
Announcing Support for Elastic Cloud Standard, Our Hosted Elasticsearch Offering

Wow, 2017 was a long time ago and a lot has changed since then! Check out our Working with Elastic Cloud Support: Best Practices FAQ for the latest and most accurate information about Elastic Cloud Support.

Starting May 1, 2017, we will be moving support for our Elastic Cloud Standard customers from the public Discuss forum to a ticket-based system backed by a team of dedicated Elastic Cloud engineers.

Before diving into the details, we’d like to thank all our customers for helping us evolve and enhance our Elastic Cloud service with your feedback. Everything we do, we do for you.

When we launched Elastic Cloud in July 2015, we decided to offer support for Standard via an open forum. Our experience in community building is deep, but we knew that offering a forum around a service like Elastic Cloud would be a learning opportunity. And we learned a lot!

As we worked with you, we learned about the kind of help you needed, the size and shape of your questions and concerns, and ultimately how you wished to be treated. You spoke. We listened. We thank you for your feedback.

We feel this move from open forum support to a ticket-based system is the best path forward toward providing the quality of services our growing customer base deserves.

Here’s why we chose to move to a private system:

1. Ease of use
While we have a portal you can log into, with the new system, help from a dedicated team of engineers is just an email away.
2. An easier, safer way to share your information with us
In the public forum, if we needed sensitive information, we had to go private anyway, via private messages. Now, there's no interruption in workflow - all communications are private from the start.
3. Consistency
At Elastic, we want to provide only the best products and services. The private system will allow for the consistent, one-on-one attention that you deserve.
4. History
While we had archived threads in the forum, finding or following the history of a single customer was difficult. Now, we can see previous cases opened by a customer, which helps lend context to new cases. We can see where we've been before, which will help as we choose where we need to go next when troubleshooting an issue, which makes for a better experience for everyone.

Here’s how it will work: On Monday, May 1, 2017, emails will go out with support portal login instructions to all current Elastic Cloud standard customers with active clusters. This will allow you to log into the support portal, where you can see and track both current and archived cases. If you had a cluster with us before, don’t worry - if you decide to give us a try again, your accounts will be provisioned as soon as you start up a new cluster. But if you have questions in the meantime, you can always reach out to us.

Every day is humbling at Elastic, as our assumptions are challenged and replaced with new information. And working with you makes all the difference.

PS! On the note of listening to our customer base, we’ve just launched Elastic Cloud on the AWS SaaS Marketplace. This means you can pay for Elastic Cloud through AWS, so give us a try today.