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Embedding Visualizations


To embed visualization use the VisualizeLoader.



The VisualizeLoader class is the easiest way to embed a visualization into your plugin. It will take care of loading the data and rendering the visualization.

To get an instance of the loader, do the following:

import { getVisualizeLoader } from 'ui/visualize/loader';

getVisualizeLoader().then((loader) => {
  // You now have access to the loader

The loader exposes the following methods:

  • getVisualizationList(): which returns promise which gets resolved with a list of saved visualizations
  • embedVisualizationWithId(container, savedId, params): which embeds visualization by id
  • embedVisualizationWithSavedObject(container, savedObject, params): which embeds visualization from saved object

Depending on which embed method you are using, you either pass in the id of the saved object for the visualization, or a savedObject, that you can retrieve via the savedVisualizations Angular service by its id. The savedObject give you access to the filter and query logic and allows you to attach listeners to the visualizations. For a more complex use-case you usually want to use that method.

container should be a DOM element (jQuery wrapped or regular DOM element) into which the visualization should be embedded params is a parameter object specifying several parameters, that influence rendering.

You will find a detailed description of all the parameters in the inline docs in the loader source code.

Both methods return an EmbeddedVisualizeHandler, that gives you some access to the visualization. The embedVisualizationWithSavedObject method will return the handler immediately from the method call, whereas the embedVisualizationWithId will return a promise, that resolves with the handler, as soon as the id could be found. It will reject, if the id is invalid.

The returned EmbeddedVisualizeHandler itself has the following methods and properties:

  • destroy(): destroys the embedded visualization. You MUST call that method when navigating away or destroying the DOM node you have embedded into.
  • getElement(): a reference to the jQuery wrapped DOM element, that renders the visualization
  • whenFirstRenderComplete(): will return a promise, that resolves as soon as the visualization has finished rendering for the first time
  • addRenderCompleteListener(listener): will register a listener to be called whenever a rendering of this visualization finished (not just the first one)
  • removeRenderCompleteListener(listener): removes an event listener from the handler again

You can find the detailed EmbeddedVisualizeHandler documentation in its source code.

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