- Curator Index Management:
- Curator and Index Lifecycle Management
- About
- Versions
- Installation
- Running Curator
- Configuration
- Actions
- Options
- allocation_type
- allow_ilm_indices
- include_hidden
- continue_if_exception
- copy_aliases
- count
- delay
- delete_after
- delete_aliases
- skip_flush
- disable_action
- extra_settings
- ignore_empty_list
- ignore_unavailable
- include_aliases
- include_global_state
- indices
- key
- max_age
- max_docs
- max_size
- max_num_segments
- max_wait
- migration_prefix
- migration_suffix
- name
- new_index
- node_filters
- number_of_replicas
- number_of_shards
- partial
- post_allocation
- preserve_existing
- refresh
- remote_certificate
- remote_client_cert
- remote_client_key
- remote_filters
- remote_url_prefix
- rename_pattern
- rename_replacement
- repository
- requests_per_second
- request_body
- retry_count
- retry_interval
- routing_type
- search_pattern
- setting
- shrink_node
- shrink_prefix
- shrink_suffix
- slices
- skip_repo_fs_check
- timeout
- timeout_override
- value
- wait_for_active_shards
- wait_for_completion
- wait_for_rebalance
- wait_interval
- warn_if_no_indices
- Filters
- Filter Elements
- aliases
- allocation_type
- count
- date_from
- date_from_format
- date_to
- date_to_format
- direction
- disk_space
- epoch
- exclude
- field
- intersect
- key
- kind
- max_num_segments
- pattern
- period_type
- range_from
- range_to
- reverse
- source
- state
- stats_result
- timestring
- threshold_behavior
- unit
- unit_count
- unit_count_pattern
- use_age
- value
- week_starts_on
- Examples
- Frequently Asked Questions
editThese examples should help illustrate how to build your own actions.
You can use environment variables in your configuration files.
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