
The executive guide to generative AI

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Add Data Guide


Add Data in the Kibana Home application contains tutorials for setting up data flows in the Elastic stack.

Each tutorial contains three sets of instructions:

  • On Premise. Set up a data flow when both Kibana and Elasticsearch are running on premise.
  • On Premise Elastic Cloud. Set up a data flow when Kibana is running on premise and Elasticsearch is running on Elastic Cloud.
  • Elastic Cloud. Set up a data flow when both Kibana and Elasticsearch are running on Elastic Cloud.

Creating a new tutorial

  1. Create a new directory in the tutorials directory.
  2. In the new directory, create a file called index.js that exports a function. The function must return a JavaScript object that conforms to the tutorial schema.
  3. Register the tutorial in register.js by calling server.registerTutorial(myFuncImportedFromIndexJs).
  4. Add image assets to the tutorial_resources directory.
  5. Run Kibana locally to preview the tutorial.
  6. Create a PR and go through the review process to get the changes approved.



String values can contain variables that are substituted when rendered. Variables are specified by {}. For example: {} is rendered as 6.2 when running the tutorial in Kibana 6.2.

Provided variables



String values can contain limited Markdown syntax.

Enabled Markdown grammars

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