- Elastic Security: other versions:
- Elastic Security overview
- What’s new
- Get started with Elastic Security
- Elastic Security UI
- Anomaly Detection with Machine Learning
- Detections and Alerts
- Creating detection rules
- Managing detection rules
- Monitoring and troubleshooting rule executions
- Rule exceptions and value lists
- About building-block rules
- Managing detection alerts
- Visual event analyzer
- Tuning prebuilt detection rules
- Prebuilt rule changes per release
- Prebuilt rule reference
- AWS Access Secret in Secrets Manager
- AWS CloudTrail Log Created
- AWS CloudTrail Log Deleted
- AWS CloudTrail Log Suspended
- AWS CloudTrail Log Updated
- AWS CloudWatch Alarm Deletion
- AWS CloudWatch Log Group Deletion
- AWS CloudWatch Log Stream Deletion
- AWS Config Service Tampering
- AWS Configuration Recorder Stopped
- AWS EC2 Encryption Disabled
- AWS EC2 Flow Log Deletion
- AWS EC2 Network Access Control List Creation
- AWS EC2 Network Access Control List Deletion
- AWS EC2 Snapshot Activity
- AWS Execution via System Manager
- AWS GuardDuty Detector Deletion
- AWS IAM Assume Role Policy Update
- AWS IAM Brute Force of Assume Role Policy
- AWS IAM Deactivation of MFA Device
- AWS IAM Group Creation
- AWS IAM Group Deletion
- AWS IAM Password Recovery Requested
- AWS IAM User Addition to Group
- AWS Management Console Brute Force of Root User Identity
- AWS Management Console Root Login
- AWS RDS Cluster Creation
- AWS RDS Cluster Deletion
- AWS RDS Instance/Cluster Stoppage
- AWS Root Login Without MFA
- AWS S3 Bucket Configuration Deletion
- AWS WAF Access Control List Deletion
- AWS WAF Rule or Rule Group Deletion
- Abnormally Large DNS Response
- Adding Hidden File Attribute via Attrib
- Administrator Privileges Assigned to Okta Group
- Adobe Hijack Persistence
- Adversary Behavior - Detected - Endpoint Security
- Anomalous Kernel Module Activity
- Anomalous Linux Compiler Activity
- Anomalous Process For a Linux Population
- Anomalous Process For a Windows Population
- Anomalous Windows Process Creation
- Attempt to Create Okta API Token
- Attempt to Deactivate MFA for Okta User Account
- Attempt to Deactivate Okta MFA Rule
- Attempt to Deactivate Okta Policy
- Attempt to Delete Okta Policy
- Attempt to Disable IPTables or Firewall
- Attempt to Disable Syslog Service
- Attempt to Modify Okta MFA Rule
- Attempt to Modify Okta Network Zone
- Attempt to Modify Okta Policy
- Attempt to Reset MFA Factors for Okta User Account
- Attempt to Revoke Okta API Token
- Attempted Bypass of Okta MFA
- Attempts to Brute Force an Okta User Account
- Azure Automation Account Created
- Azure Automation Runbook Created or Modified
- Azure Automation Runbook Deleted
- Azure Automation Webhook Created
- Azure Blob Container Access Level Modification
- Azure Command Execution on Virtual Machine
- Azure Conditional Access Policy Modified
- Azure Diagnostic Settings Deletion
- Azure Event Hub Authorization Rule Created or Updated
- Azure Event Hub Deletion
- Azure External Guest User Invitation
- Azure Firewall Policy Deletion
- Azure Global Administrator Role Addition to PIM User
- Azure Key Vault Modified
- Azure Network Watcher Deletion
- Azure Privilege Identity Management Role Modified
- Azure Resource Group Deletion
- Azure Storage Account Key Regenerated
- Base16 or Base32 Encoding/Decoding Activity
- Base64 Encoding/Decoding Activity
- Bypass UAC via Event Viewer
- Clearing Windows Event Logs
- Cobalt Strike Command and Control Beacon
- Command Prompt Network Connection
- Compression of Keychain Credentials Directories
- Conhost Spawned By Suspicious Parent Process
- Connection to External Network via Telnet
- Connection to Internal Network via Telnet
- Creation of Hidden Files and Directories
- Creation or Modification of Domain Backup DPAPI private key
