AWS Service Quotas Multi-Region GetServiceQuota Requests


AWS Service Quotas Multi-Region GetServiceQuota Requests


Identifies when a single AWS resource is making GetServiceQuota API calls for the EC2 service quota L-1216C47A in more than 10 regions within a 30-second window. Quota code L-1216C47A represents on-demand instances which are used by adversaries to deploy malware and mine cryptocurrency. This could indicate a potential threat actor attempting to discover the AWS infrastructure across multiple regions using compromised credentials or a compromised instance.

Rule type: esql

Rule indices: None

Severity: low

Risk score: 21

Runs every: 5m

Searches indices from: now-9m (Date Math format, see also Additional look-back time)

Maximum alerts per execution: 100



  • Domain: Cloud
  • Data Source: AWS
  • Data Source: Amazon Web Services
  • Data Source: AWS Service Quotas
  • Use Case: Threat Detection
  • Tactic: Discovery

Version: 2

Rule authors:

  • Elastic

Rule license: Elastic License v2

Rule query

from logs-aws.cloudtrail-*

// filter for GetServiceQuota API calls
| where event.dataset == "aws.cloudtrail" and event.provider == "" and event.action == "GetServiceQuota"

// truncate the timestamp to a 30-second window
| eval target_time_window = DATE_TRUNC(30 seconds, @timestamp)

// pre-process the request parameters to extract the service code and quota code
| dissect aws.cloudtrail.request_parameters "{%{?service_code_key}=%{service_code}, %{?quota_code_key}=%{quota_code}}"

// filter for EC2 service quota L-1216C47A (vCPU on-demand instances)
| where service_code == "ec2" and quota_code == "L-1216C47A"

// keep only the relevant fields
| keep target_time_window, aws.cloudtrail.user_identity.arn, cloud.region, service_code, quota_code

// count the number of unique regions and total API calls within the 30-second window
| stats region_count = count_distinct(cloud.region), window_count = count(*) by target_time_window, aws.cloudtrail.user_identity.arn

// filter for resources making DescribeInstances API calls in more than 10 regions within the 30-second window
| where region_count >= 10 and window_count >= 10

// sort the results by time windows in descending order
| sort target_time_window desc