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文章作者 Yukiya Shimizu

Principal Solutions Architect, Elastic

Yukiya Shimizu is a solutions architect at Elastic, where he proposes solutions using Elastic products and helps customers to get successful with search and analytics projects. Prior to joining Elastic, he spent a lot of his time in IT infrastructure and operation areas as an enterprise architect and  IT consultant. He is passionate about distributed data infrastructure and data pipelines.


用 Elastic 的方式使用 Filebeat 和 Metricbeat 监测 Kubernetes

如果您已经在组织中使用开源监测工具,那么可以将这些工具与 Elastic Stack 一起使用,来监测 Kubernetes。但是,如果您刚刚接触 Kubernetes 监测,不妨采用一种更简单的方法:使用 Filebeat 和 Metricbeat。