Embracing individuality in a culture of innovation

Jamie Yoo's experience at Elastic


Between her Korean roots and midwestern home, Jamie Yoo often catches herself thinking in two languages.

“Sometimes things don’t necessarily come out sounding completely right,” Jamie jokes. “But, I think this actually helps make me more approachable to my teammates.”

At Elastic, where Jamie works as a senior manager of IT risk and compliance, her unique background isn't just accepted — it's celebrated. In a culture that thrives on diversity, she doesn’t feel shame when her 3-year-old son makes a Zoom appearance or her bilingual thoughts lead to fumbled words.

We sat down with Jamie to hear more about how her unique attributes inform her work, and ultimately, lead to greater innovation at Elastic.

Roots in one place, branches in another

“I don’t feel like I belong to one culture and one culture alone,” Jamie says, explaining how she’s moved between South Korea and the United States for most of her life. “I’ve had the chance to spend time in both cultures, and they definitely conflict.”

On one hand, Jamie feels an innate respect for her elders — or in a professional setting, too formal — due to her East Asian heritage. This also manifests in the form of perfectionism and the need to showcase flawless work to senior leaders.

“The other week someone told me, ‘You don’t need to put a bow on everything,’” Jamie recalls. “I’m realizing that we're all people, and we're all trying to do our best. Sometimes you have to be able to balance making progress with presenting something in the most perfect way and get comfort in knowing you’ve gained the trust of those who work with you.”

From flawless to perfectly imperfect

A new side of Jamie’s workplace identity emerged when she became a mother.

“I remember being very nervous when I accepted the position with Elastic because I just had my youngest,” she shares. With her instinctive desire for control and perfectionism, she feared how this new family member would impact her professional life.

Despite her concerns, Jamie discovered that the unpredictable nature of motherhood and family life were not only embraced by her new colleagues but also shaped her leadership style.

“I don’t shy away from being vulnerable with my team. For example, I’ve learned to be okay with letting go of the filter sometimes and saying, ‘Hey team, I’m having a tough day,’ and being clear about any constraints and setting expectations. One of the things I’ve realized is that for people to respect you as a leader, they have to see you as a human first.”

Come as you are — and innovate

Jamie’s evolution as a professional, from a bi-national nomad to a leader and now a mother, can be summed up in one pillar of Elastic’s Source Code: As YOU, are.

“From my perspective, ‘As YOU, are’ means: Hey, my 3-year-old happens to be home and I have to pop into a call with him on my lap. At Elastic, there's this sense of acceptance. It doesn't phase anyone. We know we all have various senses of identity that we have to balance outside of work. ‘As YOU, are’ to me means you show up and put your best foot forward.”

And when everyone’s individuality is embraced, innovation flourishes.

“Elastic is very entrepreneurial in spirit. We’re able to take a problem by the reins, even when we don’t feel like we have complete control, and then make something out of it. We value making progress while balancing the need for perfectionism where it matters. That is the ticket to success here.”

Finding a company that embraces individuality

If you’re searching for a workplace where you can show up as your authentic self, Jamie leaves you with some final words of wisdom:

“Remember that your job interview is just as much of an interview for you as it is for them. Ask all of the questions you want answere — for me, that’s getting the interviewer’s take on: the good, bad, and ugly about their experience at the company. From their answer, you’ll get a sense of how they perceive the culture.”

After taking her own advice, Jamie found herself in the right place — throughout life’s ever-evolving chapters.

“Things will always change, but one thing I know is that as a result of my time at Elastic and engaging with people from all over the world, I’ve become even more unique. It’s that sense of being distributed by nature that is sometimes unpredictable but also makes us that much more special.”

Interested in building your career with a fully distributed company that embraces individuality? Elastic is hiring!
Explore the career opportunities here.

This blog post was originally published on the Power to Fly website.