Keeping up with Kibana: This week in Kibana for November 22nd, 2019

Kibana on Cloud

Testing: Continued work to stabilize failing kibana tests.  Working to add more cloud test configurations and better cloud infrastructure and support.  

  • Added new SaaS configurations to test platforms for: Azure and GCP.
  • Requested ECE access to work on test setup. 
  • Filed new Kibana functional test failures on cloud for 7.5 testing. 


This week, we spent some time putting together a proof-of-concept to support saved-object supertypes for Alerting. This will allow Alerting to have specialized saved-objects for their integrations into all of the various applications, while sharing some attributes for all of their alerts.

We found and resolved a bug when logging out of various auth providers when not in the default space that caused a 404 instead of a message that the user had been successfully logged out.


New APIs:

  • Licensing APIs are now available on the client (#49345). This unblocks all X-Pack plugins from migrating to the New Platform.
  • Plugins can now whitelist config fields to be exposed to the client-side (#50641). This replaces the injectedVars feature of the legacy system.


  • Global modals and flyouts UI now support any UI framework (#48431). Helpers are included in the kibana_react plugin for using React with these APIs.

In Progress:


Stack Services


We merged new Telemetry endpoints to staging and production (telemetry/issues/162). Started a PR for for fully migrating (server.usage.collectorSet) to New Platform under (UsageCollection) plugin. (#51618).

We simplified some newsfeed tests (newsfeeds/pull/15).

We worked on some follow up issues for Telemetry 7.5 feature freeze.


We are working on the TypeScript migration for all the export_types and export type registry, progress on moving over to the new platform, and finally we worked on the Telemetry opt-in features for 7.5.


We continued working on the activity log and applied ECS feedback. Started a discuss issue for the activity log index to be stand alone vs managed under saved objects (#51223).

We re-enabled alerting and action tests following flaky issues in CI (#50246). The ability to tag alerts has been merged (#49320). Re-ordered the plan for 7.6 following team discussions (see “To do 7.6” column: kibana/projects/26). Created a discuss issue for alert statuses (#51099).

We started working on New Platform migration for Task Manager (#51422). Also added tests for long running tasks running in parallel (#51572). Progress is ongoing to update a task’s runAt when an alert changes interval (#45152).

We worked on base functionality for Index Threshold alert type. Added a UI for action parameters when creating an alert. With 7.6 changes, focus is now cleaning up code, adding tests and getting the feature PR ready for review.

Kibana App (Visualizations, Dashboards, Discover, Charts)

Migration work to Kibana Platform is making good progress. We moved the share registry, tutorial registration and feature catalogue over to Kibana platform, shimmed Dashboards with its own local Angular and started work on sample data.

We merged a PR (and an update will be coming soon), to allow PNG exports from the Elastic Charts library (from a technical point of view). The first PoC of integrating EuiDataGrid into Discover is up: Also we helped updating Kibana to TypeScript 3.7 giving us new highly anticipated features in Kibana.


We wrote a blog post about using GDAL to ingest geospatial data into Elasticsearch.  Maybe you’re a Kibana user with geospatial data that’s not in Elasticsearch.  You still want to be able to visualize the geospatial data that you have in a spreadsheet or shapefile.  Instead of setting up a custom Logstash config you can use the command line GDAL tool that can ingest over 75 geospatial formats into Elasticsearch that can be visualized in Elastic Maps.

GDAL = Geospatial Data Abstraction Library




As the dev team is building out the wireframes, we continue to clean up designs working in parallel with them.



We’re working through some future thinking of aggregation.


Kibana Management 

We’re reviewing all forms in hopes to put together a Forms Guideline doc for teams to reference moving forward.



We’re working on new empty state designs and potential menu changes that make it easier to  build dashboard.



We’re exploring options to improve the user experience on the new Role Mapping feature in Security.
