DevRel newsletter — October 2024


Hello from the Elastic DevRel team! In this edition of our newsletter blog, we cover the simplest and fastest way to get Elasticsearch and Kibana running locally, the Elastic AI Assistant with a private LLM, and the Vertex AI integration with Elasticsearch. Plus, our usual updates on interesting content and upcoming events.

What’s new?

Start local — it has never been easier to start Elasticsearch and Kibana locally: All you need to do is to have Docker running and run curl -fsSL | sh in your shell. The command generates a Docker Compose setup with the latest images and a random password and starts it up. You can then access Kibana on http://localhost:5601 with the generated password. If you want to make any changes to the installation, take a look at the generated .env file for the available options like password and memory limits. You can control the installation through Docker Compose and there is also the file that will remove everything the script has added.

If you want to inspect what you are running first, you can clone the start-local repository from GitHub, inspect its content, and then run the file.

Connect private LLMs with Elastic AI Assistant: By addressing concerns about data privacy when using public language models, you can now securely integrate private LLMs with the Elastic AI Assistant using the connector. This solution enhances data privacy and security by keeping sensitive information in house. By using the LM Studio connector, you also reduce latency and allow for quicker responses to security incidents. Beyond privacy and speed, the integration provides operational benefits, enabling retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and question and answer (QnA) on observability and security data. This approach helps secure your organization in the modern threat landscape all while maintaining control over your critical data.

Embedding generation and reranking with Google Vertex AI: Elasticsearch's vector database now natively supports generating text embeddings using any text embedding model available in Google Vertex AI. Additionally, it provides seamless support for reranking documents retrieved from Elasticsearch, ensuring you select the most relevant chunks for your RAG workflows.

Upcoming events


Virtual Meetup: Voxel51 & Elastic Vector Search Joint Meetup — October 10

Meetup in Silicon Valley: Accelerate Elasticsearch Data Access with Hasura’s GraphQL Connector + Stateless  — October 10

Meetup in Minas Gerais: Elastic Meetup em Uberlândia — October 10 

Meetup in Dallas: Making the Leap from Observability to Unified Security  — October 15

Virtual Meetup in Brazil: 5º Meetup Virtual Elastic Brasil 2024 — October 16

Meetup in Lancaster: Monthly community meetup — October 16

Rio de Janeiro: Python Brazil 2024 — October 16–21

Meetup in Seattle: Effective User Email Search with Elasticsearch — October 17

Chicago: GOTO Chicago — October 21–22

Meetup in Rio de Janeiro: Elastic Meetup - Python Brazil — October 22

Meetup in Brasília: Elastic Meetup - Esquenta TDC AI Summit 2024 — October 22

Brasília: TDC AI Summit Brasília 2024 — October 23–24

Meetup in Denver: Scaling Kibana with Node Roles + Accelerating Elasticsearch Data with Hasura — October 24

Meetup in Montreal: Elastic Montreal October Meetup — October 24

Meetup in Santos, SP: Elastic + FCamara + NodeBR - Node.js além do básico — October 25 

New York: BITS 2024 — October 25–26

Raleigh: All Things Open  — October 27–29 

Meetup in Chicago: It's time to use AI for SecOps — October 29 

Meetup in São Paulo:  Elastic & Red Hat em São Paulo — October 30

Virtual Meetup: Elastic & LM Studio — October 30

Meetup in Boston: Elastic & LangChain  — November 4

Virtual Meetup: Harnessing Elastic for AI-Powered Research in International Development — November 6

Meetup in Minneapolis: Elastic User Group Meetup with GitLab — November 7

Recife: TDC AI Summit Recife 2024 — November 7–8

Austin: Generative AI World Summit — November 7–8

Meetup in Salt Lake City: Boost Developer Productivity - Streamlining Generative AI with Elastic and Azure — November 11 

Meetup in New York: Elastic & Microsoft Meetup — November 12

Bogotá: DevOpsDays Bogotá 2024 — November 12

Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Antwerp: Devoxx Belgium — October 7–11

EMEA Virtual: All Day DevOps — October 10

Clermont-Ferrand: Volcamp 2024 — October 10–11

Paris: Forum PHP — October 10–11

Meetup in Berlin: October Edition - Zalando Meetup — October 15

Meetup in Amsterdam: Elastic & Trendyol — October 15

Poznań: JUGtoberfest — October 16

Nantes: DevFest Nantes — October 17–18

Meetup in Krakow: OpenTelemetry & Elasticsearch Query Language (ES|QL) — October 21

Krakow: GenAI buzzwords explained — October 22–23

London: Kubernetes Community Day UK — October 22–23

Meetup in Birmingham: Meetup Special with Apache Kafka Group — October 24

Paris: Meetup ElasticFR #93 at Canal+ — October 24

Birmingham: TechMids — October 25

London & Virtual: React Advanced — October 25 & 28

Meetup in Cologne: Elastic Meetup x Apache Kafka Cologne — October 29

Meetup in Dublin: ES|QL & SLOs across the Globe — October 29

Dublin: SRECon EMEA 2024 — October 29–31

Tel Aviv: DevOpsDays Tel Aviv — October 30–31

Warsaw: DevOpsDays Poland — November 5–6

Meetup in Amsterdam: Security Meetup — November 6

Toulouse: DevFest Toulouse — November 7

London: Halfstack London — November 13


Meetup in Ahmedabad: GenAI and Search — October 12

Melbourne: KubeDay Australia 2024 — October 15

Meetup in Singapore: Elastic Security in Singapore with Mandy Andress — October 15

Meetup in Bengaluru: Security Meetup - The Hackers meetup x Elastic — October 19

Perth: AISA PerthSec Day — October 23

Meetup in Sydney: Elastic & Microsoft Meetup in Sydney — October 23

Changsha: 2024 Developer's Day — October 23–24

Singapore: STACK Conference — November 6–7

Sydney: GopherCon AU 2024 — November 7–8

Sydney: BSides Sydney 2024 — November 9

ElasticON Tour

Elastic's annual one-day conference series is coming to you — join us to learn what's hot at Elastic right now, watch demos, and visit ask-me-anything booths.

New York City: ElasticON November 13

Munich: ElasticON November 14

Amsterdam: ElasticON November 26

Join your local Elastic meetup group for the latest news on upcoming events. If you’re interested in presenting at a meetup, send an email to

The release and timing of any features or functionality described in this post remain at Elastic's sole discretion. Any features or functionality not currently available may not be delivered on time or at all.