
The executive guide to generative AI

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A more complex example


To demonstrate a slightly more complex query and the associated results, we can profile the following query:

GET /test/_search
  "profile": true,
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "message": {
        "value": "search"
  "aggs": {
    "non_global_term": {
      "terms": {
        "field": "agg"
      "aggs": {
        "second_term": {
          "terms": {
            "field": "sub_agg"
    "another_agg": {
      "cardinality": {
        "field": "aggB"
    "global_agg": {
      "global": {},
      "aggs": {
        "my_agg2": {
          "terms": {
            "field": "globalAgg"
  "post_filter": {
    "term": {
      "my_field": "foo"

This example has:

  • A query
  • A scoped aggregation
  • A global aggregation
  • A post_filter

And the response:

   "profile": {
         "shards": [
               "id": "[P6-vulHtQRWuD4YnubWb7A][test][0]",
               "searches": [
                     "query": [
                           "query_type": "TermQuery",
                           "lucene": "my_field:foo",
                           "time": "0.4094560000ms",
                           "breakdown": {
                              "score": 0,
                              "next_doc": 0,
                              "match": 0,
                              "create_weight": 31584,
                              "build_scorer": 377872,
                              "advance": 0
                           "query_type": "TermQuery",
                           "lucene": "message:search",
                           "time": "0.3037020000ms",
                           "breakdown": {
                              "score": 0,
                              "next_doc": 5936,
                              "match": 0,
                              "create_weight": 185215,
                              "build_scorer": 112551,
                              "advance": 0
                     "rewrite_time": 7208,
                     "collector": [
                           "name": "MultiCollector",
                           "reason": "search_multi",
                           "time": "1.378943000ms",
                           "children": [
                                 "name": "FilteredCollector",
                                 "reason": "search_post_filter",
                                 "time": "0.4036590000ms",
                                 "children": [
                                       "name": "SimpleTopScoreDocCollector",
                                       "reason": "search_top_hits",
                                       "time": "0.006391000000ms"
                                 "name": "BucketCollector: [[non_global_term, another_agg]]",
                                 "reason": "aggregation",
                                 "time": "0.9546020000ms"
                     "query": [
                           "query_type": "MatchAllDocsQuery",
                           "lucene": "*:*",
                           "time": "0.04829300000ms",
                           "breakdown": {
                              "score": 0,
                              "next_doc": 3672,
                              "match": 0,
                              "create_weight": 6311,
                              "build_scorer": 38310,
                              "advance": 0
                     "rewrite_time": 1067,
                     "collector": [
                           "name": "GlobalAggregator: [global_agg]",
                           "reason": "aggregation_global",
                           "time": "0.1226310000ms"

As you can see, the output is significantly verbose from before. All the major portions of the query are represented:

  1. The first TermQuery (message:search) represents the main term query
  2. The second TermQuery (my_field:foo) represents the post_filter query
  3. There is a MatchAllDocsQuery (*:*) query which is being executed as a second, distinct search. This was not part of the query specified by the user, but is auto-generated by the global aggregation to provide a global query scope

The Collector tree is fairly straightforward, showing how a single MultiCollector wraps a FilteredCollector to execute the post_filter (and in turn wraps the normal scoring SimpleCollector), a BucketCollector to run all scoped aggregations. In the MatchAll search, there is a single GlobalAggregator to run the global aggregation.

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