Keeping up with Kibana: This week in Kibana for February 11th, 2020

We are hiring


Changes for developers:

App Architecture

Search bar default behaviors

Using SearchBar or TopNavMenu? We got some news for you!

Both components now ship with pre-wired default behaviors, so you don't have to write any additional code to utilize filter and query state management, auto refresh settings or saved query workflow.

To enable, pass in useDefaultBehavious="true" to the component, as well as an (optional) initial state, remove your own management code and you should be good to go.

To get notifications on state changes (for example to sync with a state container), you still have to use a combination of observables and callbacks, as seen here. Update for that is coming soon.

Plugin Generator

If you wish to generate a new Kibana Platform plugin, check out the updated Plugin Generator tool. It is now up to date with the most recent plugin structure and guidelines.

node scripts/generate_plugin "My Plugin" -i

Please post feedback and suggestions on the outstanding improvements issue.