Course title

Elastic Observability Engineer

Learn how to collect logs, metrics, uptime and APM data, and then ship them to a single datastore — Elasticsearch.

Course summary

Observability is an attribute of a system you build, much like usability, high availability, and stability. The goal of designing and building an observable system is to make sure that when it is running, operators responsible for it can detect undesirable behaviors and have actionable information to pin down the root cause in an effective manner. This course provides a strong foundation on using Elastic to implement unified observability with a single platform. You will learn how to collect logs, metrics, uptime and APM data, and then ship them to a single datastore — Elasticsearch. You will also learn how unified observability data can be made even more actionable through machine learning and alerting, as well as easier to correlate data across different sources. Using Kibana, you will also explore how to visualize your observability data through an intuitive user interface. After completing this course, you will be well on your way to becoming an Elastic Certified Observability Engineer.

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  • Collecting logs and metrics
  • Collecting APM data
  • Working with observability data
  • Structuring and processing data
  • Actionable observability data
  • Visualizing observability data
  • Managing observability data






See full, ,Elastic Observability Engineer (On-Demand), ,schedule

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April 7 -April 10, 2025

9:00 am -3:30 pm

Asia - Singapore Time zone

April 7 -April 10, 2025

11:00 am -5:30 pm

Australia - Sydney Time zone

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