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Autoscaling through the API


This example demonstrates how to use the Elastic Cloud Enterprise RESTful API to create a deployment with autoscaling enabled.

The example deployment has a hot data and content tier, warm data tier, cold data tier, and a machine learning node, all of which will scale within the defined parameters. To learn about the autoscaling settings, check Deployment autoscaling and Autoscaling example. For more information about using the Elastic Cloud Enterprise API in general, check RESTful API.



Note the following requirements when you run this API request:

  • The deployment must be on stack version 7.11.0 or higher.
  • On Elastic Cloud Enterprise, autoscaling is supported for custom deployment templates on version 2.12 and above. To learn more, refer to Updating custom templates to support node_roles and autoscaling.
  • All Elasticsearch components must be included in the request, even if they are not enabled (that is, if they have a zero size). All components are included in this example.
  • The request requires a format that supports data tiers. Specifically, all Elasticsearch components must contain the following properties:

  • The size, autoscaling_min, and autoscaling_max properties must be specified according to the following rules. This is because:

    • On data tiers only upward scaling is currently supported.
    • On machine learning nodes both upward and downward scaling is supported.
    • On all other components autoscaling is not currently supported.





data tier

machine learning node

coordinating and master nodes



Enterprise Search


+ ✓ = Include the property.

+ ✕ = Do not include the property.

+ These rules match the behavior of the Elastic Cloud Enterprise user console.

+ * The elasticsearch object must contain the property "autoscaling_enabled": true.

API request example


Run this example API request to create a deployment with autoscaling:

curl -k -X POST -H "Authorization: ApiKey $ECE_API_KEY" https://$COORDINATOR_HOST:12443/api/v1/deployments -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '
 "name": "my-first-autoscaling-deployment",
 "resources": {
   "elasticsearch": [
       "ref_id": "main-elasticsearch",
       "region": "ece-region",
       "plan": {
         "autoscaling_enabled": true,
         "cluster_topology": [
             "id": "hot_content",
             "node_roles": [
             "zone_count": 1,
             "elasticsearch": {
               "node_attributes": {
                 "data": "hot"
               "enabled_built_in_plugins": []
             "instance_configuration_id": "data.default",
             "size": {
               "value": 4096,
               "resource": "memory"
             "autoscaling_max": {
               "value": 2097152,
               "resource": "memory"
             "id": "warm",
             "node_roles": [
             "zone_count": 1,
             "elasticsearch": {
               "node_attributes": {
                 "data": "warm"
               "enabled_built_in_plugins": []
             "instance_configuration_id": "data.highstorage",
             "size": {
               "value": 0,
               "resource": "memory"
             "autoscaling_max": {
               "value": 2097152,
               "resource": "memory"
             "id": "cold",
             "node_roles": [
             "zone_count": 1,
             "elasticsearch": {
               "node_attributes": {
                 "data": "cold"
               "enabled_built_in_plugins": []
             "instance_configuration_id": "data.highstorage",
             "size": {
               "value": 0,
               "resource": "memory"
             "autoscaling_max": {
               "value": 2097152,
               "resource": "memory"
             "id": "coordinating",
             "node_roles": [
             "zone_count": 1,
             "instance_configuration_id": "coordinating",
             "size": {
               "value": 0,
               "resource": "memory"
             "elasticsearch": {
               "enabled_built_in_plugins": []
             "id": "master",
             "node_roles": [
             "zone_count": 1,
             "instance_configuration_id": "master",
             "size": {
               "value": 0,
               "resource": "memory"
             "elasticsearch": {
               "enabled_built_in_plugins": []
             "id": "ml",
             "node_roles": [
             "zone_count": 1,
             "instance_configuration_id": "ml",
             "autoscaling_min": {
               "value": 0,
               "resource": "memory"
             "autoscaling_max": {
               "value": 2097152,
               "resource": "memory"
             "elasticsearch": {
               "enabled_built_in_plugins": []
         "elasticsearch": {
           "version": "7.11.0"
         "deployment_template": {
           "id": "default"
       "settings": {
         "dedicated_masters_threshold": 6
   "kibana": [
       "ref_id": "main-kibana",
       "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id": "main-elasticsearch",
       "region": "ece-region",
       "plan": {
         "zone_count": 1,
         "cluster_topology": [
             "instance_configuration_id": "kibana",
             "size": {
               "value": 1024,
               "resource": "memory"
             "zone_count": 1
         "kibana": {
           "version": "7.11.0"
   "apm": [
       "ref_id": "main-apm",
       "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id": "main-elasticsearch",
       "region": "ece-region",
       "plan": {
         "cluster_topology": [
             "instance_configuration_id": "apm",
             "size": {
               "value": 512,
               "resource": "memory"
             "zone_count": 1
         "apm": {
           "version": "7.11.0"
   "enterprise_search": []

Although autoscaling can scale some tiers by CPU, the primary measurement of tier size is memory. Limits on tier size are in terms of memory.

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