- Creation or Modification of a new GPO Scheduled Task or Service
- Credential Dumping - Detected - Endpoint Security
- Credential Dumping - Prevented - Endpoint Security
- Credential Manipulation - Detected - Endpoint Security
- Credential Manipulation - Prevented - Endpoint Security
- DNS Activity to the Internet
- DNS Tunneling
- Delete Volume USN Journal with Fsutil
- Deleting Backup Catalogs with Wbadmin
- Deletion of Bash Command Line History
- Direct Outbound SMB Connection
- Disable Windows Firewall Rules via Netsh
- Encoding or Decoding Files via CertUtil
- Endpoint Security
- Enumeration of Kernel Modules
- Execution of File Written or Modified by Microsoft Office
- Execution of File Written or Modified by PDF Reader
- Execution via MSSQL xp_cmdshell Stored Procedure
- Execution via Regsvcs/Regasm
- Exploit - Detected - Endpoint Security
- Exploit - Prevented - Endpoint Security
- External Alerts
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Activity to the Internet
- File Deletion via Shred
- File Permission Modification in Writable Directory
- GCP Firewall Rule Creation
- GCP Firewall Rule Deletion
- GCP Firewall Rule Modification
- GCP IAM Custom Role Creation
- GCP IAM Role Deletion
- GCP IAM Service Account Key Deletion
- GCP Logging Bucket Deletion
- GCP Logging Sink Deletion
- GCP Logging Sink Modification
- GCP Pub/Sub Subscription Creation
- GCP Pub/Sub Subscription Deletion
- GCP Pub/Sub Topic Creation
- GCP Pub/Sub Topic Deletion
- GCP Service Account Creation
- GCP Service Account Deletion
- GCP Service Account Disabled
- GCP Service Account Key Creation
- GCP Storage Bucket Configuration Modification
- GCP Storage Bucket Deletion
- GCP Storage Bucket Permissions Modification
- GCP Virtual Private Cloud Network Deletion
- GCP Virtual Private Cloud Route Creation
- GCP Virtual Private Cloud Route Deletion
- Halfbaked Command and Control Beacon
- Hex Encoding/Decoding Activity
- High Number of Okta User Password Reset or Unlock Attempts
- Hosts File Modified
- Hping Process Activity
- IIS HTTP Logging Disabled
- IPSEC NAT Traversal Port Activity
- IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Protocol Activity to the Internet
- Inbound Connection to an Unsecure Elasticsearch Node
- InstallUtil Process Making Network Connections
- Installation of Custom Shim Databases
- Interactive Terminal Spawned via Perl
- Interactive Terminal Spawned via Python
- Kerberos Cached Credentials Dumping
- Kernel Module Removal
- Local Scheduled Task Commands
- Local Service Commands
- Malware - Detected - Endpoint Security
- Malware - Prevented - Endpoint Security
- Microsoft Build Engine Loading Windows Credential Libraries
- Microsoft Build Engine Started an Unusual Process
- Microsoft Build Engine Started by a Script Process
- Microsoft Build Engine Started by a System Process
- Microsoft Build Engine Started by an Office Application
- Microsoft Build Engine Using an Alternate Name
- Microsoft IIS Connection Strings Decryption
- Microsoft IIS Service Account Password Dumped
- Mimikatz Memssp Log File Detected
- Mknod Process Activity
- Modification of Boot Configuration
- Modification or Removal of an Okta Application Sign-On Policy
- MsBuild Making Network Connections
- Mshta Making Network Connections
- Multi-Factor Authentication Disabled for an Azure User
- Net command via SYSTEM account
- Netcat Network Activity
- Network Connection via Certutil
- Network Connection via Compiled HTML File
- Network Connection via MsXsl
- Network Connection via Registration Utility
- Network Connection via Signed Binary
- Network Sniffing via Tcpdump
- Nmap Process Activity
- Nping Process Activity
- Okta Brute Force or Password Spraying Attack
- PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) Activity
- Permission Theft - Detected - Endpoint Security
