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Cross-cluster search


Elasticsearch supports the ability to run search and aggregation requests across multiple clusters using a module called cross-cluster search.

In order to take advantage of cross-cluster search, you must configure your Elasticsearch clusters accordingly. Review the corresponding Elasticsearch documentation before attempting to use cross-cluster search in Kibana.

Once your Elasticsearch clusters are configured for cross-cluster search, you can create specific index patterns in Kibana to search across the clusters of your choosing. Using the same syntax that you’d use in a raw cross-cluster search request in Elasticsearch, create your index pattern in Kibana with the convention <cluster-names>:<pattern>.

For example, if you want to query Logstash indices across two of the Elasticsearch clusters that you set up for cross-cluster search, which were named cluster_one and cluster_two, you would use cluster_one:logstash-*,cluster_two:logstash-* as your index pattern in Kibana.

Just like in raw search requests in Elasticsearch, you can use wildcards in your cluster names to match any number of clusters, so if you wanted to search Logstash indices across any clusters named cluster_foo, cluster_bar, and so on, you would use cluster_*:logstash-* as your index pattern in Kibana.

If you want to query across all Elasticsearch clusters that have been configured for cross-cluster search, then use a standalone wildcard for your cluster name in your Kibana index pattern: *:logstash-*.

Once an index pattern is configured using the cross-cluster search syntax, all searches and aggregations using that index pattern in Kibana take advantage of cross-cluster search.

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