Announcing the Grand Opening of the Online Elastic Store
Until today, the only way to receive Elastic stickers, t-shirts, and other swag was to attend a meetup, see us at a conference, or attend Elastic{ON}. Now, you can get swag anywhere, anytime (unless you live in the future, we haven’t quite figured that one out quite yet).
We are happy to announce that the Elastic Store is now open for business.
To celebrate, we’re offering 20% off Elastic socks for for a limited time. Not only are they custom-designed socks from Sock Club, but the designs themselves are inspired by one of our open source projects, Kibana. Allow us to introduce our Line and Dot Graph socks, integrating with feet worldwide.
We are humbled by the folks within the community who are genuinely excited to collect Elastic stickers and proudly display them on their laptops, skateboards, water bottles, and everywhere else, and we want to make it easier than ever for you to get those stickers. That is why we are offering our core Elastic stickers for free, with a small charge for shipping.
We hope you enjoy browsing through the Elastic Store. Stay tuned for new products and t-shirts in the future. We’ll be announcing promotions and specials through our social channels, so follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.
Visit the Elastic Store today!