WARNING: Version 6.2 of Elasticsearch has passed its EOL date.
This documentation is no longer being maintained and may be removed. If you are running this version, we strongly advise you to upgrade. For the latest information, see the current release documentation.
Span Term Query
editSpan Term Query
editMatches spans containing a term. The span term query maps to Lucene
. Here is an example:
GET /_search { "query": { "span_term" : { "user" : "kimchy" } } }
A boost can also be associated with the query:
GET /_search { "query": { "span_term" : { "user" : { "value" : "kimchy", "boost" : 2.0 } } } }
Or :
GET /_search { "query": { "span_term" : { "user" : { "term" : "kimchy", "boost" : 2.0 } } } }
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