Tracing Linux: A file integrity monitoring use case


The need for tracing in Linux

Protecting mission-critical Linux machines is essential for any business. Sophisticated cyber attacks can start from a low-value target machine and pivot into high-value servers filled with sensitive information. However, many organizations face challenges when their infrastructure includes older Linux kernels that do not support modern tracing technologies. 

This post explores how we can effectively leverage alternative tracing methods available on older kernels to ensure that all Linux environments, regardless of age, are fortified against unauthorized changes and potential security breaches.

For example, one crucial line of defense against such attacks is ensuring system integrity through file integrity monitoring (FIM). FIM generates events whenever files change (creation, modification, or deletion) on disk. This functionality is crucial for detecting unauthorized alterations that may signal security breaches, malware infections, or insider threats. By promptly identifying and addressing unauthorized changes, FIM significantly contributes to upholding the integrity and reliability of digital infrastructures. While recognizing file changes is valuable, attributing them to specific users enhances actionable insight. 

The landscape of tracing in Linux

In the current landscape of tracing Linux, eBPF emerges as the de-facto solution to implement FIM, facilitating real-time kernel event instrumentation with extensive detail delivered to user space. However, tracing file events with user information on older Linux kernels proves more complex than initially perceived. In such scenarios, eBPF is not always the straightforward choice due to limitations like code complexity, reduced tracepoint support, or lack of kernel support.

For older Linux kernels, alternative solutions can be used to implement an FIM, namely inotify and audit. However, these come with a different set of drawbacks. Specifically, inotify does not provide information about the process or the user responsible for the change. On the other hand, audit imposes a non-negligible performance penalty on the system. This is because all information is transmitted from the kernel to user space through a socket, with the kernel encoding everything into strings that must then be decoded in user space. Additionally, audit's design can lead to interference issues when multiple API consumers require different rules, resulting in conflicts and reduced efficiency. Another potential solution is fanotify; however, it is worth mentioning only for completeness since it was mainlined in Linux Kernel 5.1 and is therefore not applicable to older kernels.

Another widely supported kernel tracing solution with an acceptable performance overhead for older kernels is KProbes. Although KProbes provide a level of event instrumentation in user space similar to eBPF, they lack the same degree of flexibility and notably lack a stable API. Utilizing KProbes effectively necessitates understanding kernel internal data structures' sizes and field offsets relevant to the traced event. This requirement poses a risk of KProbes-based solutions prone to breaking with kernel updates or changes and mandates pre-holding the former structure information.

Similarly to KProbes, the portability challenge across diverse kernels was prevalent in the initial stages of eBPF development. However, modern eBPF has overcome this hurdle using the BPF Type Format (BTF). BTF is a metadata format that encapsulates DWARF-based debug symbols, including data types, sizes, functions, and more, into a blob accessible to eBPF programs at runtime. Consequently, eBPF programs can dynamically adjust their tracepoints based on this information. Modern Linux kernels embed such a blob, enabling eBPF programs to execute seamlessly across different kernel versions.

Despite BTF's close association with eBPF, a user-space program can independently derive and process this metadata blob. For instance, the ebpf library in Golang enables Go programs to access the BTF blob and leverage its encoded information within their logic. By compiling a kernel with debug symbols and using tools like bpftool, we can extract the BPF metadata blob for KProbe-based programs. Through our experimentation, we achieved this as far back as Linux kernel 3.3. Additionally, the open-source repository btfhub-archive produces and maintains such BTF blobs for known kernel versions of various distributions, facilitating the portability of eBPF programs across Linux kernels that do not embed them.

Introducing tk-btf for older Linux kernels

Inspired by the approach to eBPF portability, we applied a similar concept to KProbes using BTF. This led to the development of tk-btf, a Go-based library that facilitates the dynamic creation of a KProbe string representation, suitable for configuration via tracingfs, based on information extracted from a BTF file. In the example snippet provided below, we demonstrate how, at runtime, users can specify the tracepoint symbol (fsnotify), the Probe type (KProbe), and the parameters' fields they wish to capture (such as inode number and file creation mask bit).

tkbtf.NewFetchArg("ino","u64").FuncParamWithCustomType("data",tkbtf.WrapPointer,"path", "dentry", "d_inode", "i_ino"),

In addition to providing a solution for KProbes portability, tk-btf also simplifies the comprehension and creation of KProbe strings intended for tracingfs configurations. For example, the string representation below demonstrates the complexity of manually constructing such strings. In this format, parameters of traced symbols must be referenced using architecture-specific registers rather than names, and accessing fields of the former is achieved through byte offsets. Additionally, for specialized operations like extracting individual bits from a field, manual application of this convention is required, whereas tk-btf streamlines this process by allowing direct specification of the desired bit.

ino=+64(+48(+24(+8(%x2)))):u64 mask_create=%x1:b1@8/32

Despite the conveniences offered by tk-btf for KProbes, having a BTF file in advance remains a requirement. Notably, the btfhub-archive repository, which houses BTF files for older kernels, amounts to approximately 54GB when uncompressed. Transporting such a vast volume of data alongside a program utilizing KProbes via tk-btf is impractical. Consequently, we enhanced tk-btf to strip any extraneous information from a BTF file while retaining only the essentials for the defined KProbes. Through this optimization, we discovered that by discarding redundant BTF files and stripping unused data from the remaining ones, we could encompass all requisite information for our KProbe-based FIM solution in a mere 24KB.

Enhancing FIM module in Auditbeat across Linux systems

After extensive investigation and development, tk-btf has yielded significant results. The release of Auditbeat 8.14 introduces two new beta FIM solutions: one based on eBPF for modern Linux kernels and another using tk-btf for older Linux kernels. As shown in the picture below, users can choose between the original inotify-based FIM and the two new solutions capable of capturing file events enriched with user information. In this release, the “auto” option defaults to inotify, but once the new solutions reach general availability, it will automatically select the most appropriate option based on the target Linux system.

add file integrity monitoring integration
Elastic Agent FIM integration configuration

Once users select one of the newly introduced FIM solutions, they can navigate to the FIM dashboard installed during the FIM integration setup. From there, as shown in the picture below, they can click on a file event in the list of reported FIM events and view detailed information about the process that caused this change.

FIM events overview dashboard
FIM events overview dashboard

In conclusion, by introducing these two new FIM solutions — one leveraging eBPF for modern kernels and the other utilizing tk-btf for older kernels — Auditbeat ensures robust system FIM capabilities across a broader spectrum of Linux systems. To learn more, check out tk-btf on GitHub and explore examples.

The release and timing of any features or functionality described in this post remain at Elastic's sole discretion. Any features or functionality not currently available may not be delivered on time or at all.