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Reporting Troubleshooting


Having trouble? Here are solutions to common problems you might encounter while using Reporting.

Verbose Logging


Kibana’s server logs have a lot of useful information for troubleshooting and understanding how things work. If you’re having any issues at all, the full logs from Reporting will be the first place to look. In kibana.yml:

logging.verbose: true

For more information about logging, see Kibana configuration settings.

System Dependencies


Reporting launches a "headless" web browser called Chromium on the Kibana server. It is a custom build made by Elastic of an open source project, and it is intended to have minimal dependencies on OS libraries. However, the Kibana server OS might still require additional dependencies for Chromium.

Make sure Kibana server OS has the appropriate packages installed for the distribution.

On CentOS/RHEL systems, the following packages should be installed:

  • ipa-gothic-fonts
  • xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi
  • xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi
  • xorg-x11-utils
  • xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic
  • xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
  • xorg-x11-fonts-misc
  • fontconfig
  • freetype

On Ubuntu/Debian systems, the following packages should be installed:

  • fonts-liberation
  • libfontconfig1

Text is Not rendered correctly in generated reports


If a report label is rendered as an empty rectangle, no system fonts are available. Install at least one font package on the system.

If the report is missing certain Chinese, Japanese or Korean characters, ensure that a system font with those characters is installed.

Data Table Visualization does not show all data in PDF reports


There is currently a known limitation with the Data Table visualization that only the first page of data rows, which are the only data visible on the screen, are shown in PDF reports.

File Permissions


Ensure that the headless_shell binary located in your Kibana data directory is owned by the user who is running Kibana, that the user has the execute permission, and if applicable, that the filesystem is mounted with the exec option.

The Chromium binary is located in the Kibana installation directory as data/headless_shell-OS_TYPE/headless_shell. The full path is logged the first time Kibana starts when verbose logging is enabled.

CentOS/RHEL/OL 6 does not support PDF and PNG Reports


Due to operating system incompatibility, PDF and PNG report generation does not work on CentOS, RedHat Enterprise Linux, or Oracle Linux distributions that are version 6 or below. The workaround is to use CentOS/RHEL/OL 7+.

Error Messages


Whenever possible, a Reporting error message tries to be as self-explanatory as possible. Here are some error messages you might encounter, along with the solution.

"Max attempts reached"


There are two primary causes of this error:

  1. You’re creating a PDF of a visualization or dashboard that spans a large amount of data and Kibana is hitting the xpack.reporting.queue.timeout
  2. Kibana is hosted behind a reverse-proxy, and the Kibana server settings are not configured correctly

Create a Markdown visualization and then create a PDF report. If this succeeds, increase the xpack.reporting.queue.timeout setting. If the PDF report fails with "Max attempts reached," check your Kibana server settings.

"You must install nss for Reporting to work"


Reporting using the Chromium browser relies on the Network Security Service libraries (NSS). Install the appropriate nss package for your distribution.

"Unable to use Chromium sandbox"


Chromium uses sandboxing techniques that are built on top of operating system primitives. The Linux sandbox depends on user namespaces, which were introduced with the 3.8 Linux kernel. However, many distributions don’t have user namespaces enabled by default, or they require the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability.

Elastic recommends that you research the feasibility of enabling unprivileged user namespaces before disabling the sandbox. An exception is if you are running Kibana in Docker because the container runs in a user namespace with the built-in seccomp/bpf filters.