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Add Default Field API


This API is experimental and may be changed or removed completely in a future release. The underlying Upgrade Assistant concepts are stable For feature status, see but the APIs for managing Upgrade Assistant are currently experimental.[#but the APIs for managing Upgrade Assistant are currently experimental.].

Starting in Elasticsearch 7.0, some query types such as Simple Query String, have a limit to the number of fields they will query against. You can configure this cap in Elasticsearch by setting the indices.query.bool.max_clause_count cluster setting, which is 1024 by default.

For indices with more fields than this cap, you can add the index.query.default_field index setting to inform Elasticsearch which fields to use by default when no field is specified for a query. This API assists in adding this setting to an index in Elasticsearch.



To add the index.query.default_field setting to an index, submit a POST request to the /api/upgrade_assistant/add_query_default_field/<index> endpoint:

Note: You cannot access this endpoint via the Console in Kibana.

POST /api/upgrade_assistant/add_query_default_field/myIndex
  "fieldTypes": ["text", "keyword"], 
  "otherFields": ["myField.*"] 

An array of Elasticsearch field types to use to generate the list of fields. Required.

An array of additional field names, dot-deliminated. Optional.

Kibana will add the index.query.default_field index setting to the specified index by generating an array of all fields from the index’s mapping that are any of the types specified in fieldTypes. Optionally, any other fields specified in otherFields will be appended to the array of default fields.



A successful call returns a response code of 200 and a response body containing a JSON structure similar to the following example:

  "acknowledged": true

If the index already has the index.query.default_field setting, Kibana will respond with a 400 Bad Request error and make no changes to the index.



For an index with the following mappings:

GET /myIndex/_mappings
  "myIndex": {
    "mappings": {
      "_doc": {
        "properties": {
          "field1": { "type": "text" },
          "field2": { "type": "float" },
          "nestedfield": {
            "properties": {
              "field3": { "type": "keyword" },
              "field4": { "type": "long" },

Making this request to Kibana:

POST /api/upgrade_assistant/add_query_default_field/myIndex
  "fieldTypes": ["text", "long"],
  "otherFields": ["field2"]

Would result in the index.query.default_field setting being added with this value:

GET /myIndex/_settings?flat_settings=true
  "myIndex": {
    "settings": {
      "index.query.default_field": [

Kibana generated the field1 and nestedfield.field4 values based on the specified fieldTypes and then appended the otherFields to the array.

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