- Permission Theft - Prevented - Endpoint Security
- Persistence via Kernel Module Modification
- Persistence via TelemetryController Scheduled Task Hijack
- Persistence via Update Orchestrator Service Hijack
- Possible Consent Grant Attack via Azure-Registered Application
- Possible FIN7 DGA Command and Control Behavior
- Possible Okta DoS Attack
- Potential Application Shimming via Sdbinst
- Potential DLL SideLoading via Trusted Microsoft Programs
- Potential DNS Tunneling via Iodine
- Potential Disabling of SELinux
- Potential Evasion via Filter Manager
- Potential Modification of Accessibility Binaries
- Potential Secure File Deletion via SDelete Utility
- Potential Shell via Web Server
- PowerShell spawning Cmd
- Process Activity via Compiled HTML File
- Process Discovery via Tasklist
- Process Injection - Detected - Endpoint Security
- Process Injection - Prevented - Endpoint Security
- Process Injection by the Microsoft Build Engine
- Process Potentially Masquerading as WerFault
- Proxy Port Activity to the Internet
- PsExec Network Connection
- Public IP Reconnaissance Activity
- RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) from the Internet
- RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) to the Internet
- RPC (Remote Procedure Call) from the Internet
- RPC (Remote Procedure Call) to the Internet
- Ransomware - Detected - Endpoint Security
- Ransomware - Prevented - Endpoint Security
- Rare AWS Error Code
- Remote File Copy via TeamViewer
- Remote File Download via Desktopimgdownldr Utility
- Remote File Download via MpCmdRun
- Remote SSH Login Enabled via systemsetup Command
- Renamed AutoIt Scripts Interpreter
- Roshal Archive (RAR) or PowerShell File Downloaded from the Internet
- SMB (Windows File Sharing) Activity to the Internet
- SMTP on Port 26/TCP
- SMTP to the Internet
- SQL Traffic to the Internet
- SSH (Secure Shell) from the Internet
- SSH (Secure Shell) to the Internet
- Service Command Lateral Movement
- Setgid Bit Set via chmod
- Setuid Bit Set via chmod
- Socat Process Activity
- Spike in AWS Error Messages
- Strace Process Activity
- Sudoers File Modification
- Suspicious .NET Code Compilation
- Suspicious Activity Reported by Okta User
- Suspicious Endpoint Security Parent Process
- Suspicious MS Office Child Process
- Suspicious MS Outlook Child Process
- Suspicious Managed Code Hosting Process
- Suspicious PDF Reader Child Process
- Suspicious Powershell Script
- Suspicious PrintSpooler SPL File Created
- Suspicious PrintSpooler Service Executable File Creation
- Suspicious Process Execution via Renamed PsExec Executable
- Suspicious Process from Conhost
- Suspicious WMIC XSL Script Execution
- Suspicious WerFault Child Process
- Suspicious Zoom Child Process
- Svchost spawning Cmd
- System Shells via Services
- TCP Port 8000 Activity to the Internet
- Telnet Port Activity
- Threat Detected by Okta ThreatInsight
- Tor Activity to the Internet
- Trusted Developer Application Usage
- UAC Bypass via DiskCleanup Scheduled Task Hijack
- Unusual AWS Command for a User
- Unusual Child Process from a System Virtual Process
- Unusual Child Process of dns.exe
- Unusual Child Processes of RunDLL32
- Unusual City For an AWS Command
- Unusual Country For an AWS Command
- Unusual DNS Activity
- Unusual Executable File Creation by a System Critical Process
- Unusual File Modification by dns.exe
- Unusual Linux Network Activity
- Unusual Linux Network Connection Discovery
- Unusual Linux Network Port Activity
- Unusual Linux Network Service
- Unusual Linux Process Calling the Metadata Service
- Unusual Linux Process Discovery Activity
- Unusual Linux System Information Discovery Activity
- Unusual Linux System Network Configuration Discovery
- Unusual Linux System Owner or User Discovery Activity
