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Elasticsearch X-Pack version 6.0.0

Elasticsearch X-Pack version 6.0.0

Breaking Changes

  • Added new security limitations:

    • When a user’s role enables document level security for an index and suggesters are specified, the specified suggesters are ignored. For more information about suggesters, see Suggesters.
    • When document level security is enabled, search requests cannot be profiled. For more information about profiling, see the Profile API.

Bug Fixes

Machine Learning
  • Fixed a race condition when simultaneous close requests are made for the same job.
  • Prevented 6.0 nodes from joining clusters with un-upgraded version 5 .security indices. For upgrade instructions, see Upgrading the Elastic Stack.
  • Enabled read-only access to the index audit log by the _xpack internal user. For more information, see Internal Users.
  • Updated the concrete security index such that it is now always named .security-6. In 6.0 beta and RC releases, it was sometimes named .security-v6.
  • Fixed handling of exceptions when retrieving roles from a native roles store. For more information about configuring a native realm, see Native User Authentication.
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