Verify repository integrity API


Verifies the integrity of the contents of a snapshot repository.

resp = client.snapshot.create(
const response = await client.snapshot.create({
  repository: "my_repository",
  snapshot: "_verify_integrity",
POST /_snapshot/my_repository/_verify_integrity



POST /_snapshot/<repository>/_verify_integrity





This API allows you to perform a comprehensive check of the contents of a repository, looking for any anomalies in its data or metadata which might prevent you from restoring snapshots from the repository or which might cause future snapshot create or delete operations to fail.

If you suspect the integrity of the contents of one of your snapshot repositories, cease all write activity to this repository immediately, set its read_only option to true, and use this API to verify its integrity. Until you do so:

  • It may not be possible to restore some snapshots from this repository.
  • Searchable snapshots may report errors when searched, or may have unassigned shards.
  • Taking snapshots into this repository may fail, or may appear to succeed having created a snapshot which cannot be restored.
  • Deleting snapshots from this repository may fail, or may appear to succeed leaving the underlying data on disk.
  • Continuing to write to the repository while it is in an invalid state may causing additional damage to its contents.

If the Verify repository integrity API finds any problems with the integrity of the contents of your repository, Elasticsearch will not be able to repair the damage. The only way to bring the repository back into a fully working state after its contents have been damaged is by restoring its contents from a repository backup which was taken before the damage occurred. You must also identify what caused the damage and take action to prevent it from happening again.

If you cannot restore a repository backup, register a new repository and use this for all future snapshot operations. In some cases it may be possible to recover some of the contents of a damaged repository, either by restoring as many of its snapshots as needed and taking new snapshots of the restored data, or by using the Reindex API to copy data from any Searchable snapshots mounted from the damaged repository.

Avoid all operations which write to the repository while the Verify repository integrity API is running. If something changes the repository contents while an integrity verification is running then Elasticsearch may incorrectly report having detected some anomalies in its contents due to the concurrent writes. It may also incorrectly fail to report some anomalies that the concurrent writes prevented it from detecting.

This API is intended for exploratory use by humans. You should expect the request parameters and the response format to vary in future versions.

This API may not work correctly in a mixed-version cluster.

Path parameters

(Required, string) Name of the snapshot repository whose integrity to verify.

Query parameters


The default values for the parameters of this API are designed to limit the impact of the integrity verification on other activities in your cluster. For instance, by default it will only use at most half of the snapshot_meta threads to verify the integrity of each snapshot, allowing other snapshot operations to use the other half of this thread pool.

If you modify these parameters to speed up the verification process, you risk disrupting other snapshot-related operations in your cluster. For large repositories, consider setting up a separate single-node Elasticsearch cluster just for running the integrity verification API.

(Optional, integer) Specifies the number of snapshots to verify concurrently. Defaults to 0 which means to use at most half of the snapshot_meta thread pool at once.
(Optional, integer) Specifies the number of indices to verify concurrently. Defaults to 0 which means to use the entire snapshot_meta thread pool.
(Optional, integer) Specifies the maximum number of snapshot metadata operations to execute concurrently. Defaults to 0 which means to use at most half of the snapshot_meta thread pool at once.
(Optional, integer) Specifies the maximum number of index snapshots to verify concurrently within each index verification. Defaults to 1.
(Optional, integer) Limits the number of shard snapshot failures to track during integrity verification, in order to avoid excessive resource usage. If your repository contains more than this number of shard snapshot failures then the verification will fail. Defaults to 10000.
(Optional, boolean) Specifies whether to verify the checksum of every data blob in the repository. Defaults to false. If this feature is enabled, Elasticsearch will read the entire repository contents, which may be extremely slow and expensive.
(Optional, integer) If ?verify_blob_contents is true, this parameter specifies how many blobs to verify at once. Defaults to 1.
(Optional, size units) If ?verify_blob_contents is true, this parameter specifies the maximum amount of data that Elasticsearch will read from the repository every second. Defaults to 10mb.

Response body


The response exposes implementation details of the analysis which may change from version to version. The response body format is therefore not considered stable and may be different in newer versions.


(array) A sequence of objects that report the progress of the analysis.

Properties of log
(integer) The timestamp of this log entry, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
(string) The timestamp of this log entry, represented as a string formatted according to ISO 8601. Only included if the ?human flag is set.
(object) If the log entry pertains to a particular snapshot then the snapshot will be described in this object.
(object) If the log entry pertains to a particular index then the index will be described in this object.
(object) If the log entry pertains to the restorability of an index then the details will be described in this object.
(string) If the log entry pertains to an anomaly in the repository contents then this string will describe the anomaly.
(object) If the log entry pertains to an exception that Elasticsearch encountered during the verification then the details will be included in this object.

(object) An object which describes the final results of the analysis.

Properties of results
(object) The final status of the analysis task.
(integer) The repository generation at the end of the analysis. If there were any writes to the repository during the analysis then this value will be different from the generation reported in the task status, and the analysis may have detected spurious anomalies due to the concurrent writes, or may even have failed to detect some anomalies in the repository contents.
(integer) The total number of anomalies detected during the analysis.
(string) The final result of the analysis. If the repository contents appear to be intact then this will be the string pass. If this field is missing, or contains some other value, then the repository contents were not fully verified.
(object) If the analysis encountered an exception which prevented it from completing successfully then this exception will be reported here.