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Kibana 8.10.0


Kibana 8.10.0 has been withdrawn.

For information about the Kibana 8.10.0 release, review the following information.

Known issues

Errors appear when loading Observability Infrastructure inventory views after upgrading to version 8.10.0 or higher.

After upgrading to version 8.10.0 or higher, you may encounter errors when loading inventory views.

For more information, refer to #187254.

You can mitigate the issue by completing the following steps:

  1. Search the .kibana_* index for type: inventory_view.
  2. Copy the _id field, which will be formatted as inventory-view:<id>. For example, inventory-view:3d3d06b0-f873-4373-8446-f6a8341cd8b1. Omit the inventory-view: portion and copy only the string of _id characters.
  3. The offending documents are those with fields inventory-view.legend.steps > 18. Delete these documents by running the following in Console:
DELETE kbn:/api/infra/inventory-views/<id>

Security updates

  • An issue was discovered by Elastic whereby sensitive information is recorded in Kibana logs in the event of an error. The issue impacts only Kibana version 8.10.0 when logging in the JSON layout or when the pattern layout is configured to log the %meta pattern.

    The issue is resolved in Kibana 8.10.1. Version 8.10.0 has been removed from our download sites.

    For more information, see our related security announcement.

Breaking changes


Breaking changes can prevent your application from optimal operation and performance. Before you upgrade to 8.10.0, review the breaking changes, then mitigate the impact to your application.

New summary search capabilities cause existing SLOs to stop working

New summary search capabilities introduce breaking changes in various places, and we have decided not to handle backward compatibility:

  • SLO find API body parameters have changed.
  • The index mapping used by the rollup data has changed, and we have added a summary index that becomes the new source of truth for search.
  • The rollup transforms have been updated, but existing SLO with their transforms won’t be updated.

If some SLOs have been installed in a prior version at 8.10, they won’t work after migrating to 8.10. There are two approaches to handle this breaking change. The recommended route is to delete all SLOs before migrating to 8.10. The alternative is to migrate to 8.10 and manually remove the SLOs.

Removing SLOs before migrating to 8.10

Use the SLO UI or the SLO delete API to delete all existing SLOs. This takes care of the Saved Object, Transform and rollup data. When all SLOs have been deleted, then delete the residual rollup indices: .slo-observability.sli-v1*. Note that this is v1.

Removing SLOs after migrating to 8.10

After migrating to 8.10, the previously created SLOs won’t appear in the UI because the API is using a new index. The previously created SLOs still exist, and associated transforms are still rolling up data into the previous index .slo-observability.sli-v1*. The SLO delete API can’t be used now, so remove the resources resources manually:

  1. Find all existing transforms All SLO related transforms start with the slo- prefix, this request returns them all:

    GET _transform/slo-*

    Make a note of all the transforms IDs for later.

  2. Stop all transforms

    POST _transform/slo-*/_stop?force=true
  3. Remove all transforms

    From the list of transforms returned during the first step, now delete them one by one:

    DELETE _transform/{transform_id}?force=true
  4. Find the SLO saved objects

    This request lists all the SLO saved objects. The SLO IDs and the saved object IDs are not the same.

    GET kbn:/api/saved_objects/_find?type=slo

    Make a note of all the saved object IDs from the response.

  5. Remove the SLO saved objects

    For each saved object ID, run the following:

    DELETE kbn:/api/saved_objects/slo/{Saved_Object_Id}
  6. Delete the rollup indices v1

    Note that this is v1.

    DELETE .slo-observability.sli-v1*
Get case metrics APIs now internal

The get case metrics APIs are now internal. For more information, refer to (#162506).

Case limits

Limits are now imposed on the number of objects cases can process or the amount of data those objects can store.

For the full list, refer to #146945.

addProcessorDefinition is removed

The function addProcessorDefinition is removed from the Console plugin start contract (server side). For more information, refer to (#159041).

The Download CSV endpoint has changed.

The API endpoint for downloading a CSV file from a saved search in the Dashboard application has changed to reflect the fact that this is an internal API. The previous API path of /api/reporting/v1/generate/immediate/csv_searchsource has been changed to /internal/reporting/generate/immediate/csv_searchsource. For more information, refer to #162288.



The following functionality is deprecated in 8.10.0, and will be removed in 9.0.0. Deprecated functionality does not have an immediate impact on your application, but we strongly recommend you make the necessary updates after you upgrade to 8.10.0.

Action variables in the UI and in tests that were no longer used have been replaced

The following rule action variables have been deprecated; use the recommended variables (in parentheses) instead:

  • alertActionGroup (alert.actionGroup)
  • alertActionGroupName (alert.actionGroupName)
  • alertActionSubgroup (alert.actionSubgroup)
  • alertId (
  • alertInstanceId (
  • alertName (
  • params (rule.params)
  • spaceId (rule.spaceId)
  • tags (rule.tags)

For more information, refer to (#161136).



Kibana 8.10.0 adds the following new and notable features.

  • Adds support for self-signed SSL certificate authentication in webhook connector (#161894).
  • Allow runtime fields to be selected for Elasticsearch query rule type group by or aggregate over options (#160319).
  • Adds KQL filtering in APM rules (#163825).
  • Make service group saved objects exportable (#163569).
  • Added ability to manage Cross-Cluster API keys (#162363).
  • Enable Trace Explorer by default (#162308).
  • Adds error.grouping_name to group alerts in Error Count rule (#161810).
  • Adds query to check for overflow bucket in service groups (#159990).
Elastic Security
For the Elastic Security 8.10.0 release information, refer to Elastic Security Solution Release Notes.
Enterprise Search
For the Elastic Enterprise Search 8.10.0 release information, refer to Elastic Enterprise Search Documentation Release notes.
  • Only enable secret storage once all fleet servers are above 8.10.0 (#163627).
  • Kafka integration API (#159110).
Machine Learning
  • AIOps: Adds/edits change point charts embeddable from the Dashboard app (#163694).
  • AIOps: Adds change point detection charts embeddable (#162796).
  • Adds ability to deploy trained models for data frame analytics jobs (#162537).
  • Adds map view for models in Trained Models and expands support for models in Analytics map (#162443).
  • Adds new Data comparison view (#161365).
  • Added ability to create a remote cluster with the API key based security model (#161836).
  • REST endpoint for swapping saved object references (#157665).
  • Maps tracks layer now uses group by time series logic (#159267).
  • SLO definition and computed values are now summarized periodically into a summary search index, allowing users to search by name, tags, SLO budgeting type or time window, and even by and sort by error budget consumed, error budget remaining, SLI value or status (#162665).
  • Adds indicator to support histogram fields (#161582).

For more information about the features introduced in 8.10.0, refer to What’s new in 8.10.

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