- Curator Index Management:
- Curator and Index Lifecycle Management
- About
- Versions
- Installation
- Running Curator
- Configuration
- Actions
- Options
- allocation_type
- allow_ilm_indices
- include_hidden
- continue_if_exception
- copy_aliases
- count
- delay
- delete_after
- delete_aliases
- skip_flush
- disable_action
- extra_settings
- ignore_empty_list
- ignore_unavailable
- include_aliases
- include_global_state
- indices
- key
- max_age
- max_docs
- max_size
- max_num_segments
- max_wait
- migration_prefix
- migration_suffix
- name
- new_index
- node_filters
- number_of_replicas
- number_of_shards
- partial
- post_allocation
- preserve_existing
- refresh
- remote_certificate
- remote_client_cert
- remote_client_key
- remote_filters
- remote_url_prefix
- rename_pattern
- rename_replacement
- repository
- requests_per_second
- request_body
- retry_count
- retry_interval
- routing_type
- search_pattern
- setting
- shrink_node
- shrink_prefix
- shrink_suffix
- slices
- skip_repo_fs_check
- timeout
- timeout_override
- value
- wait_for_active_shards
- wait_for_completion
- wait_for_rebalance
- wait_interval
- warn_if_no_indices
- Filters
- Filter Elements
- aliases
- allocation_type
- count
- date_from
- date_from_format
- date_to
- date_to_format
- direction
- disk_space
- epoch
- exclude
- field
- intersect
- key
- kind
- max_num_segments
- pattern
- period_type
- range_from
- range_to
- reverse
- source
- state
- stats_result
- timestring
- threshold_behavior
- unit
- unit_count
- unit_count_pattern
- use_age
- value
- week_starts_on
- Examples
- Frequently Asked Questions
editThis setting determines the number of shard copies that must be active before the client returns. The default value is 1, which implies only the primary shards.
Set to all
for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less
than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of
replicas + 1)
Read the Elasticsearch documentation for more information.
editactions: 1: description: "Reindex index1,index2,index3 into new_index" action: reindex options: wait_interval: 9 max_wait: -1 wait_for_active_shards: 2 request_body: source: index: ['index1', 'index2', 'index3'] dest: index: new_index filters: - filtertype: none
editaction: rollover description: >- Rollover the index associated with alias 'name', which should be in the form of prefix-000001 (or similar), or prefix-yyyy.MM.DD-1. options: name: aliasname conditions: max_age: 1d max_docs: 1000000 wait_for_active_shards: 1 extra_settings: index.number_of_shards: 3 index.number_of_replicas: 1 timeout_override: continue_if_exception: False disable_action: False
editaction: shrink description: >- Shrink selected indices on the node with the most available space. Prepend target index names with 'foo-' and append a suffix of '-shrink' options: shrink_node: DETERMINISTIC wait_for_active_shards: all filters: - filtertype: ...
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