Detections prerequisites and requirements


To use the Detections feature, you first need to configure a few settings. You also need the appropriate license to send notifications when detection alerts are generated.

Several steps are only required for self-managed Elastic Stack deployments. If you are using an Elastic Cloud deployment, you only need to enable detections.

Additionally, there are some advanced settings used to configure Kibana value list upload limits.

Configure self-managed Elastic Stack deployments


These steps are only required for self-managed deployments:

  • HTTPS must be configured for communication between Elasticsearch and Kibana.
  • In the elasticsearch.yml configuration file, set the setting to true. For more information, see Configuring Elasticsearch and Security settings in Elasticsearch.
  • In the kibana.yml configuration file, add the xpack.encryptedSavedObjects.encryptionKey setting with any alphanumeric value of at least 32 characters. For example:

    xpack.encryptedSavedObjects.encryptionKey: 'fhjskloppd678ehkdfdlliverpoolfcr'

After changing the xpack.encryptedSavedObjects.encryptionKey value and restarting Kibana, you must restart all detection rules.

Enable and access detections


To use the Detections page, the Detections feature must be enabled and your role must have access to rules and alerts. If your role does not have the cluster and index privileges needed to enable this feature, you can request someone who has these privileges to visit your Kibana space, which will turn it on for you. The following table describes the required privileges to access the Detections page - including rules and alerts.

For instructions about using Machine Learning jobs and rules, refer to Machine learning job and rule requirements.

Action Cluster Privileges Index Privileges Kibana Privileges

Enable the Detections feature in your Kibana space

The manage privilege

The manage, write,read, and view_index_metadata index privileges for the following system indices where <kib-space> is the Kibana space name:

  • .siem-signals-<kib-space>
  • .lists-<kib-space>
  • .items-<kib-space>

Kibana space All privileges for the Security feature (see Feature access based on user privileges)

Enable the Detections feature in all Kibana spaces

Note: To turn on the Detections feature, visit the Detections page for each appropriate Kibana space.

The manage privilege

The manage, write,read, and view_index_metadata index privileges for the following system indices:

  • .siem-signals-*
  • .lists-*
  • .items-*

Kibana space All privileges for the Security feature (see Feature access based on user privileges)

Manage rules


The manage, write,read, and view_index_metadata index privileges for the for the following system indices where <kib-space> is the Kibana space name:

  • .siem-signals-<kib-space>
  • .lists-<kib-space>
  • .items-<kib-space>

Kibana space All privileges for the Security feature (see Feature access based on user privileges)

Manage alerts

Note: Allows you to manage alerts, but not modify rules.


The maintenance, write,read, and view_index_metadata index privileges for the following system indices where <kib-space> is the Kibana space name:

  • .siem-signals-<kib-space>
  • .lists-<kib-space>
  • .items-<kib-space>

Kibana space read privileges for the Security feature (see Feature access based on user privileges)

Here is an example of a user who has the Detections feature enabled in all Kibana spaces:

sec admin user

Configure list upload limits


You can set limits to the number of bytes and the buffer size used to upload value lists to Elastic Security.

To set the value:

  1. Open kibana.yml configuration file or edit your Kibana cloud instance.
  2. Add any of these settings and their required values:

    • xpack.lists.maxImportPayloadBytes: Sets the number of bytes allowed for uploading Elastic Security value lists (default 9000000, maximum 100000000). For every 10 megabytes, it is recommended to have an additional 1 gigabyte of RAM reserved for Kibana.

      For example, on a Kibana instance with 2 gigabytes of RAM, you can set this value up to 20000000 (20 megabytes).

    • xpack.lists.importBufferSize: Sets the buffer size used for uploading Elastic Security value lists (default 1000). Change the value if you are experiencing slow upload speeds or larger than wanted memory usage when uploading value lists. Set to a higher value to increase throughput at the expense of using more Kibana memory, or a lower value to decrease throughput and reduce memory usage.

For information on how to configure Elastic Cloud deployments, see Add Kibana user settings.