High Number of Cloned GitHub Repos From PAT
editHigh Number of Cloned GitHub Repos From PAT
editDetects a high number of unique private repo clone events originating from a single personal access token within a short time period.
Rule type: threshold
Rule indices:
- logs-github.audit-*
Severity: low
Risk score: 21
Runs every: 5m
Searches indices from: now-6m (Date Math format, see also Additional look-back time
Maximum alerts per execution: 100
References: None
- Domain: Cloud
- Use Case: Threat Detection
- Use Case: UEBA
- Tactic: Execution
- Data Source: Github
Version: 204
Rule authors:
- Elastic
Rule license: Elastic License v2
Rule query
editevent.dataset:"github.audit" and event.category:"configuration" and event.action:"git.clone" and github.programmatic_access_type:("OAuth access token" or "Fine-grained personal access token") and github.repository_public:false
- Name: Execution
- ID: TA0002
- Reference URL: https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0002/
- Name: Serverless Execution
- ID: T1648
- Reference URL: https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1648/