Elastic’s Version Policy and Product End of Life Dates

We love all our products, but sometimes we must say goodbye to a release so that we can continue moving forward on future development and innovation. Elastic's Version Policy defines how long a given release is maintained and supported.

1 Definitions

1.1 A "Release" refers to a Software upgrade package provided by Elastic in the form of a Major, Minor or Maintenance Release. Elastic uses version codes with three numbers: "Major" refers to the leftmost number, "Minor" refers to the middle number, and "Maintenance Release" refers to the rightmost number (e.g., 8.3.2: Major 8, Minor 3, Maintenance 2).

1.2 "Maintenance" refers to the updates made to a Minor Release that address bugs, improves performance, or patch emergent security vulnerabilities. These updates are provided in the form of a Maintenance Release.

1.3 "Support" refers to the engagement of the Elastic Support team to provide assistance for Software issues as outlined in Your Support Services Policy. Elastic is not obligated to undertake Maintenance when providing Support for a Release if it is no longer within the Maintenance Term. Elastic may instruct Customers to upgrade to a Release under Maintenance Term.

2 Maintenance

"Maintenance Term" means the period of time for which a version Release is maintained by Elastic in accordance with the following:

A) Elastic will provide Maintenance to each Major Release for the longer of:

  1. 30 months from its general availability ("GA") or
  2. 18 months from the GA of the next Major Release (or later date if indicated in the applicable tables below).

E.g., If version 1.0 was released on 10-Apr-2019 and version 2.0 was released on 10-Feb-2022.

  • 30 months from 1.0 GA date is 10-Oct-2021
  • 18 months from 2.0 GA date is 10-Aug-2024
  • 1.x Maintenance Term would end on 10-Aug-2024

B) Subject to the periods set out in A), Elastic will provide Maintenance to the most recent two Minor Releases of the then-current Major Release, and the final Minor Release of the previous Major Release.

E.g., If version 2.8 is the most-current Minor Release, both 2.8 and 2.7 will receive Maintenance; and if 1.15 was the final Minor from the 1.x Major Release, and that Major Release is within its Maintenance Term, 1.15 would also receive Maintenance, whereas 1.14 would not.

3 Support

3.1 "Support Term" means Elastic will Support each Major Release during its Maintenance Term, plus an additional 6 months thereafter (or later date if indicated under the applicable tables below)

Support will extend to all Minor and Maintenance Releases associated with the Major Release during this period.

3.2 Platform and Software configurations that are eligible for Support are outlined in the Support Matrix.

4 End-of-Life (EOL)

If Elastic decides to retire a Software Product, Elastic will publish an update to the "End of Life (EOL) Software Products" table below ("EOL Notice"). In such an event, no new Major Release(s) will be forthcoming, but Elastic will provide Maintenance for such Software and provide Support to Customer for at least 12 months after the EOL Notice date.

Current Versions

The tables below reflect the end of the Maintenance Term for our current versions of Software. Please scroll to the next section for further information on prior versions of Software.

AreaSoftware Product(s)Major Release SeriesEnd of Maintenance Term (Later of)
30 months from GAMonths from the GA of the next Major Release
Core StackElasticsearch
Elastic Agent and Beats
APM Server
Elastic Enterprise Search
8.x10-Aug-202421 months after the release date of 9.0 (TBD)2
OrchestrationElastic Cloud Enterprise13.x10-Aug-202421 months after the release date of 4.0 (TBD)
Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes12.x10-Aug-202421 months after the release date of 3.0 (TBD)
APM AgentsAPM PHP Agent1.x23-Sep-202321 months after the release date of 2.0 (TBD)
APM Java Agent1.x6-May-202121 months after the release date of 2.0 (TBD)
APM .NET Agent1.x31-Jan-202221 months after the release date of 2.0 (TBD)
APM Go Agent2.x17-Sep-202421 months after the release of 3.0 (TBD)
APM Node.js Agent4.x30-Mar-202221 months after the release date of 5.0 (TBD)
APM Ruby Agent4.x27-Oct-202321 months after the release date of 5.0 (TBD)
APM JavaScript RUM Agent5.x18-Sep-202221 months after the release of 6.0 (TBD)
APM Python Agent6.x1-Aug-202321 months after the release of 7.0 (TBD)
Elastic APM AWS Lambda ExtensionElastic APM AWS Lambda Extension1.x26-Oct-202421 months after the release date of 2.0 (TBD)

1Elasticsearch clusters and Kibana instances deployed on this product follow the Elasticsearch and Kibana Maintenance Terms and Support Terms previously described even when deployed in this product.

2Elastic Stack version 8.17 will be maintained until the release date of version 8.19, Elastic Stack version 8.18 will be maintained until the release date of version 9.2.

Prior Versions

Any version prior to the versions shown in the tables below is unsupported.

AreaSoftware Product(s)ReleaseEnd of Maintenance TermEnd of Support Term
Core StackElasticsearch
Elastic Agent and Beats
APM Server
Elastic Enterprise Search
7.17.xRelease of 9.0.09 months after the release of 9.0.0
OrchestrationElastic Cloud Enterprise2.13.xRelease of 4.0.09 months after the release of 4.0.0
Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes1.9.xRelease of 3.0.09 months after the release of 3.0.0
APM AgentsAPM Go Agent1.15.xRelease of 2.0.09 months after the release of 2.0.0
SwiftypeSwiftype.com (SaaS)Swiftype.com Site SearchN/AN/A

End Of Life (EOL) Software Products

Below Software Products are being retired and will have no more Major Releases.

Software Product(s)2ReleaseEOL Notice DateEnd of MaintenanceEnd of Support
Elastic Endgame3.50.x13-Nov-20241-Apr-20261-Apr-2026

2Note: This table will be updated by Elastic when Products reach EOL.