- Unusual Linux User Calling the Metadata Service
- Unusual Linux Username
- Unusual Linux Web Activity
- Unusual Login Activity
- Unusual Network Activity from a Windows System Binary
- Unusual Network Connection via RunDLL32
- Unusual Network Destination Domain Name
- Unusual Parent Process for cmd.exe
- Unusual Parent-Child Relationship
- Unusual Process Execution - Temp
- Unusual Process For a Linux Host
- Unusual Process For a Windows Host
- Unusual Process Network Connection
- Unusual Sudo Activity
- Unusual Web Request
- Unusual Web User Agent
- Unusual Windows Network Activity
- Unusual Windows Path Activity
- Unusual Windows Process Calling the Metadata Service
- Unusual Windows Remote User
- Unusual Windows Service
- Unusual Windows User Calling the Metadata Service
- Unusual Windows User Privilege Elevation Activity
- Unusual Windows Username
- User Account Creation
- User Added as Owner for Azure Application
- User Added as Owner for Azure Service Principal
- User Discovery via Whoami
- VNC (Virtual Network Computing) from the Internet
- VNC (Virtual Network Computing) to the Internet
- Virtual Machine Fingerprinting
- Volume Shadow Copy Deletion via VssAdmin
- Volume Shadow Copy Deletion via WMIC
- Web Application Suspicious Activity: No User Agent
- Web Application Suspicious Activity: POST Request Declined
- Web Application Suspicious Activity: Unauthorized Method
- Web Application Suspicious Activity: sqlmap User Agent
- Whoami Process Activity
- Windows CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0601 - CurveBall)
- Windows Script Executing PowerShell
- Windows Suspicious Script Object Execution
- Zoom Meeting with no Passcode
- Investigate events
- Cases (beta)
- Elastic Security APIs
- Detections API
- Exceptions API
- Lists API
- Detection Alerts Migration API
- Timeline API
- Cases API
- Create case
- Add comment
- Update case
- Update comment
- Find cases
- Get case
- Get all case comments
- Get comment
- Get all case activity
- Get tags
- Get reporters
- Get status
- Delete comment
- Delete all comments
- Delete case
- Set default Elastic Security UI connector
- Update case configurations
- Get current connector
- Find connectors
- Add external details to case
- Actions API (for pushing cases to external systems)
- Elastic Security fields and object schemas
- Enable process analyzer after an upgrade
- Release Notes
IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Credential Manipulation - Detected - Endpoint Security
editCredential Manipulation - Detected - Endpoint Security
editEndpoint Security detected Credential Manipulation. Click the Endpoint Security icon in the event.module column or the link in the rule.reference column for additional information.
Rule type: query
Rule indices:
- endgame-*
Severity: high
Risk score: 73
Runs every: 10 minutes
Searches indices from: now-15m (Date Math format, see also Additional look-back time
Maximum alerts per execution: 100
- Elastic
- Endpoint Security
Version: 4 (version history)
Added (Elastic Stack release): 7.6.0
Last modified (Elastic Stack release): 7.10.0
Rule authors: Elastic
Rule license: Elastic License
Rule query
editevent.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and endgame.metadata.type:detection and (event.action:token_manipulation_event or endgame.event_subtype_full:token_manipulation_event)
Rule version history
edit- Version 4 (7.10.0 release)
- Rule name changed from: Credential Manipulation - Detected - Elastic Endpoint Security
- Version 3 (7.9.0 release)
- Rule name changed from: Credential Manipulation - Detected - Elastic Endpoint
- Version 2 (7.7.0 release)
Updated query, changed from:
event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:token_manipulation_event and endgame.metadata.type:detection
On this page
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