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Troubleshooting monitoring


Use the information in this section to troubleshoot common problems and find answers for frequently asked questions. See also Troubleshooting monitoring in Logstash.

For issues that you cannot fix yourself … we’re here to help. If you are an existing Elastic customer with a support contract, please create a ticket in the Elastic Support portal. Or post in the Elastic forum.

Symptoms: There is no information about your cluster on the Monitoring page in Kibana.

Resolution: Check whether the appropriate indices exist on the monitoring cluster. For example, use the cat indices command to verify that there is a .monitoring-kibana* index for your Kibana monitoring data and a .monitoring-es* index for your Elasticsearch monitoring data. If you are collecting monitoring data by using Metricbeat the indices have -mb in their names. If the indices do not exist, review your configuration. For example, see Monitoring in a production environment.

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