- Curator Index Management:
- Curator and Index Lifecycle Management
- About
- Versions
- Installation
- Running Curator
- Configuration
- Actions
- Options
- allocation_type
- allow_ilm_indices
- include_hidden
- continue_if_exception
- copy_aliases
- count
- delay
- delete_after
- delete_aliases
- skip_flush
- disable_action
- extra_settings
- ignore_empty_list
- ignore_unavailable
- include_aliases
- include_global_state
- indices
- key
- max_age
- max_docs
- max_size
- max_num_segments
- max_wait
- migration_prefix
- migration_suffix
- name
- new_index
- node_filters
- number_of_replicas
- number_of_shards
- partial
- post_allocation
- preserve_existing
- refresh
- remote_certificate
- remote_client_cert
- remote_client_key
- remote_filters
- remote_url_prefix
- rename_pattern
- rename_replacement
- repository
- requests_per_second
- request_body
- retry_count
- retry_interval
- routing_type
- search_pattern
- setting
- shrink_node
- shrink_prefix
- shrink_suffix
- slices
- skip_repo_fs_check
- timeout
- timeout_override
- value
- wait_for_active_shards
- wait_for_completion
- wait_for_rebalance
- wait_interval
- warn_if_no_indices
- Filters
- Filter Elements
- aliases
- allocation_type
- count
- date_from
- date_from_format
- date_to
- date_to_format
- direction
- disk_space
- epoch
- exclude
- field
- intersect
- key
- kind
- max_num_segments
- pattern
- period_type
- range_from
- range_to
- reverse
- source
- state
- stats_result
- timestring
- threshold_behavior
- unit
- unit_count
- unit_count_pattern
- use_age
- value
- week_starts_on
- Examples
- Frequently Asked Questions
editThis option is only used by the Reindex action
actions: 1: description: "Reindex index1 into index2" action: reindex options: wait_interval: 9 max_wait: -1 requests_per_second: -1 request_body: source: index: index1 dest: index: index2 filters: - filtertype: none
can be set to any positive decimal number (1.4, 6, 1000,
etc) and throttles the number of requests per second that the reindex issues or
it can be set to -1
to disable throttling.
The default value for this is option is -1
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