": false,
      "username": "elastic",
      "realm": "reserved",
      "metadata": {
        "letter": "b"
      "role_descriptors": { } 

The list of API keys that were retrieved for this request

The role descriptors that are assigned to this API key when it was created or last updated. Note the API key’s effective permissions are an intersection of its assigned privileges and the point-in-time snapshot of the owner user’s permissions.

An empty role descriptors means the API key inherits the owner user’s permissions.

If you create an API key with the following details:

POST /_security/api_key
  "name": "application-key-1",
  "metadata": { "application": "my-application"}

A successful call returns a JSON structure that provides API key information. For example:

  "id": "VuaCfGcBCdbkQm-e5aOx",
  "name": "application-key-1",
  "api_key": "ui2lp2axTNmsyakw9tvNnw",
  "encoded": "VnVhQ2ZHY0JDZGJrUW0tZTVhT3g6dWkybHAyYXhUTm1zeWFrdzl0dk5udw=="

Use the information from the response to retrieve the API key by ID:

GET /_security/_query/api_key?with_limited_by=true
  "query": {
    "ids": {
      "values": [

A successful call returns a JSON structure for API key information including its limited-by role descriptors:

  "api_keys": [
      "id": "VuaCfGcBCdbkQm-e5aOx",
      "name": "application-key-1",
      "creation": 1548550550158,
      "expiration": 1548551550158,
      "invalidated": false,
      "username": "myuser",
      "realm": "native1",
      "metadata": {
        "application": "my-application"
      "role_descriptors": { },
      "limited_by": [ 
          "role-power-user": {
            "cluster": [
            "indices": [
                "names": [
                "privileges": [
                "allow_restricted_indices": false
            "applications": [ ],
            "run_as": [ ],
            "metadata": { },
            "transient_metadata": {
              "enabled": true

The owner user’s permissions associated with the API key. It is a point-in-time snapshot captured at creation and subsequent updates. An API key’s effective permissions are an intersection of its assigned privileges and the owner user’s permissions.

You can also retrieve the API key by name:

GET /_security/_query/api_key
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "name": {
        "value": "application-key-1"

Use a bool query to issue complex logical conditions and use from, size, sort to help paginate the result:

GET /_security/_query/api_key
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "prefix": {
            "name": "app1-key-" 
          "term": {
            "invalidated": "false" 
      "must_not": [
          "term": {
            "name": "app1-key-01" 
      "filter": [
          "wildcard": {
            "username": "org-*-user" 
          "term": {
            "metadata.environment": "production" 
  "from": 20, 
  "size": 10, 
  "sort": [ 
    { "creation": { "order": "desc", "format": "date_time" } },

The API key name must begin with app1-key-

The API key must still be valid

The API key name must not be app1-key-01

The API key must be owned by a username of the wildcard pattern org-*-user

The API key must have the metadata field environment that has the value of production

The offset to begin the search result is the 20th (zero-based index) API key

The page size of the response is 10 API keys

The result is first sorted by creation date in descending order, then by name in ascending order

The response contains a list of matched API keys along with their sort values:

  "total": 100,
  "count": 10,
  "api_keys": [
      "id": "CLXgVnsBOGkf8IyjcXU7",
      "name": "app1-key-79",
      "creation": 1629250154811,
      "invalidated": false,
      "username": "org-admin-user",
      "realm": "native1",
      "metadata": {
        "environment": "production"
      "role_descriptors": { },
      "_sort": [
      "id": "BrXgVnsBOGkf8IyjbXVB",
      "name": "app1-key-78",
      "creation": 1629250153794,
      "invalidated": false,
      "username": "org-admin-user",
      "realm": "native1",
      "metadata": {
        "environment": "production"
      "role_descriptors": { },
      "_sort": [

The first sort value is creation time, which is displayed in date_time format as defined in the request

The second sort value is the API key name

You can use the following request to retrieve all valid API keys, i.e. not invalidated and not expired:

GET /_security/_query/api_key
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": {
        "term": {
          "invalidated": false  
      "should": [  
          "range": {
            "expiration": {
              "gte": "now"
          "bool": {
            "must_not": {
              "exists": {
                "field": "expiration"
      "minimum_should_match": 1

Matching API keys must not be invalidated

Matching API keys must be either not expired or does not have an expiration date

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