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On-demand webinar

Using Elasticsearch, Beats and Elastic APM to monitor your OpenShift Data

Hosted by:

Michael Heldebrant

Michael Heldebrant

Distinguished Solutions Architect



OpenShift, as per openshift.com, enables developers to “build, deploy and manage your container-based applications consistently across cloud and on-premise infrastructure.” But how will you know if they are performant, stable, or even working at all?

When you use Elastic Beats and APM with Openshift you can collect all your application level information and get it into a single place where you can make sense of it all: Elasticsearch. Collect your logs with Filebeat and parse your logs with ingest pipelines, collect your metric sets with Metricbeat, instrument your code with Elastic APM, watch your pods communicate with Packetbeat, and monitor uptime with Heartbeat. Then use Kibana to unify your logs, metrics, and APM analytics in one place to realize the container design principle of “High Observability” without the high effort. Also, don’t forget that the infrastructure running your OpenShift platform can be observed with the same Elastic Stack.

Highlights Include:

  • High observability for OpenShift applications
  • Learn how in just a few minutes get cluster wide:
    • Logging
    • Metrics
    • APM
  • Auto-discovery via annotations
  • Demo

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